
No Magic? No Problem! [Asta X OC]

This is a 2nd person POV Asta X OC Black Clover fan fiction. Your name was Lily Grinberryall, the youngest daughter of the Grinberryall Household: the second most powerful royal family of the Spade Kingdom. People born to royal families were very gifted with exceptional magic prowess. However, you were born with no magic power whatsoever. Because of this, you were neglected and abused by your family. When you were ten years old, you decided you were sick of it and fled your home and wandered for miles. After weeks of traveling, you met a boy your age named Asta. You two quickly became friends and he brings you to the Hage Village Church where he and his foster family live. There, you find your long-lost twin brother: Yuno. Five years later, you, Asta and Yuno are fifteen years old and can receive your grimoires. Six months later, you and Asta join the same squad, separating from Yuno again. Your journey with Asta is an adventurous and romantic one, full of both good times and challenges.

XJustForFanFicsx · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Training Gone Sexual

You and Asta went over to the Grimoire Tower to show Tower Master Drouot your grimoires. Afterwards, you both headed home to start training for the Magic Knight's Entrance Exam. You and Asta frequently did workout routines and close-quarter combat training sessions together. But now that you finally had your grimoires and actual melee weapons, it was time to start training for real. You two went to the two walls where Asta got his grimoire to spar against each other in order to get stronger. When you got there, you both summoned your weapons from your grimoires and wrapped thick cloths around the blades so that whenever you guys landed a hit on one another, you wouldn't cut each other.

"Okay, so here are the rules. Rule #1: the first one to land a hit wins. The blade of your weapon has to make contact with your opponent's body. Rule #2: disarming your opponent doesn't count as a win unless you touch them with your weapon. Rule #3: surrendering is not allowed! You must fight like you want to live and your life depends on it. Are you ready Lil?" Asta established the rules of the match and readied himself to attack, gripping the handle of his sword tightly. You smiled excitedly with a serious expression on your face as you stood in a defensive stance with your scythe.

"Ready!" You said as Asta charged at you at full speed. You quickly swung the handle of your scythe at his knees. He tried to jump over it but stubbed his toe against the shaft of your scythe, causing him to fall flat on his face in a comedic way. You tried your best not to laugh and took this opportunity to strike with your fabric covered scythe blade, but he quickly rolled over onto his back and blocked your attack with the broad blade of his sword. He then started pushing you back, managing to rise up to a sitting position as he used his sword like a riot shield. You tried to force him back down, but he was stronger than you because he had more muscle mass due to being male. You stumbled backwards and lost your footing. You landed on your ass and elbows as you dropped your scythe. Asta took this opportunity to land a hit and leaped into the air above you. Not wanting to lose to him, you grabbed your scythe and tried to cast a wind-based spell on him like you did before when you fought against your older brother Zephyr.

"Wind Creation Magic: Towering Tornado!" You shouted, hoping the spell would briefly keep Asta at bay or at least distract him for a second. But unfortunately, nothing happened. Time seemed to slow down for a moment.

'Crap! Why didn't anything happen?! It worked last time.' You mentally commented on the unexpected outcome as you were thrown into a dazed state of confusion for a brief moment.

"I've got you now Lil!" Asta yelled from above with his sword held back, ready to strike. The sound of his voice snapped you out of your bewildered trance, allowing you to roll to the side, reacting just in time to move out of the way of Asta's cloth wrapped blade as it hit the ground where you were a fraction of a second ago. You quickly got to your feet as Asta swung his sword and you attempted to dodge it with a side dive, but the very tip of the sword blade grazed your left side which made you wince at the dull pain. You landed on the ground, rolling over a couple times from the momentum of the fall. Thank goodness you both wrapped the blades of your weapons in thick cloths. Otherwise you would have been seriously hurt. You sat up and lifted your shirt up a bit to inspect the damage you received from the blow. There was a good sized bruise on the mid upper left side of your rib cage.

"I'm really sorry Lil! I underestimated how much strength I put into that swing. I didn't meant to hurt you. Are you okay?!" Asta apologized frantically as he immediately ran towards you to check on you out of concern. But he suddenly stopped in his tracks when he got within a few feet of you, his cheeks instantly turning a deep shade of pink.

"Don't worry about it, Asta. I'll be fine. It's just a bruise, nothing serious. See?" You smiled reassuringly at Asta. You lifting your shirt up a little more so he could get a better view of the injury. But instead of displaying relief, his blush became even more apparent, going from pink to red.

"Hey, are you feeling okay Asta? Your face is red. You're not getting a fever are you?" You asked, confused by Asta's lack of response and his flushed face. You were completely unaware that you were partially flashing him by accident. You tilted your head, giving him a puzzled look as he averted his gaze to the side.

"Huh? O-oh, I'm fine! I'm not sick or anything. It's just... your shirt... It's not fully covering your uh..." Asta stuttered a little, his voice trailing off as he pointed at your chest. You looked where he was pointing to see what he was talking about. Immediately, you felt your face heat up out of embarrassment as it turned the same shade of red as Asta's. You quickly pulled your shirt back down. Now you realized why he was acting so strange. You had accidentally exposed a part of your bare left breast to him. You had forgotten to put on a bra this morning because Asta woke you up so you two could go leave to show the Tower Master your grimoires. The two of you were super excited about it and hurriedly changed out of your pajamas and directly into your clothes. Obviously you gave each other privacy. Of course, you didn't wear a bra to bed so you just slipped your shirt on over your bare torso. You figured you'd just put a bra on when you got back, but it slipped your mind by the time you guys arrived back home and went directly to training. And now you were in this super awkward situation. You both sat down, facing opposite directions as an uncomfortable silence filled the atmosphere. You tried to cope with your embarrassment while Asta desperately tried to forget what he saw. But the image of the lower portion of your left breast was now burned into his memory and he was getting an erection.

"Hey uh, let's just call it quits for now. We can just train together again later today." You changed the subject to lighten the awkwardness lingering in the atmosphere. You stood up and turned around, facing Asta's back.

"Y-yeah, you're right. Besides, you need to rest because of that injury I gave you." Asta said, refusing to look in your direction. His face was still beet red and he just kept getting bigger and harder. As a healthy teenage male, he was no stranger to getting erections, especially in the mornings. But this one was a personal record.

"That's probably a good idea. After all, my left side where you managed to get me is a little sore. Let's go back to the church now." You said as you waited for Asta to stand up too so you could both head home together but he didn't get up. He was too busy trying to conceal the huge tent in his pants by covering the area between his legs with his hands. You began to worry about him. Normally, he would stand up immediately to accompany you without hesitation. You got in front of him and knelt down to his eye level.

"Come on Asta! What are you waiting... for?" You slowed down at the end of your sentence when you realized why he hadn't budged. A bright red hue tinted his entire face and his hands were tightly pressed up against his crotch, trying his damnedest to hide the hard-on he had. But it was too large to completely cover up with both hands. The head of his dick made the bottom of his shirt poke out in the middle. There was a small wet spot on his shirt where it stuck out from the precum that had leaked from the tip. You felt your cheeks heat up as a very obvious blush instantly spread across your entire face.

"Umm I'll just go on ahead back to the church and wait for you ther- whoa!" You began to say, getting up and turning around to leave when he suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you backwards right into his lap. He wrapped his strong muscular arms around your torso and held you close, his nose buried into your shoulder. You could feel Asta's penis poking the lower-mid portion of your back, making you blush even more.

"A-Asta?" You stuttered, extremely flustered from the awkward situation you were literally trapped in. A moment of silence followed. With the passing of each and every second, the sexual tension in the air increased. Asta removed his face from your shoulder, but he was still close enough to feel the warmth of his breath.

"Can you help me take care of it Lil?" Asta asked you while breathing huskily. His hot breath condensed into warm moisture on the back of your shirt. He pressed his face back into your shoulder again and inhaled deeply like he was indulging himself in your scent.

"But I thought you like Sister." You said while blushing furiously as you felt his penis throbbing against you. He rocked his hips slightly, rubbing his erection against your back. In all honesty, it pained you to say that, especially while stuck in this kind of predicament. And what Asta said next didn't help.

"I do but Sister Lily isn't here right now. And even if she was, she'd probably decline just like she always does every time I propose to her. So can you please help me out Lil? It's not going away on its own this time. I've never had this problem before. But I think you may be able to solve it." Asta answered, making you feel quite disheartened. Why did he have to bring up Sister Lily in a situation like this?

'Geez... When will he understand that nuns literally can't marry? Am I just a substitute for Sister?' You asked yourself mentally. You wished Asta would give up his pursuit for the nun, but at the same time you didn't. Giving up just wasn't in his nature and you wanted his personality to remain the same. The one time Asta nearly did give up, his eyes were void of life and vigor and it tore at your heart to see him like that. It just wasn't him. You had a gut feeling that Asta's love for Sister Lily was just a phase of infatuation even though he'd been frequently expressing his feelings for her for years. You believed his true romantic feelings lay with you and that he just hadn't realize it yet. And you weren't the only one betting on that theory. Everybody in the village seemed to think that as well. It was painfully obvious to everyone, except Asta himself, that he really liked you. Unlike him, you weren't oblivious to your own romantic feelings. You knew you liked Asta and sometimes you just couldn't help but let them slip out, manifesting in small ways. However, the signs of your affection for Asta were too subtle for him to notice. But even though you knew Asta's actual feelings, you didn't think it was your right to make him recognize them and interfere with the false ones he did see.

"C-can't you take care of it on your own?" You asked Asta as you turned your head around to look at him as best you could. It wasn't easy since your body faced away from him and his strong arms wrapped around your torso, tightly holding you up against his chest.

"I would, but... I don't think it would be satisfied if I did it myself, like it wouldn't go away even after I finish. This erection doesn't feel like any of the ones I've had before. Please Lil... You're the only one who can help." Asta pleaded, staring back at you with a flushed face and puppy-dog eyes. It was both adorable and erotic. You sighed as you finally decided to give in. You couldn't really muster the will power to say no to him, especially when he gave you that face.

'Maybe this is Asta subconsciously starting to recognize his true feelings.' You said mentally to yourself for reassurance.

"Okay fine. I'll help you relieve yourself." You agreed to his request. Getting off of Asta's lap, you turned around so that you were fully facing him. The sight before you was quite erotic. Asta's face was flushed from arousal and his breathing was heavy. Seeing him in this state was visually stimulating to you in a sensual way. You began by taking off his shoes and socks. Then you proceeded to undo his pants and slide them down his legs along with his boxers. Asta's erection sprung up as it was freed from its fabric prison. He was quite a bit bigger than you were expecting. You then leaned down close to the base of his penis and started to lick up and down the shaft, eliciting several moans from him. You would sometimes flick the underside of the tip with your tongue, causing Asta's breath to hitch as he gasped from the sensation. You smirked seductively as you teased him more with your tongue.

"Ngh~! Hah~... Please Lily, j-just... put it in your mouth." Asta breathed out, using your full preferred name which aroused you further. There was just something more erotic about Asta calling you by your preferred name instead of your nickname during a sensual moment. Granting his request, you took him inside your mouth and began bobbing your head up and down, giving him a blowjob. He was too big to fit all the way in, so you used your hand to stroke the portion of his shaft that you couldn't reach with your mouth to make sure no part of his length was left untouched. The fact that you were able to elicit such erotic audible and physical reactions from Asta was exhilarating and pleasing to you.

"L-Lily... I'm gonna cum. Ah~!" Asta announced as he grabbed your hair and bucked his hips as he released his seed into your mouth. You swallowed all of the bitter, musky yet oddly tasty semen. There was a lot so some of it managed to escape past your lips. You lapped up the sperm that was slowly trickling down from the corners of your mouth. The sight of you licking your lips after giving him head aroused Asta even more. Even though he just came, his erection wasn't receding, only partially satisfied. Asta hurriedly took off his shirt, pushed you down on the ground and began stripping you quickly and aggressively until you were naked like him.

"Asta? Wh-what are you doing?!" You asked Asta, surprised by his sudden actions. He hovered over you, his hands planted on either side of your shoulders.

"I'm not satisfied yet. It just won't go down on its own." Asta said as your eyes instinctively traveled toward the lower half of his body. You blushed upon seeing his member still erect and throbbing with desire.

"I'm really sorry Lil, but I can't hold myself back anymore." Asta apologized as he plunged himself inside of you all the way in one swift movement. What he lacked in stature, he made up for in girth and length. His sheer size forced your virgin walls apart which caused you to scream out in pain.

"A-Asta it hurts, it hurts!" You cried out, ruthlessly clawing at his back which caused him to hiss and wince in pain as your nails drew blood. You didn't mean to hurt him. It was just an autonomous reaction to Asta taking your virginity so suddenly.

'Ow ow oww! Lil's nails are really sharp! Although I kinda deserved it. I did just forcefully shove my dick inside of her. The pain I'm feeling is probably nothing compared to the pain I'm causing her.' Asta thought to himself as he remained motionless so you could get used to his presence inside of you. Although it took all of his will power just to restrain himself from pounding into you with all his strength. Fortunately for him, your pain had pretty much subsided, turning into a craving for sensual stimulation.

"Y-you can move now Asta." You said, letting him know it was okay to continue. Your breathing had become heavy from lustful desire. Asta wasted no time and immediately began to move his hips. He went slowly at first, gradually picking up the pace. He put all of his power into each and every thrust, ramming into your g-spot most of the time. Neither of you could hold back your voices and called out each other's names. The two of you wallowed in the depths of pleasure together. You never thought sex could feel so good, especially after experiencing that intense pain upon penetration.

"Lily you're so tight... Your insides are wrapping around me and pulling me in... It feels amazing! I... I think I'm gonna cum!" Asta said as he panted and began thrusting even faster and deeper inside you, now hitting that special spot every single time which made you cry out in pure ecstasy.

"Asta... feels so good~! I'm about to- ah~!" You started to say but didn't finish your sentence as you arched your back and climaxed. Your internal rhythmic spasms drove Asta over the edge. He quickly pulled out of you and released his semen all over your chest and stomach in multiple bursts, moaning your name as he did. After he came, he collapsed next to you in the grass and rolled onto his back. Both of you were sweaty, panting from the activity you just engaged in. You sat up and started cleaning the semen off you, wiping your hands on the grass to get it off them. Asta sat up in a panic, worried that you might have been mad at him.

"I'm sorry Lil, I didn't mean to do that! It's just that... you were so erotic when you licked your lips like that. I kinda lost control of myself. I came on you instead of cumming inside because I didn't want to get you pregnant and ruin your chances of becoming a magic knight. Which would also ruin your chances of becoming the Wizard King- I mean Queen. And what would Sister Lily think of me if your belly started growing? She'd totally figure out I'm the father of your child in that hypothetical situation." Asta apologized while explaining himself, frantically waving both hands from side to side.

'I appreciate that he was being considerate of my future, but why did he have to mention Sister after we did that? Seriously, when will he learn that nuns can't marry? He really doesn't know how to give up.' You thought to yourself as you sighed. But aside from Asta bringing up Sister Lily after you just shared an intimate moment with him, there was something else bothering you. The other thing on your mind was what happened during your training duel with him. When fighting your older brother, you were able to cast wind-based spells. But when sparring with Asta, you couldn't use magic at all. You didn't realize your uneasiness was showing and Asta placed his hand on your shoulder and spoke to you worriedly.

"Hey are you alright, Lil? You're frowning like there's something wrong." He asked you, seeming concerned for your well being.

"Oh sorry, I'm fine Asta. But there something is bothering me." You admitted to Asta. He tilted his head to the side with a puzzled look on his face.

"What is it?" Asta asked, curious to know the source behind your troubled look a moment earlier. You filled him in on the details.

"Remember when I was fighting my older brother Zephyr yesterday? I was able to cast wind-based spells as well as nullify them. But when I sparred with you, I tried casting a spell but nothing happened. I couldn't use magic at all anymore." You told him, leaving out the other thing that was also bothering you: him mentioning Sister Lily after you two just had sex. Asta cupped his chin as he thought about something.

"Hmm, that is strange... Maybe it's because your scythe doesn't have memory!" Asta said, removing his hand from under his chin and pointed upwards like he had just figured out what the problem was.

"Memory? What do you mean, Asta?" You asked, looking at him with a puzzled expression on your face.

"In other words, your scythe doesn't store the magic attributes you've come across." Asta explained. You were still confused and he seemed to notice.

"Your older brother's a wind mage, right?" Asta asked you.

"Yeah, and so is my older sister." You answered.

"And you were able to cast wind spells when fighting him. But when sparring with me, you weren't able to cast magic spells at all and I don't have any magic power. So what I'm saying is that you can only use magic when fighting someone with magic. It seems like your scythe absorbs magic and allows you to use it as your own. And I'm guessing that if you fought someone with a different type of magic, that's the magic you would be able to use. You might even be able to use multiple types of magic in battle if you were fighting several people with various types of magic. You may even be able to cast combo spells consisting of at least two different magic types." Asta explained further. You thought about it for a minute and it really did make sense.

"Asta you're a genius! Hey, I have an idea on how to confirm this theory. We need Yuno and Nash to test it out. Come on, let's go back to the church to see if they have some time to spare." You said, impressed that Asta was able to come up with a theory to explain what was going on with your grimoire. Normally, he's pretty simple minded and didn't really think much when it came to, well... pretty much everything.

"Yeah but before we head back, we should clean up and get dressed." Asta said as he picked up his clothes and walked over to a small lake nearby to wash off. You blushed, realizing both of you were still naked. Then you gathered up your clothes and followed him to the small body of water. When you got to the edge of the water, you jumped in and joined Asta who was washing off the sweat from the intimate activity. You washed off the rest of the semen on your chest and stomach as well as the sweat from your body. After you were both clean, you had a little water fight with each other. Then you two got out of the lake to dry off and put your clothes back on. Once you were both dressed, you headed back to the church together to see if Yuno and Nash were available to test out Asta's theory.