
Ru Rong

When I woke up I saw myself in a dark room.

The last thing I remembered before I lost consciousness was Muxi Yang, and me getting close to a vortex.

Everyone here seem to be from Earth. I easily adapted into the group.

However, Aux was nowhere to be found. Will he be fine if he encounter the same situation as me?

A distorted voice calling himself God said he want to play a game.

Then the door open bringing us to a brand new world. A forest where strange monsters live.

Everyone here is just normal people. Since my cultivation has been sealed, I can only relied on my sword art.

I took the leadership role seeing I was the strongest, and no one else took the role.

With my medical skill I could a lot people, but after time pass, they relied too much on me.

A month later, the beast we encounter are stronger. These useless fools are only holding me back at this point.

However, I can't just leave them. What should I do?

I been keeping the group alive, but we are running low on supplies. Most water sources are poisonous. Are these monsters even editable?

It has been two months now, the monsters aren't a problem, but supplies are hard to come by especially water.

The others are just normal people with no survival skills. I have to feed them all while they do nothing.

I am sick of this, I am doing all the work. Finding food, water, making shelters, treating injuries. It is better for me to move alone.

After 100 days, the distorted voice rang out. "Congratulations, you survived for 100 days, and is the only survivor. Since you survive, you shall move on to stage 2."

Ru Rong: "There is more of this? "

A portal open up. When I step into it, the place look like a Arena.

I can see other group too. In all about 100 groups. If there is 36 in each group then about 3,600 we're brought here.

Looking around, she look for Aux.

She easily found him due to him sticking out. The clothes does not look like modern time at all.

She approaches Aux, his group had about 5 other beside him.

Ru Rong: "Muxi Yang, you are here. "

The group was confused. Wasn't his name Aux Starry Mist?

Aux turned to the group. Knowing what their look meant. He explains that Muxi Yang is the name people call him where he came from. They should call him by that too.

Then he said Aux Starry Mist was his title in a movie. The group believes him because the name indeed sound more like a title. As for his reason for lying about his name, they didn't question it.

June: "Big brother, she knows you, she also dress the same. Did you guys shoot a movie together? "

When Ru Rong heard her question, she chuckled.

Ru Rong: "Yes, we did shoot a movie together before this. What a coincidence we were both brought here. "

Since Muxi Yang story is that of a person shooting a movie, she might as well go along with it.

Aux was surprised, it seem Ru Rong knows what a movie is. Before this Aux had no clue and only had an idea from talking with June for over 3 months.

He learned many things, but not everything.

Aux pulled Ru Rong over to talk with her about what had happened so far.

Aux Starry Mist: "From what I've observed, this realm has sealed our cultivation. To leave this realm we have to beat the game set by the so call God. "

Ru Rong: "Are you really not a reincarnated expert? Sometimes I feel you are more knowledgeable, and mature than someone your age should be. I also heard you've been in the academy since when you were 8."

Aux Starry Mist: "Well at this point I really cannot denied it. I'm not even sure if we can return to our previous world. "

Ru Rong: "I knew it! Humph, as I have expected. There is no way, your talent in alchemy could be better than mine. "

Aux Starry Mist: "Are you still on about that? I didn't denied it because what I am going to do next cannot be cover up."

Ru Rong: "What are you going to do? "

Aux Starry Mist: "I plan to use arrays to open up my storage ring. If I can open my storage ring, I can unseal my cultivation. "

Ru Rong: "You can do that? "

Aux Starry Mist: "Not right now, later, I want to beat this game first. "

Ru Rong: "You still want to play? "

Aux Starry Mist: "Why not? It has been interesting so far. "

??? : "Since everyone is here, let begin the next stage of the game. "

A crowd curse at him, and they demand why they haven't been released yet. "Didn't you say we could leave if we survive? Why are you going back on your words? "

??? : "Kekehehehehe!! I did release you from that place, but I did not say anything about letting you return from where you came from."

Of course this made the crowd more angry, but they could only curse him.

??? : "The next stage is survival of the fittest. You will be sent to the Arena to fight. Your opponent will be against other humans. If no outcome are made in 10 min, both fighter will die. You have another choice. You can fight against a strong beast, like this one. "


A 10 meter lizard open its mouth. A few people thought whoever choose to fight that thing must be suicidal.

???: "Any volunteers? "

Waiting for a while, none of then volunteered.

???: "This is no fun. I guess I would have to choose after all. "

Aux Starry Mist: "I am done, I thought he would do something interesting, but he is just making people kill each other. Instead of playing by his rule, why not I make the rules?"

With no cultivation, he can only set up weak array, but that is enough.

Instantly he got access to his ring, he took out a spirit stone. With a spirit stone, his cultivation returns.

Aux Starry Mist: "Hmm? The law of this world is different, I don't need a martial spirit to connect with heaven and earth. However, there is no spirit qi in this world. That should be fine, I have enough resources. "

A magnificent power surge. He handed a spirit stone to Ru Rong, she also recover her cultivation.

Aux Starry Mist: "Come out! " Spatial force surge as he rip a space.

The man who claims to be God has been forced out.

A hooded being with flames for eyes had been dragged out.

Aux Starry Mist: "Kneel! "

An oppressive power push that being to his knees.

Who crowd look more confused than ever, what was happening?

??? : "Who are you? How could you be here? Did the device broke? Everyone I summoned should had been from a planet with no cultivation. "

Looking at the demon, it's strength should be lower than Martial Emperor. Such strengths is lower than ants in his eyes.

Ru Rong: "I thought you were a strong powerhouse, but what's with the weak strength? "

??? : "What?!! Another one?! "

Aux Starry Mist: "Tell me, where are we? "

??? : "Will you let me go if I did? "

Aux Starry Mist: "That will depend on your answers. "

??? : " We are in the little world of a treasure, it is also the same device that brought you here. I set up this game to cultivate, fear, despair, and other negative emotions to strengthen myself. "

Aux was speechless, why does it seem like he knows what they were going to ask him?

Aux Starry Mist: "Okay, how do we get out of here? "

Ru Rong: "Wait! I'm curious, but what are you? I've never seen such a creature before. "

??? : "I'm what you call outer demons, there are many like me who uses mortal human to strengthen themselves, though we each have our own way. "

Ru Rong: "You are very cooperative. I like that."

??? : "In the face of absolute power, my little tricks are useless. "

Aux Starry Sky: "Okay bring everyone else beside us out of here. "

??? : "I cannot do that. I do not have access to the device. "

Aux Starry Sky: "Bring me to there. "

The demon brought them out of the little world into the void (outer space).

Ru Rong look around, could this be a spaceship?

A box with many runes shine in golden light.

??? : "This box is called, god cubes, it can summon being from the other world. It can also create little world. Not only that, it can locate other worlds and travel to it. "

Aux Starry Mist: "This thing can bring us back to our world right? "

??? : "Yes, of course. " He was about to grab the cube, but...

Aux Starry Sky: "Stop! "

??? : "Yes? "

Aux Starry Sky: "I will do it myself tell me how to use it. "

??? : "Put your spiritual sense into it. You will see the options. The black one let you travel, the red one can send everyone back to Earth, though I've never need to use it, The Green one set the locations, the blue one create little worlds, the yellow one... "

He listed many options for it.

??? : "To activate one of the runes, use your spiritual energy, and send it into the god cube."

Ru Rong: "You are very honest." For that I shall kill you, letting other experiences hope only to go back on your words.

The outer demon felt a chill up his spine.

Aux Starry Mist: "If it was someone else, they might fall for it. However, I am a array master." Saying so as he observe the cube, then he turn to the demon.

??? : "W-what do you mean? " Seeing the playful gaze, he felt very nervous.

Aux Starry Mist: "It means, I am also good at runes. For you to dare lie to me. You are already die from that moment on. "

??? : "Wha- Noooooo!!! "

Aux extinguish the demon soul, then he crush the body, making the body disappears out of existence.