
The vast Starry Sky.

The environment here is indeed better. For Gen, the celestial Qi here can advance his cultivation in a rapid pace.

Observing the surrounding Aux found that he can sense a gate. The gate cannot be open with brute force, a key was needed. That must be the way to the Eternal Divine Land.


An explosion shockwave spread out. Someone must be fighting.

"Look two Nirvana Ring expert are fighting! " A man in sci-fi armor with 2 ring behind him fought another man with 2 ring.

The fight was very fierce, explosion keep sounding as landscape changes.

"How dare you two fight in Celestial Lord Chu City?! "

A man with 3 ring behind him showed up. With a wave of his hand, the two over Nirvana Ring expert exploded into a bloody Mist.

"Those two are suicidal, to dare starts a fight here." The people watching the fight soon disperse including Aux.

Aux Starry Mist: "This is where we split up, I need to look for something. "

100 years later, Gen created became a Celestial Emperor, lording over many realms, he almost finished creating his universe. One more step, and he shall rise to the Eternal Divine Land.

A level that takes millions of years for many genius took only a hundred year.


Traveling the vast starry sky, Aux been to many places, he felt something that was missing in his cosmos slowly come together.

His years of observing mortals was not in vain.

A hidden piece that can defy the origin has been found. His cosmos finally reached completion.

Aux Starry Mist: "The power to defy all in creation comes from the lowest origin. A state of pure potential, able to become anything. "

Rumbles! Boom!

A key materialize I'm front of him.

Aux Starry Mist: "The key of fortune, I've been looking for it, yet to show up in front of me when I'm not. "

Using the key, he open the gate of this universe.

When he came to his senses, he arrived at the Eternal Divine Land.

A middle age man appear in front of Aux. "Who would expect someone to find the key of fortune? The power to Origin Creator is mine! Blame your luck for obtaining the key. "

From Aux estimation, the man before him is even stronger than him at his peak. The man power was on par with Autarch.

An mysterious force drag his consciousness into Obvilion as he lost consciousness.

Opening his eyes, Aux found himself on the ground. "A newcomer... " Many eyes were on Aux.

"Welcome to the defying world. Make yourself at home. You're going to be staying here forever. " A young man came up to him, then leave afterward.

The others also stop paying attention to Aux.

"Old man, you better adapt quickly, or you will die next year. " A girl voice was transmitted into his mind.

Looking deep within himself, Aux realize he felt helpless, to be exact no law exist here. Not even the system for cultivation.

This should be impossible as without laws, the world cannot function. How can a world like this even form?

Aux observe everyone else.

"Why was I brought here? Looking at the structure of this world, a being stronger than I ever was created this world. For what purpose? "

He then see a tablet with words engraved in the middle of the area.

1. Defying force defies all.

2. All weaknesses shall die.

3. Trash does not belong here.

4. Struggle, keep struggling.

5. Cultivation here is meaningless.

6. Don't die.

7. To each their own.

8. Heaven Defying, Master Defying, and God of Defying.

9. Two stage, Three stage, and Five stage.

10. Defy the defying force.


"Hello, my name is Gerisford, I am the author of Supreme God Killer. One day, I was thrown into this world called the defying world. You know who I met? The protagonist of Supreme God Killer, Lu Chen Fen! Guess who else is here? The Twin Divine Talent! The reincarnation of Yin and Yang. Who happens to be the female leads of the Creation God Rebirth novel. I also recognized the main character of Dragon God Slayer. This guy can fight 2 realm above normal with his overpowered bloodline, but in here he is just average."

Gerisford: "You might be wondering who I am talking to? Actually my power is to break the fourth wall. A person like me is trash here, but at least I have my cheat. The Almighty System! Even with this, I am still trash, but so what? "

A little boy walk by Gerisford, "This uncle is talking to himself again. "

While introducing himself Gerisford heard a old voice, "My name Aux Starry Mist, may I know how to increase my defying force. "

Another voice replied, "No one actually knows. Look around, everyone trying their own method. Old man, I do not know how you were brought here with your trash talent, but everyone is in it for themselves. "

Indeed, compared to other, Aux look to be 70, while everyone look less than 30. It is normal to assume he is trash.

Gerisford: "Aux Starry Mist? Why does this name sound familiar? A rare name like this is uncommon, for it to... I remember now! Autrach Starry Mist!! Someone that help the main character of Divine God King Ling Tian! The main character with a cheat ring."

Looking at the old man, Gerisford begin to doubt himself, Autrach Starry Mist was a legend known throughout the whole Divine Eternal Land. Describe to be handsome, cold, and overpowered.

A being that even main characters have to look up to. Even after after Ling Tian became the strongest God King, he was still powerless in front of Aux.

Ling Tian one day question how to achieve such a realm. Aux replied with, "God King is not the end. "

Ling Tian created many universes in hope of finding the truth. In the end, he achieves Autrach, but Aux was long gone.

Gerisford: "If he really is Aux Starry Mist, then he will become really strong. The Strongest person is Chen Fen, a Defying Master. His talent is Divine among the Divine. Before getting thrown in here, just by sleeping, he can gain enlightenment, and just by walking, he can increase his realm. Just by breathing, he can kill experts 2 realm above himself. "

Thinking about such a heaven defying being scared him. After the man arrive here, he went crazy, his defying force rising like a rocket.

If such person have this much passion outside, he would reach the peak of cultivation in less than a year.

Talent plays a major role in cultivating defying force, but will power is also important. The most important aspect is to defy every laws and logic.

Although Gerisford will not know how Aux will fare, the potential is there.


10,000 years later.

Gerisford: "How is he still not dead? No he already died many time trying to cultivate defying force. Even Autarch Soul will be extinguished in this world, I've mant reincarnated Autrach level powerhouse soul getting crushed, not being able to ever reincarnated. "

After observing Aux for 10,000 years, and watching him died, but not dying, Gerisford learned that everytime defying force tries to crush his soul, a power would protect his soul, and revive.

losing your physical body mean death here. If your body is gone, your soul will soon follows. However, Gerisford seen many times, Aux body get completely annihilated many times. His soul was about to be crushed, but a profound force protects it, and with instant regeneration from his cultivation techniques, defies death.

Now after ten thousand years, he is only one step away from Defying God.

100,000 years later.

A streak of light shot through the shattering the sky. A gate appears blocking everything from exiting.

Aux Starry Mist: "Break for me!!! "

The gate open wide, tiny lights rain down from the sky.

Gerisford: "What are these lights? Just a tiny drop increased my talent by ten folds. "

Everyone supreme genius that can shake the The Divine Land look up in the sky.