
No More Pain For This Villain.

[Synopsis] In a dark, underground basement, a spooky old man's voice sent shivers down my spine. "You're gonna meet your end, hahaha," he taunted, before lunging at me with a sword, slashing the air, and spattering my throat with red drops. "We'll see," I defiantly whispered, my last words fading as I drifted into darkness. Suddenly, I woke up in a bustling tavern filled with laughter and clinking glasses. A captivating lady stood before me, her beauty clashing with her angry expression, ready to disrupt the cheerful mood. "Don't stalk me," she snapped, giving me a harsh look before storming out of the tavern. Am I stuck in some kind of game? My common sense shattered, leaving me questioning my reality. ------------------------------------------- [A/N: Give it a read, buddy; you won't regret it.] [Discord Server Link: https://discord.com/invite/4gVfcaePJS]

Satan03 · ファンタジー
360 Chs

Snatch away

In his office, Stormborne sat gazing out the window, his expression contemplative. There was much on his mind, thoughts swirling about the recent events and the cryptic orders he had received.

"And you have done your part I guess," Falco's voice broke the silence, leaning casually against a nearby bookshelf. He had been traveling extensively throughout the Hestia Empire on his father's errands.

"I have," Stormborne replied quietly, hesitant to voice the questions that weighed heavily on him.

"If there's something, then say it. I'm not as uptight as my father," Falco added, his demeanor relaxed compared to his father, Falkor.

Stormborne hesitated, then finally spoke. "What's happening?"

For the past two years, Stormborne had been entrusted with the care of a human child, Adam Stales, with orders that had recently intensified. There were also mysterious creature attacks and Falkor's directive to watch over the ruins of Ellora.