

Ares: "How far had that woman reached?"

Zen: "Floor 70, that boss is quite hard and Ava been helping her level. Reaching that far in just half a year is unprecedented."

Ares: "The faster she is, the better."

Zen: "You know, I know you are very happy inside. You thought it would take at least 2 years to reach us. However, at this rate... 1 year is enough. What a monster, anyways I'm going to watch."

Ares: "..."

At first Ares thought 2 years would already be extremely good, after all even with their help, some of the thing had to be done alone. Who would have thought this daughter of the legendary chosen would break every expectation.

Dungeon Forum:

p1(hard): I'm about to complete hard mode!

p2(hard): With me here, of course our party will.

p3:(hard): Congratulation, my party still need 20 more floors.

p1:(hard): p2 shut up, you do nothing but flirt everyday.

p4:(normal): Exposed!!!!

p2(hard): Hey! At least I have good heal right? Do you want me to let you die?

p5:(hard): Which healer would heal only themselves and kept looking at girl ass in the middle of battle. Gezin is a better healer than you.

p2(hard): What, why is everyone attacking me? I took such a heavy strike for you guys with my Holy Avatar skill and save your ass. Of course I need to heal myself.

p6(normal): Hahaha, very lively here.

p7(hard): Stop bullying p2. I will use my spear to poke a hole in you.

p5(hard): You always defend him no matter what, you two always flirt with each other, ah how that made me feel.

p8(hard): It seem the world will have another powerful chosen to defend it. Hope you succeed soon.

p1(hard): Thank you, you are that famous swordsman for hire right? Although you are not in a party, you are very skilled. Many would let you in.

p8(hard): There is a reason why I'm not in a party. Also, helping other make a lot Jelis.

p1(hard): I see, you should find teammates you can trust. As you climb higher, the more dangerous it get.

p8(hard): Thanks, but I know what I'm doing.

5 months later after.

"Time to crush that insect under my feet!" A young boy with angry expression shouted. Just remembering that day, he can't wait to play with her.

From his calculation, even after he achieve 4th stage - The One fusion, he can defeat her but not killed her. He wasn't confident she wouldn't escape. After all, he doesn't know what trump card she had.

Having no choice, to make her pay. He cultivated until the Awakening stage - the 5th level of Spirit Refinement realm.

Dungeon Forum:

p1(normal): Have you heard? A legendary boss level monster had descend the world, chaos is everywhere. The 2 legendary chosen are fighting.

p2(normal): Thats horrible.

p3(easy): I believe the legendary chosen can do it.

p4(hard): That's only because you don't understand how scary a legendary boss is. The final boss for hard is a level 400 Legendary. Even if a party of 7 level 500, we almost got wiped out. If it weren't for the main tank sacrifice, we wouldn't had been able to escape.

p5(hard): It should be possible with 7 level 500 chosen. How come you fail?

p4(hard): One of the main damage dealer was holding back his finishing skill. If he hadn't underestimated the boss and held back at that moment, we might succeed. I don't blame him though. The fight was going smoothly, it look like the boss was about to fall any moment and we all underestimated it. Who would have though the boss was holding back a killer move. We were caught off guard.

p5(hard): The boss should seriously be injured right?

p4(hard): Yes, After we heal up, we are planning to finish it off.


Outside the dungeon, a pink flame streak across the sky.

"Brave Burst!" A man shouted, his speed increased while he chased that pink flame.

A green light descended and form a triangle, trapping the pink flame.

Another man appear, with green crystal wings on his back.

(Flame of Poison Butterfly Illusion - Level 700 Legendary Boss)

"We finally caught the real one." The man with crystal green wings said.

"Get ready to remove your Life-force prism, I'll sever it with my reality slice."

Floor 50 Impossible mode:

"Brat, it's been a while. You are still cute as ever, I'll make you my slave." Queen Ji Ji.

"What the fuck, what's with that creepy grinning face. I want to slap it so bad." @#$%

"Hey about we make a d--"

"How about you stop with the bullshit. I'm here to shove my sword up your ass." Before she could finish @#$% interrupted her.

"Ugh, you-!" A giant yellow palm slap toward her. While she block it.

Appearing behind her, a lightning streak stab toward her. However, she caught it.

"Ho, you gotten stronger. However, if this is all you got then it's nowhere near enough." She shatter the sword and stab forward with her finger.

Not wanting to get hit, @#$% side step and counter with a forceful black ball of energy.

Feeling the threat of that attack, she dodged.

"I can't believe your speed and power is on par with me now. You do possess some threat to me." Queen Ji Ji.

"Why do people talk so much during a fight?" @#$%

"I'm saying I acknowledge your strength. It seem I have to get serious now." Then the sky change color as lightning descend and storm blew. The mountain below them shatter and with a rumble, collapsed. Then it turned into rubbles, as the tempest blew the whole mountain away.

The once tall mountain got flatten.

Zoom! Boom!

@#$% got send flying hundreds of meters away. Only after a while did he caught himself, but received another impact just as he stop, making him flew into a lake.

"You block my attack, it seem you still manage to keep up with my speed."

Water gush out as a young boy flew out. With wild force behind him, a black dragon roared as it devour the queen whole along with the boy.

"Where did you bring me to?" The queen look around, only seeing the dark space around them.

"My domain, I welcome thee. This shall be your resting place." The boy didn't show any emotion.

Usually he would act hot tempered and yell out abusive words, but it seem like he is another different person entirely.

The queen form a bolt of lightning and tries to shatter the space. However, all that showed was ripples.

"Even my spatial lightning force didn't break it." She said with a frown and a serious expression on her face.

Exchanging many blows, the woman seem to be on the losing side. She became weaker than before.

"ENOUGH!" the woman shouted as she took at a needle like object. She dropped it to the ground as the domain shattered.

While inside his heart, @#$% thought, "finally used one of your trump cards." While his face showed disbelief on the outside.

The woman didn't stop there though, a sizzling rope charged toward him. He dodged, but the rope follow him and bind up him.

BUT! The woman wasn't done, she took out a chain and tie his limbs.

BUT! She still wasn't done. She took out another object and white light spiral up his feet up till his neck.

"You should be happy, I prepared all this for you. Struggle all you want, escaping is impossible. Any of those bind is enough render any Immortal level helpless."

"....." @#$%

Imagine, trapping an ant in a bottle, then putting that bottle in a box, however, if thats not enough putting it in a containment room. Let alone ants, even air can't escape. Even if that ant is any stronger, it still can't break out.

Walking closer and closer with a smile on her face, she look extremely cute right now. Only @#$% is scared the hell out of his mind. He didn't panic though, showing a calm face while thinking up how he can escape.