
Noah's Chronicle

A genius researcher named Drake on Earth gains insight into a 'law' that helps him to protect his soul from being cleansed in the Yellow river after his death and thus reincarnates in a world full of Magic with all his memories intact. He reincarnated in many worlds after that again and again... After countless reincarnations, he reincarnates again on Earth. Earth is no longer the Earth that he remembers from his First life it changed so much that people on Earth can use Magic now. He was reborn on Earth with a new name-Noah. Follow Noah as he travels, causing [Chaos] wherever he goes, as he watches the world burn around him with a smirk on his face! ----------------------- Warning: If you are coming after reading the fourth prince, then you may see many similarities till chapters 15-20. After which plot/world/characters/personalities/story/mysteries/powers will change a lot. If you can't stick till that time where things take a turn for the good, giving you a unique and fresh experience, please don't bother! . . . Note: -The 'Earth' in this novel is different than the 'Earth' of our Real-world. It is pure fiction. -I don't own the cover! All the rights belong to their respective owner.

SilentMan · ファンタジー
113 Chs

River of Blood!

When she reached that particular place.....

It was empty.....

"AAARRGHHHHHH" She screamed in rage, her eyes glowing completely red, even the sclera of her eyes turned red.

Small cute fangs could be seen coming out of her mouth, her golden hair swaying brightly with the breeze.

She bit her lower lips, tears started rolling down her cheeks and her bloodlust reached new heights.

Being so close yet so far was driving her crazy.

Her insanity started to make her blood boil, not just her but everyone in the Gabon city felt their blood boil.....which slowly drowned her entire mind into madness.

Slowly, tears of glowing bright red-colored blood started rolling down her cheeks replacing the previous tears of a transparent liquid, her nails started growing abruptly and her golden-colored hair turned to glowing red colored.

The Mini dress which she was wearing previously was golden-colored...but that too started changing its color to glowing red.

Hearts of all the people in the Gabon city started pumping out blood forcing their 'flight or flee' instincts increasing adrenaline in their bodies rapidly.

Their hearts which were pumping blood in maximum amounts screamed:

'A natural predator has appeared!'

Massive amounts of bloodlust overwhelmed the entire city and the air around the Gabon city turned foggy....but the fog had red color, If someone saw this scene from above they would think Gabon city was covered in a river of blood.

"ARRRGGGHHHHHHHHH" 'The Queen screamed again, her vision turning gray and in the next moment, all she could see was red hearts of people around her and blood flowing through their bodies.

With her vision turning grey, glowing red hearts were clearly visible.....there was no concept of walls.


She saw a person in front of her in the slums who was frozen in fear, jumped on him, ripped out his heart, and moved to the next target.

5 seconds later.... the entire slum was flowing with a small stream of blood.


She was not done yet, she moved towards the inner city, ripping out everyone's heart instantly as soon she crushed the previous heart in her hand.

Many tried to flee.....but they were the first ones whose hearts were ripped apart.

There was no concept of walls, doors, or windows in her dictionary...

...She moved through the entire city as if they were thin air.

Gabon city was in a state of panic, some city guards tried to stop or attack her, but before they could even scream, their hearts were mashed into pulp.

Screams of cries and agony along with a river of blood was flowing through the entire city within 10 seconds...

The only place left was the Royal Palace.

Royal Guards panicked immediately, their instincts were telling them the monster in front of them is extremely fatal and their chances to survive this calamity is negligible...they all wanted to flee first when they sensed the immense amount of bloodlust....but alas.....

They have taken an Oath in the name of 'Divine Goddess' to protect the palace...

If they tried to flee during this emergency they would die regardless of whether they survived or not...breaking the oath is a serious matter.

The only thing they could do was to hold their ground and prepare for battle.

'The Queen' would have been surprised to see people gathering to fight her if she was 'sane'


Right now she didn't notice this behavior out of the ordinary because all she wanted was to crush the hearts of all the people around her.

A woman drowned in the blood of millions was walking slowly towards the entrance of the palace.

Her entire body was covered in red blood along with her eyes glowing red, and it looked like a mass of blood was advancing towards the Palace.

With each step she took, the hearts of all the Royal Guards jumped out of their chest.

Royal guards forcefully broke out of their fear and unleashed all the long-range-range attacks on the woman because nobody wanted to get close to that woman under any circumstance.

She dodged a few and rushed towards the Royal guards...

A few that hit her, caused her to lose a bit of flesh from her body, but immediately, the blood on the ground flowed through her body and regenerated that part of her body that got those injuries.


Another Step!

Another Heart Crushed!

5 seconds later...


'Sturdy' golden gates of the Palace were thrown inside the Palace with a brutal kick.

'The Queen' looked around and saw that the entire palace was almost empty...


Then she looked below her feet and saw several 'hearts' waiting like chickens to be slaughtered in a henhouse

1 second later...


Doors of the underground shelter were forcefully ripped apart with the long red nails of a woman!

She entered the underground and saw several 'chickens' shivering in fear in a corner.

All the elites were gathered in this place and they launched attacks on her as soon as she came into their view.

The woman raised one of her hands and formed a circular shield made of blood and rushed forward...

The 'King' and 'Queen' of the Lipon Kingdom along with the one concubine of the 'King' pissed themselves staring at the monster smashing the hearts of their 'Elites' with each step that the monster took.

Although the 'King' was horrified, he still did not want to die without knowing the cause of his death...

He shouted at the woman covered in blood "WHY?? WHY!? WHAT DID WE DO TO YOU?" as soon as she finished ripping the heart of his last 'Elite'.


Next moment,

His heart was crushed and he died. The Father of Seraphina died just like that.....

The next moment, the heart of the concubine was crushed, Mother of Seraphina died just like that...

The next moment, the woman covered in blood, grabbed the heart of the 'Queen' of the Lipon kingdom but she didn't kill her last prey immediately, she smirked like a madwoman and laughed heartily.

"w-why?" the 'Queen' of the Lipon Kingdom asked in a weak voice as if she was almost on death's door.

"WHORE!" replied the woman covered in blood.


Her heart was crushed...and thus Mother of Adam died.....


Her last thoughts were.... 'How did you know?'

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