
No Excuses

James was a teenager who lived a "normal" life, what happens when his reborn in a world that has more to offer than he expects?

Lord_Banned · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Some Japanese men are cute but others are HANDSOME!

In a business room, 2 beautiful women could be seen conversing, one wearing a luxurious dress with beautiful white hair, and the other wearing a business suit with her black hair in a ponytail.

(a/n: the two women I've put pictures for)

"So now that we're done talking about the recent events of evil spirits...." the black hair woman glances at the dress the other woman is wearing, "mind telling me why you're wearing such a fancy dress, Alicia"

Alicia giggled, "I'm going on a date tonight, his quite the cutie, now that I think about it, when was the last time you went on a date, Tsuki?" Tsuki grew a tickmark at this statement.

"didn't I tell you already? Unless the man is stronger than me, then I won't date them" Tsuki said while leaning back on her chair, "and that's why you're never going to find a boyfriend" Alicia of course had to insult her best friend.

"oh yeah? well at least I haven't been in 20 relationships, and somehow still being a virgin" Tsuki insulted back in a cold tone, at this Alicia felt her heart shatter.

"Well it's not my fault they only wanted that from the start" Alicia mutters avoiding eye contact with Tsuki, Tsuki sighs, "Just go on your date already and remember, if he seems to only want to fuck you, just walk away, but I doubt it, you've never dated a Japanese guy before so you might be surprised"

Alicia smiles then stands up, "We'll see, Chao!" Alicia says goodbye to Tsuki and then proceeds to walk out of the room.

Tsuki looks out the window and just stays in that position thinking of various topics, she massages her temple and then mumbles, "work these days"


Alicia stands outside a very luxurious restaurant, the type where it's very hard to make a reservation and big shots go to, she checks her watch and notices that she's 10 minutes earlier than she's supposed to be.

'I'll just wait here, it's only 10 minutes' Alicia thinks to herself, 1 second turned into a minute, that minute turned into 10, and then...30 minutes passed and no sign of her date ever showing up appeared, not even a message.

"You got stood up to huh" A man beside Alicia said, this man has been next to her since she got there, they both waited in silence for both their dates to appear but as you can see, for both of them, they didn't show up.

Alicia turned her head to finally see the man and she was bewildered, he was...handsome, bro was just handsome, with dark blue eyes that would captivate any person, black hair that matches the night, and a perfect jawline with smooth lips that made Alicia just want to kiss them.

"I'm sorry, you got stood up?" Alicia said looking at him as if he was lying, 'no way did this man get stood up, what girl would stand him up, she has to be insane' Alicia thought, truly believing that whichever girl stood this man up is just stupid.

The man chuckles and with a voice of an angel he says, "I should be saying the same thing, any man that would stand you up should go to jail, it should be a crime" The man says, Alicia couldn't help but blush, she nervously looks up at him staring directly at his eyes, he was quite tall too, Alicia was around 5'3 and to her, this man was quite the titan, at least a whole foot taller.

"Thank you..." she shyly says, Alicia has been in many relationships, but they were all quite trash because her boyfriends only had one aim, so she broke up with them soon after, she wasn't necessarily used to smooth pick-up lines or good-natured compliments, all she's ever receive are compliments of her body.

They both stared at each other and finally the man couldn't hold himself back, "Since we both got stood up, and we don't have a partner anymore for this date unless that was your boyfriend...how about we just go on this date with each other?" The man offered.

"YES!" She instantly agrees the man's eyes widen for a few seconds out of surprise and Alicia starts blushing out of embarrassment, the man chuckles, "My name is Yuto Ishigami"

"My name is Alicia flower"

They then headed inside the restaurant, the entire time they both couldn't stop talking to each other, they both loved just hearing each other speak, and they hit it off, after a while, Alicia decided to ask a certain question.

"So any siblings?" Alicia asks after finishing drinking some wine, "yes actually, I have a younger brother who's in his first year of high school, he changed a lot in these couple of weeks, get this, his practicing martial arts now!" Yuto spoke excitedly, Alicia couldn't help but smile, she noticed that he really loves his brother.

"I can see that you love your brother a lot" Alicia said giggling, "I do, I can't be with him a lot because of work but from what my parents told me, he's doing amazing, he's even gotten himself a girlfriend" Yuto stated happily.

"I guess he's as cute as his brother" She said with a sly smile, Yuto smiled as well matching her energy, "of course he is, we're siblings after all"

"I haven't seen him in a while, too long, I'm planning on surprising them when I go back, you should meet him, he's an amazing person," Yuto said.

"I can tell, your brother seems to be pretty interesting"


"What a pussy" Yu says, apparently Kaguya received a love letter, Yu, as you can see, does not like whoever made this love letter as well as Miyuki, of course, Chika liked the drama so she was asking questions.

"So...are you going to go on the date" Chika asks, "Of course" Kaguya instantly replies, after all...THIS IS ALL PART OF HER PLAN! This love letter was written by herself! Her goal for all of this was to make Miyuki stop her from going!

"You have to be joking" Yu says with a straight face, "Why would I be? To be able to gather the courage to write such passionate words...I'm sure he must have fallen for me" Kaguya says.

'There's no way' Yu thinks to himself, for what he knows, it's a stranger that she doesn't know of, "Ishi be quiet, the decision is hers to make" Chika tells Yu, they are sitting side by side in front in front of Kaguya.

"But..." Yu tries to refute but Chika doesn't let him, "No buts!" Chika says with kind of a mad face, Yu then surrenders, now it was all up to Miyuki.

Now the war of love and brains begins! When it comes to love, it is no different than that of a battle to some people! And whoever loses becomes a slave, a dog, to the one that comes out victorious!

For now, Kaguya planned to make Miyuki stop it! But unfortunately, it wouldn't be that easy after all, this is Miyuki Shirogane were talking about here, the boy who became the student council president with nothing but effort and hard work!

A boy who surpassed geniuses with nothing but hard work!

After some time passed with the argument between Miyuki and Kaguya, Miyuki finally used his secret weapon, a weapon so destructive that it send shivers down any student's spine, it was the ultimate weapon!

"I will have no choice but to inform the staff!" Miyuki says with a cold tone and smirk, Kaguya was in a dilemma, she didn't know what to do, would he actually do it? Would he go as far as to tell my parents? Those were the thoughts that ran through Kaguya's mind...so she only had one solution.

"I don't mind" To push forward! Yu and Chika watched this conversation between these 2 warriors, and none of them seem to be close to defeat!

Miyuki and Kaguya continued to argue until Kaguya finally decided to walk away, and Miyuki desperate to stop her was about to until..."DON'T LEAVE KAGUYA, I DON'T WANT SOMEONE ELSE TO TAKE YOU!" Chika exclaimed while clinging on to Kaguya while bawling her eyes out!

Yu and Miyuki sat there just watching, "I'LL CONFESS TO YOU IF YOU WANT! I DON'T WANT YOU GETTING EXPELLED!" Chika continued, now Yu was getting worried.

"That doesn't even make sense, your dating Ishigami!" Kaguya exclaimed back, "I DONT CARE JUST DON'T LEAVE!!" Let's just say, Yu's heart shattered a little that day.


Yu was walking beside Chika, he was walking her home and they haven't said a word yet, Chika was about to say something but Yu spoke first, "...I don't care huh" He said, Chika instantly jumped at him and hugged his arm.

"I was joking Ishi, I just didn't want Kaguya to leave!!" Chika said once again bawling her eyes out, she continued to say a bunch of things about how much she cared and loved Yu and he couldn't help but smile.

He was truly happy.

[a/n: stones and...more stones]

hope you enjoyed it, leave some tips, have a good night or day

Lord_Bannedcreators' thoughts