

Can I be the only one for her? Eventhough we went through so much misfortune will she love me as she did. Can I be her only Bai Xi and can she be my only Chengchi? Will our love last in this time or lost in this time only our destiny decides but even it didn't will I be able to bring joy into her life. With love we can achieve things if you believe it, proceed.

monzvm · ファンタジー
5 Chs


My father Lord of Love was happy and invited his friends and their family to the banquet. All delicacies were served and then the special drinks were served but I was in my own world spaced out with sadness which was enrolling me , I felt like I was missing something in my life and heart. I felt like a fiery stone pit not to be bothered at any cost and I felt so insignificant in the world . My mother who was in the banquet attending guests found me spaced out and sad. After the banquet, my mother decided to called me and have a talk and as I went to her on her call which was informed ; she asked me what happened to me in the World of Mortals and why I was spaced out in her bothered lovely tone. Suddenly, I couldn't resist my emotions and I outburst with tears and told her that I missed Chengchi and how i loved her much and that i miss her in tears and how kind she was and the past between us in the World of Mortals and her being received by the Healing lord in the dock that morning . My mother calmed me down and as she got to know that Cheng is in the World of Lords; she assured me that she'll find Chengchi for me and if she is willing, she'll let me meet up Chengchi . I was also assured a happy marriage by mother if her parents were willing to give her hands to me . I calmed me down further with my mother's assurance.

I couldn't wish for better as my mother understood that I loved Cheng very much.

My mother also brought this news to my entire family; leading to happiness in the family. And my brother teasing me. The next day, Liushui sat next to me while I was reading a book and stared at me. While I looked at him, he teased me saying Cheng must be kind that she loved me in his narcissistic tone. I was exclaimed and asked him to paint a room full of pictures in the theme of love.

After 2 days, my mom called me to her chamber in our house and calmed me down to sit nearby her; held my hands and told me that Chengchi was daughter of The Healing Lord and that her real name is also Chengchi , Princess of healing ; she was also named so in the World of Mortals as per her father's request to the King and the family of Healing lord was pleasurable to make her betrothed to me as she agreed to our marriage . I was surprised by the news of us that can be together made me happy like a child who got loads of candy .

After the day; my mother and hers arranged a secret date through letters , on my request. We planned to meet by the sunset rock by dusk that day, once I was near the rock I was nervous and my hands started sweating. Eventhough we were together for years, this is our first and secret date. She had the same character as before, except her identity and her dresses everything was same and the way she treated me got upgraded. Now she called me by my name Wubian. I was shocked asked why she called me by my name. She said that in a couple's life each belong to each other and two becomes one and so we deserved to respect each other mutually and equally; as well as we were two individuals who should be responsible to eachother and love each other like, how like and care for ourselves; so calling each other's name reminds each other we should care for the other like we care for ourselves. And subconsciously I called her Cheng .... And said to her you are the beauty of my life. After a long talk about us , e decided to return home as night arrives. We went home, after my supper I lied down in my bed only run through my mind full of thoughts about Cheng and my heart bouncing for her and rolling in my bed filled with expectations and joy. The next evening when I saw my mom, she told me that a banquet was held in star cliff by the King of the World of Lord and all lords and their families where invited in the following week for appreciating stars and constellations in the eye door of star cliff.

I couldn't wait to see Chengchi I made my preparations and wrote continuous letters for Chengchi exchanging each other with our love and sadness because of distance and the hope for getting married soon.

On one letter, I asked her whether she is fine with leaving her family for me. When she replied she fine with as it happens to every girl in the world - I felt sad and I wrote a ptomise letter to her saying one year stay in each others family and no compromise in this and she replied with a energetic letter of agreement.

In the banquet, where the lords were appreciating stars and constellations; debating to each other and having fun complementing poems and us youngsters enjoying the music and dance and forming gossip gangs with my childhood friends .After awhile of socialization, I was looking for Chengchi in the star cliff banquet space and I noticed her. She was with her friends in the corner, enjoying the drink given to her and appreciating the taste to her sisters. I got up and went towards Cheng and stared at her . She noticed me and I sent a maid to invite her out for a talk and as she got the invite she excused herself from her sisters and came towards me . I took her out to back yard .I took out a cake that I wanted her to taste; she ate it and said that it was tasty. We started exchanging glares and shyness engulfed us .We talked to each other for awhile about our interests and hobbies. When she giggled, I loved it and subconsciously giggled myself. When a flower petal flew towards her head, I tried to catch it leading to my hand bumping her forehead. She said annoyingly as always you are clumsily cute Baixi and I argued back' I'm Wubian' in a loud tone and 'Baixi is just part of my life' in a sluggish tone. She laughed out loud and tried to control herself .I stared at her with shyness and giggled myself.