
Noir | The Hunter From Abys

From the Abyss, Alaryc, a crime hunter, crosses into the human world to avenge his family's death. However, destiny appoints him as the guardian of balance, known as Noir, the ancestral black. Alongside his companion, Sylara, they strive to maintain harmony between the two realms. While fulfilling their duties, Alaryc endeavors to unravel the mystery of his family's murderer, facing challenges that test his courage and loyalty. Amidst the journey for vengeance, this epic tale unveils intrigues, dark powers, and a battle to unite two separate worlds.

ReiHana · ファンタジー
10 Chs


In the majestic kingdom of Eldoria, there exists an ancient prophecy about the "Hidden Light," a legendary power with the potential to bring balance or devastation to the entire world. When a young man named Alaric accidentally opens a chest containing this prophecy, he is unaware that his actions invite a long-locked dark threat.

Alaric, astonished to see ancient symbols carved inside the chest, feels a great responsibility upon understanding the meaning of the prophecy. Over time, he begins to comprehend that the "Hidden Light" is a power that requires its owner to choose between balance and destruction.

The conversation begins as Alaric shares this secret with his friend Elara, a historian of the kingdom. Elara, skeptical yet curious, asks, "Alaric, are you sure this prophecy is real? It could be a mere legend."

Alaric responds seriously, "I have seen it with my own eyes, Elara. We must find out how to control this power before it's too late."

Their journey takes them to ancient places where they encounter mysterious characters. As they approach the truth, Alaric meets an old sage who says, "The Hidden Light is a test for a heart full of determination. Your choices will determine Eldoria's fate."

Facing trials and obstacles, Alaric and Elara must unite to confront the dark threat attempting to exploit the power of the Hidden Light. In a crucial moment, Alaric is confronted with a difficult choice that could alter Eldoria's destiny forever.

At the climax, Alaric declares with determination, "We will not let this power fall into the wrong hands. We will be the guardians of the Hidden Light, for balance and justice."

After opening the chest containing the ancient prophecy, Alaric felt a mysterious power surging within him. The symbols carved in the chest began to fade, leaving only a tense atmosphere. Elara, his friend, remained skeptical, "Are you sure this isn't just a myth, Alaric?"

With determined eyes, Alaric replied, "It's real, Elara. I can feel it." They embarked on a quest to understand the true meaning of the "Hidden Light" they had encountered.

During their journey, they encountered an old wizard who warned, "Be cautious, young man. The Hidden Light is a dangerous power that can bring either peace or destruction. Its owner must choose wisely."

Their adventure led them into hidden caves and ancient forests filled with mystery. As Alaric and Elara unveiled secrets, they were ambushed by agents of a secret group seeking to exploit the power for their own interests.

In a critical moment, Alaric and Elara faced a tough choice. The leader of the secret group tried to persuade Alaric, "Join us, and we can use this power to build a stronger kingdom."

However, Alaric firmly rejected the offer, "I won't let this power fall into the wrong hands. It's my responsibility to protect Eldoria."

Together, they engaged in an epic battle against the secret group's agents. With courage and sacrifice, Alaric and Elara successfully defeated their enemies. At the story's end, Alaric stood atop a hill, gazing at the horizon with the "Hidden Light" gleaming in his hand.

"Now, we must ensure this power is used for good," said Elara.

After their victory over the secret group, Alaric and Elara realized that their true mission was not yet complete. They decided to seek further clues on how to harness the "Hidden Light" for the greater good.

In their quest, they encountered an old sage renowned as the guardian of ancient knowledge. "Young ones, you have passed the first trial. Now, your task is to combine the power of the Hidden Light with wisdom and justice," said the wise sage.

Alaric and Elara then commenced intensive training to master the power they possessed. They visited sacred places known as sources of positive energy that could strengthen the Hidden Light.

During their journey, Alaric began to sense a change within himself. He had visions of Eldoria's future and the significant responsibility he had to shoulder. Elara, curious, asked, "What do you see, Alaric?"

Alaric responded seriously, "I see a golden era, where the Hidden Light brings peace and progress to all the citizens of Eldoria."

However, a new threat emerged as the previously defeated secret group allied with a greater dark force. Alaric and Elara faced their biggest battle yet, with the Hidden Light as their only hope against this formidable darkness.

In an epic battle, Alaric unleashed the power of the Hidden Light he had learned. Elara stood by his side, using her wisdom to devise clever strategies. In a critical moment, Alaric declared, "We must unite and use this power to protect Eldoria!"

As Alaric and Elara basked in the glory of their triumph over the dark forces, a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows. It was an enigmatic seer who had long observed their journey. "Congratulations on your victory, but the true test lies ahead," the seer cryptically warned.

Intrigued and determined, Alaric and Elara sought guidance from the seer. She revealed that the Hidden Light held untapped potential that could only be unlocked through a sacred ritual. To perform it, they needed to journey to the ancient Citadel of Lumina, a place steeped in mystical energy.

The path to the Citadel was fraught with peril, including treacherous landscapes and mythical creatures guarding its secrets. Along the way, Alaric and Elara encountered a band of skilled allies who believed in their cause and joined them on their quest.

As they reached the Citadel, a celestial event unfolded, marking the alignment of the stars with the Hidden Light. The seer guided them through the ritual, invoking ancient incantations that resonated with the very essence of Eldoria.

During the ritual's climax, a portal to a realm of ethereal knowledge opened. Alaric and Elara found themselves in the presence of ancient spirits who bestowed upon them unparalleled wisdom and insight. The spirits revealed that the true purpose of the Hidden Light was not just to protect Eldoria but to serve as a beacon of hope for all realms facing darkness.

Armed with newfound knowledge and enhanced powers, Alaric and Elara returned to Eldoria, only to discover a brewing conflict threatening the delicate balance they had fought so hard to maintain. A malevolent force, drawn to the Hidden Light's intensified aura, sought to exploit it for their selfish ambitions.

In the face of this looming threat, Alaric rallied the allies they had gained throughout their journey. Elara, now a master strategist, devised ingenious plans to outwit the adversary. The impending battle became a grand spectacle, blending magic, strategy, and the sheer determination of those defending Eldoria.

As the conflict reached its climax, Alaric faced the antagonist in a one-on-one duel. With the Hidden Light blazing at its brightest, Alaric channeled the wisdom of the ancient spirits, revealing a dormant power within him. In a surge of brilliance, he thwarted the adversary's plans, bringing an end to the immediate threat.