
Chapter I: Grimsley The Reaper

Grimsley is a fictional character, a villain from a comic book until he was sent out into another dimension! Now, he find himself in a world with far more possibilities for evil. Will he be able to play his role as a super villain or will reality change him into a better person?

No Longer Super Villain

By: AmIAJkToYou

Date Started: August 6, 2019k

It was a cold winter night when the most famous super villain 'Duke of Death' mysteriously vanished. People flooded the streets the next morning, rejoicing, but little did they know super villains have their own side kick too. "Who are you?"

The old man asked with his hands trembling uncontrollably. The old man started to retreat slowly, walking backwards away from a teenage boy who was wearing the same dark cape and hood with Duke of Death. His full name was Grimsley, for he had no surname. He grew up in an orphanage, knowing no family, no relatives. When he turned thirteen, he escaped the orphanage to seek for independence and started to hang out with the wrong people. No one knows where Grimsley went. Until a year later his name came out in the headlines of a newspaper. He was found dead in a narrow alley.

"It doesn't matter who I am." Grimsley answered. The old man tried to scream but no sound could escape his lips. Grimsley lifted up his hood and looked into old man eyes. In just a split second, the old man dies, and his soul was taken away. Grimsley took the opportunity to rob the old man's mansion. He took all his wealth and left, leaving no trace behind. Grimsley, surely was the best thief in town. He wasn't called a super villain for nothing.

Grimsley fled away to find another victim but before he could take away someone's soul again, an angel landed a short distance away, blocking Grim's path to his next target. It was Duke of Death's archenemy, Silver Guardian.

"What a surprise." Grimsley said and gave Silver Guardian a teasing smirk.

"Give back the old man's soul. This is not your soul to take, reaper." The Silver Guardian said drawing his sword and pointing it as Grimsley but Grimsley refused to. The Silver Guardian took his sword and slashed the air with his sword. Suddenly a portal to another dimension opened. Grimsley tried to escape but a strong wind sucked him inside the portal.

Grim plummeted to Earth and lost his consciousness. When he regained his consciousness, he found simself in a rooftop apartment. "Are you okay?" A pale girl with narrow eyes asked. Grimsley quickly stood up and looked around. Only then he realised that he wasn't in MarysView anymore.

"Where am I?" Grim asked nervously.

"You're in Japan right now." The girl answered, slowly. "Japan is an island country in East Asia and is well known for it's sumo wrestling, karaokes, samurai, onse-."

"Okay stop, I don't know what your talking about." He interrupted. Grim went out of the rooftop apartment and tried to float like he used to when he was reaper but was unsuccessful. He tried again his other powers but none of them are working.

"Damn it!" He shouted.

"How can I be a super villain without my powers?!"