
No Escape From The Shameless

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT & EXPLICIT SEX Please be advised. To admit or continue to pretend? Feifei is greatly troubled. "Would he love me, a man, just as much as he loves me as a woman?" Yuan fell in love at first sight at the most stunning beauty he had ever laid his eyes on. He firmly decided from that day on, "This beauty will be in my arms, in my life, in my bed!" Then began the pursuit of a shameless man to make Feifei HIS. Then began the plan of a cunning fox to entice Yuan in his beauty trap. Feifei : I.. I am actually a man. Yuan : ???? Feifei : Really... I am. Yuan : Let me do a thorough......check? Feifei : ?????

babyPig · LGBT+
139 Chs



"Wait! Chief Liu, Marshal Han, don't be like this alright? We have been waiting for a long time just to know the verdict! You can't just despise us and leave us out, you know?"

"Yes. Yes! Don't be petty. We have been comparing who shoots pee the furthest even since before we learn how to be a gentleman. Give us face and just spit it out." One grumbled and took out the emotional card.

Men all around laughed hilariously.

Both Liu Shou and Han Lan joined in the laughter.

"I remembered I always shoot the furthest." Han Lan boasted.

"Bah! You are not afraid of slapping your face talking nonsense like that? Don't think we don't know you always cheat." Liu Shou laughed good naturedly.

"Ah.. You know brothers. Whether it is peeing the furthest or peeing the longest, there is always a secret technique to it. The principles are the same with loving a woman. Whether it is holding back the longest or shooting the strongest, I'm sure your women will take delight in this secret. What about that?" Han Lan whispered.

The men was silent.

"Let's hear about it." One deputy said.

"Before anything else, let us know the cause of Head Yu's broken lip first! We have a bet on it. If I win, I will invite Marshal Han for a drink and let's exchange techniques, okay?"

"Yes. Chief Liu, Marshal Han, let's hear about the cause and satisfy our curiosity."

Han Lan's smiling face stiffened.

"We were unable to ask Head Yu about it. We were talking about...uh..serious things. Yes! We talked about serious things and we..." Han Lan looked at Liu Shou and swallowed hard.

"We got carried away with the seriousness of our discussion." Han Lan talked nonsense with a straight face. Anything to save his prestige in front of his men.

"In other words we forgot to ask." He finished.

The deputies looked at Liu Shou and Han Lan then back and forth between them. They have doubt written on their faces.

"Really...? You discussed serious matters and forgot?" asked someone suspiciously.

"Yes." Liu Shou gritted his teeth and lied too. "Get back to work or you won't have a place to cry if Head Yu catch you being like an old lady chattering."

When both Liu Shou and Han Lan went to their respective workrooms, they continued to gossip.

"What now? Who will ask Head Yu?"


"But I'm sure it's really caused by a woman! I don't believe its from a fight! Besides, who can fight against Head Yu?"

"A fight with the upper lip fine and only the lower lip broken?" someone said sarcastically.

"If it was the upper lip that was broken, its possible its from a fight but..."

"Have you ever seen Head Yu talking to women? Women like him. But they just look at him from afar! Who would have the guts to come close?"

"Inlove women would. A woman in love is scary and fearless! Don't underestimate a woman's courage!"

"I still say Head Yu just bit it himself!"

"Bit it himself? That's why it was bruised in the corner and split at the center?! He bit himself twice for fun?"

"No. That's wrong, brother. He bit himself once and sucked the corner. Its only the corner that's bruised."

"Do you think Head Yu has nothing else to do?!" someone scoffed. "I think it's from a woman. I tell you."

"I think it was something else entirely."

"Then what else could there be?!" Someone asked in frustration. "How would we know who wins the bet?"

"How about we play a game first. The one who loose would ask Head Yu."


They all looked at each other.

Even if they were given a hundred lives, these lives wouldn't be enough for them to loose if Head Yu would go berserk!

Someone feigned a cough.

"Let's just do it this way. Why not vote? Then I will keep track of the tally. How about that?"

They all sighed.

What else can they do aside from speculating?

"Excuse me, sir."

They all looked at the person at the entrance.

"How do I go to Guhya Village? I have here a box intended for someone from that Village." A man pointed at the box on his feet.

"Our City Head Marshal Yu is from Guhya Village."

The man's face lit in pleasant surprise.

"Can I leave the box to him?" He asked hopefully.

"Well... okay. Why not. Leave it here and I will give it to Head Yu when he goes home later." someone decided.

"Hey! Head Yu doesn't always go home. What if he won't go back today? He almost always stays at his house here in town."

"It's okay. This box is not in a hurry to be delivered." The runner joked. Then handed a piece of parchment. "Please sign here."

The deputy signed and took over the box. The runner immediately rushed out and disappeared in a blink. Afraid the deputy would renege from his promise.

The deputy read the name on the parchment copy in his hands.

"Chu Feifei."

"Ooooh. A woman. Do you think Head Yu would know any woman from his village?"

"If he doesn't, I'm sure his father does. His father is the Village Head."

"Who knows. It could be the woman who bit Head Yu's lips." someone joked.

They all laughed.

Of course, no one would take that statement seriously.

The deputy then put the box in their storage room. Making a mental note to give it to Head Yu when he leaves for home.


The man who bit Head Yu's lips was busy cooking in the kitchens.

Feifei was hoping Yuan would come eat tonight at his place.

And maybe....

Feifei giggled.

He completely forgot his plan to be lazy today.

Feifei cooked the same amount as last time. Ready to show off his best dishes and dazzle Yuan with his cooking.

He was busy until the sky turned dark.

He was excited. He kept on looking at the front door.

He even waited at the pathway outside.

When he hears a slight noise, his heart would automatically jump with anticipation.

He is restless, impatient and couldn't wait for Yuan to show up.

He waited..

And waited.

But no Yuan came.

Feifei felt depressed and felt like crying. He wasn't even able to eat dinner.

His best cooked dishes turned out to be tasteless.

He doesn't even have the appetite to eat. Much less appreciate the taste.

He cooked especially for Yuan.

He waited. But he did not come.

So waiting for someone you like, feels like this.

The disappointment hurts.

He felt like his heart was squeezed by a tight fist.

He felt suffocated.

He felt his throat blocked by something. Making it difficult to breathe.

He tried to control himself but....

That night, he cried.

The "woman", who is the culprit of Yuan's split lip, spent a restless and sleepless night.