
Shortage of strong people

== 7 days later ==

Viscount Vistill was one of the most powerful viscounts in the kingdom, so it only made sense for his territory to be equally vast. I was even more convinced of that after wandering for 7 days and still haven't gone out of it.

'I've only seen one village along the way and there were only Low Mortal stage warriors and a Mid one at lv.4. It wasn't enough for my level to rise, though.'

That's right, I killed most people at that place, too. By my estimations, I would go past the Mid stage after either:

Killing around 1000 more Low Mortal realm warrior

Killing 100 Mid Mortal realm warriors

Killing a Late Mortal realm warrior

Although the village itself didn't contain a lot of value, it wasn't completely useless. I came across a lv.4 enemy with a skill, a low level one. It was futile against me but he was a slightly bigger ant than the other ones, one that needed to be stepped on twice to die.


[Name: Atlem]

[Title: Slaughter Demon]


[Skill(s): <Pressure multiplier>]


'Low level skill <Pressure multiplier>. Just as the name suggests it makes the mana outside your body denser, pressing down the enemy. Even I was a little weaker under its effect, about 10% slower I think.'

[Slaughter Demon] didn't allow me to get the dead's skill, only overall strength. It took a lot of effort to find the skill scroll it was passed down in. There weren't any artifacts in that village. The only reason the Ruthless Knight had one was because of his loyalty to the viscount.

It was quite useful. To utilize mana outside the body was a passive ability for those above the Mortal realm- the Evolution realm. From what I've heard, viscount Vistill was in the Mid Evolution realm. Zamor was probably given an ability similar to <Pressure multiplier>. He also used mana outside his body, after all.

'Ah right, I almost forgot about that.'

== Previously in the village ==

I walked into a local bar and was immediately welcomed by the late party atmosphere. Drunk people broke furniture and did things I prefer to not even think about. I ordered a drink and moved mana to my ears in the hopes of hearing something useful, something I knew was hopeless in this place.

Or at least I thought it was.

'Did you hear about the new order? Apparently, viscount Vistill has ordered all Late stage Mortals and above out of small villages. The village chief was also chased out, now his son is in charge instead.'

I was shocked upon hearing it. I was hoping to catch a Late stage Mortal off guard to assassinate him and advance. I made my way over to the person who said it.

"What you said, is it true? Are there no Late stage Mortals in this place?"

My voice was hoarse after not talking for a few days. The old man didn't look surprised that I was able to hear him in the loud environment and responded quickly. His silver eyes were sharp and I began feeling a little wary.

"It is true. I heard it from one of the guards over at another village. Late stage Mortals and above will only be found in medium and large sized villages. Towns and cities are swarming with them now." he took a small break and stared into my eyes for a while before smiling. "A Mid stage Mortal like yourself can wipe out the current village without difficulty, not don't worry."

I was stunned and quickly prepared to fight. The old man had read my intentions perfectly and since he could see my stage it could only mean one thing- He was lv.7 or above.

"Who are y-"

Before I finished speaking, the old man disappeared from his seat. I decided to wait a while before massacring the people here. The fact he did not attack me meant he would not intervene but I was constantly on guard.

I felt close to dead for the first time in a while…

== End of memory ==