
Chapter 4

"Isabella" A voice called me sweetly. Until now I had never heard my name sound so sweetly on the lips of anyone.

"I guess I was in heaven anyways. Free from all my sorrows and pains on earth. Free from my wicked parents and brother. Just that I'll miss my Best Friend, Ivy."

"Isabella" Another voice called.

"Take it easy" I heard another whisper.

I opened my eyes but shut them quickly because of the intensity of the light.

When I opened my eyes I found Ivy, Alexander, and the twins in my room.

"She's finally awake"

"We thought you had died" Alex commented.

Ethan who had been holding my hand suddenly let go.

Was it him that called my name?

So I wasn't dead?

"We had another nightmare," Ivy said.

Just then I faced the clock in my room.

"It wasn't a dream it was all real," I said rushing to get the clock.

"See it still says Six"

"It's 8 already you must have set it wrong."

"No, I didn't" I explained everything that happened to them.

"But in our dreams, we saw you kill someone. We tried calling out to you to stop but you didn't"

I gasped.

"Me? How?"

"Let's leave the girl to have her bath first," Alex said calmly before leaving the room.

Everyone left

"I know you didn't do it," Ivy said and hugged me before she left.

Mum prepared a banquet for my friends even though I though s shocked.

"Bella, when did you get a tattoo? " My mum asked.

I felt my food get stuck in my throat.

Cough cough

"No worries. I knew you will get one soon but why did it have to be a number and of all numbers 6.. you could have gotten an animal, flower, or something else"

My mum ranted.

I checked immediately checked and it was 6. Everyone had already stopped eating and looked at me. I saw Emily try to peek into her dress. When she saw that the 7 had changed to 6 she immediately stood up and ran out.

"Is everything okay?" My mum asked.

"Yes...No..." I stammered.

"No. Emily isn't feeling well I'll take her home." her brother answered

"I'll join you," Alex said.

"Just to make sure she gets home" I added and left followed by Ivy.

When we were out of hearing everyone checked their sides and found out the same thing.

"Does it have to do with that clock?" Ivy asked.

"Someone died yesterday," Alex said.

It all dawned on us.

"So the number represents how many we are?" Ethan asked.

Alex nodded.

"But the number of people we saw was 8"

"It means two are dead"

"So there's seven of us?" I asked.

"How are we going to find the remaining two?"

"You've found one" a voice spoke from behind them.


"How could you kill someone? I never knew you were this heartless" Henry glared at me.

"She didn't kill anyone" Ethan defended me.

Henry just sighed.

"So we are complete"

Everyone nodded.

"Everyone should be careful tonight we don't know who's next on line," Alex said.

Everyone stared at one another. Nobody knew who was going to go tonight and next.