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AutumnKellyWrites · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Epilogue: The Risen

Cold wind blew through the great pines. High above the pines rose a range of mountains so tall their peaks were covered by the clouds. Fresh snow had fallen upon the lands, making the forest ghostly quiet. Even the birds seemed to have fallen silent.

An ancient creature, older than the forest itself, wandered through the fallen snow. The Old One left no footprints in the snow and carried no belongings. He was neither a lord nor a peasant. He was something far too ancient to have such titles.

The Old One reached out with his magic and tested the wards of the forest. Unlike most places on the continent, the forest was protected by ancient magic. Only those who were pure of heart and mind could enter the forest unharmed.

Every so often, the Old One patrolled his forest, making sure that his magic still flowed through the trees. However, this patrol was different. As the snow continued to fall, the Old One made his way towards a clearing in the forest. It was daybreak and a rather lovely scent lingered in the forest. He knew all-too-well what that meant.

In the depths of the forest, the Old One came upon a cabin. The cabin blended into the woods so well that most who traveled through did not even notice it. However, the Old One knew the cabin well for it was his home.

As he approached the scent of fresh-baked bread became stronger. Rosemary and cracked pepper lingered in the breeze.

The Old One walked onto the porch and opened the door to the small cabin. The space was warm and filled with those who he loved.

Thank you to those of you who've joined me in this journey. If you liked this story, please interact with it. I would really love to know what you think.

Until next time...

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