
Land of Gods

Aux Starry Mist: "Ru Rong, it is time to leave. "

Ru Rong: "Okay, I was waiting for you. "

They head off to somewhere far, then Aux activate the God cube.

The cube rotate in extreme speed, giving off brilliant golden light. Then it suck them in.

In the sky of Holy Martial Continent, a flash of golden light appear along with two people.

A man wearing black Martial Art outfit, and a woman with a blue outfit that outline her graceful figure.

Ru Rong: "I recognize this place. This is thethe Purex Wind Empire. "

Aux Starry Mist: "Well where do you want to go? Back to the sect to finish your pill? "

Ru Rong: "No, this place is fine. I have the most important ingredients with me. "

She then lead Aux to a palace. Everyone greeted her respectfully. "Welcome back princess. Your father, the emperor has already been notified. "

Aux Starry Mist: "Didn't know you were a princess. "

Ru Rong: "You have never asked. "

Aux had no idea where he is being lead to.

They arrive at a room. Ru Rong casually walk in. Aux follow her since she is familiar with the place.

Ru Rong: "Father, I am back!"

A handsome middle age man sat on a chair drinking tea.

Duan Ren Meng: "Yes, you must have been successful. Come give your father a hug. "

Aux watch them smiling, and the hapot family reunion. He does not know how to feel or what he is feeling.

Then the middle man turn to Aux as if he had stolen something from him.

Aux became confused, why are you looking me like that!

Duan Ren Meng: "You brought a man home after leaving home for many years? "

Ru Rong: "Dad it is not like that. He had help in creating the pill formula (not really, but at the same time true). We even went through a lot together. "

Duan Ren Meng: "Why don't you go see your mother and brother? You can introduce your friend to them. "

Ru Rong: "Mhmm, let's go see them. "


In another room a man sitting in a wheelchair, with no cultivation. He give off a princely air, at the same time someone with a temperament of not even flinching if the sky fall down.

Ru Rong: "Brother I found a cure to your poison, hopefully you can recover. "

Duan Zheng: "You have return, I am happy. However, I know my condition. My Martial Spirit is dead, even if I recover from the poison it is impossible for me to cultivate. "

Ru Rong: "Elder brother, I have taken that into that account. Not only will you be cure, your Martial Spirit will also revive. "

Duan Zheng: "Oh? Give it to me, I have nothing to lose at this point. "

Ru Rong give him the pill. Duan Zheng then swallow it.

However, even after waiting for a while nothing happens.

Ru Rong: "C-could it be impossible after all? " She grits her teeth, in theory it should work, but nothing is happening.

She then felt a hand on her shoulder.

Aux Starry Mist: "No, it is working. It just need a trigger to start the process. " He then walk forward. Driving his primal chaos energy into Duan Zheng.

Heaven and Earth transformed as a Dragon roar was heard.

A Martial Spirit start to materialize, taking the shape of a Dragon.

7 blue ray of light appear. Signalling a heaven grade Martial Spirit has been born.

Duan Ren Meng: "This.. his Martial Spirit has been upgraded? "

A person hurry over, "Your majesty we heard a something... "

Duan Ren Meng: "Leave, do not let anyone enter here. "

An old voice then appear inside his head, "Emperor Duan, sorry to disturb you, I came for a visit. "

Duan Ren Meng: "Ruler of Blood Shadow Muxi Wang? Why are you here?"

Muxi Wang: "I heard a young man came here. The description perfectly describe the person I've been looking for. "

Duan Ren Meng: "Your Blood Shadow sure get information fast. Well since you aren't going to do anything. Our Purex Wind Empire welcomes you. "


Inside the room Ru Rong mother cries tears of joy.

Ru Rong: "Brother congratulations, you had even improve your Martial Spirit. "

Duan Zheng: "Thank you little sister. After I recover my cultivation I shall take revenge for Hong'er. "

Ru Rong: "I'm sure you can reunite with sister in law. "

Su Mi: "Rong'er when are you going to introduce your friend? "

Ru Rong: "This is Muxi Yang, I met him in Monster Warlord Academy. It is also thanks to that elder brother could recover. "

Meanwhile Emperor Duan finally connected the dots. No wonder Muxi Wang would come here. This boy is related to the Ruler of Blood Shadow!

After getting to know each other Emperor Duan pulled Aux to the side.

Duan Ren Meng: "Muxi Yang, we need to have a talk. "

Ru Rong: "Father, don't you dare bully him. " In her heart though, she thought that would be impossible. That monster is already a Martial God!


Duan Ren Meng: "Muxi Yang, how are you relates to Muxi Wang? "

Aux Starry Mist: "You know my grandfather? "

An old calm voice enter the room. "No need to say no more. I know when I see my grandson."

Revealing a man who seem to be in his fifties.

Aux Starry Mist: "Grandfather? You've the Martial Saint realm? Why are you here? " Looking at the old man who look 20 years younger, Aux could still recognize him.

Muxi Wang: "Hahaha! I've been looking for you everywhere ever since 4 years ago when I became a Martial Saint. "

Aux was a bit surprised, the old man cultivate faster than him if not counting the adventure he went to the other worlds.

Duan Ren Meng: "I'll give you guys private time to catch up. "

He left the room after.

Muxi Wang: "Thanks to the mysterious technique, I raise my Martial Spirit all the way to Heaven grade 8 after one lucky encounter after another. "

He then started to narrate his adventure.


Standing on top of a mountain, Aux stare into the horizon.

With nothing left to do, he disappears.

Ru Rong: "That idiot, leaving without even saying good. Just wait, I will catch up to you. "


In a land cover in grass, and trees for miles without end, a man crashed into a the ground.

Aux Starry Mist: "What a rough landing, the path was not stable at all. I had to try hard not to get thrown out. Must be the effects of staying for too long. "

Looking around, all he can see is trees, however, one thing Aux was happy about is the fact he can use his chaos god revolution freely.

His Martial Spirit already reach the peak of Immortal grade. Such talent is godlike.

Heading North for two months, he finally found other humans. "Leave everything you have or die! "

The person he met, and he had already been threatened.

Aux Starry Mist: "Get lost! "

Seeing Aux not scared of him the man attacked, "Kill! Die!! " The group attack at once since Aux didn't surrender.

Aux flash, and all. of them drop dead, while Aux appear at the other side.

Aux Starry Mist: "Next time pick someone that you can fight. "

Cultivation are split into Low God, Profound God, True God, High God, World God, Realm God, Void God, Over God, Sovereign God.

Gods pursue the path of elements, such as fire, earth, water, etc.

A Martial God pursue the path of Martial Arts. As their Martial Dao grew more profound so does their cultivation.

Aux just plan to cultivate in this endless forest for a while. He had no idea where he was.

Unleashing the power of his Martial Spirit, along with his chaos God revolution, his cultivation advanced by leaps and bounds.

The power of an immortal grade 9 cause a hurricane of divine qi to rush into Aux.

Since his Martial Dao is already deep enough he met no obstruction in his advancement.

His strength breakthrough to Profound God. More divine qi are refined and transformed to primal chaos energy.

Aux Starry Mist: "Hmm no lightning tribulations? Usually Immortals need to pass a tribulation... I guess here is different. "

Ever since his breakthrough, Aux speed increased, allowing him to leave the forest within 4 months.

In a city, as Aux walk down the street, an arrogant young master walk up to him. "Hey how dare you look more handsome than me! Guards! Cripple this trash for daring to walk in front of me! "

At first Aux was confused, why is he being targeted by a random person?!

After he heard the young master way of speaking he instantly knew he met an unreasonable fellow.

Ever since he came to the Land of God, he keep meeting with troubles.

The people watching this felt pity, "Another one going be ruined by young master Ku. "

The guard attack Aux, quickly he retreated to dodge their attacks.

Then they launched another deadly attack.

Aux Starry Mist: "These guys are really trying to kill me. "

His primal chaos energy started to churn. A mighty sword ray instantly cut up the guards.

The Young master instantly became angry, "How dare you kill my guards! You are dead now! "

Aux Starry Mist: "I don't know if I'm dead, but I know you are. I don't want to talk to a dead person. "

The young master instead of fearing for his life, laugh and said, "Do you dare to kill me? My grandfather is a High God ruling over many! "

Aux Starry Mist: "You are already dead. "

The young master was confused, "wha-" then boom he exploded in bloody Mist.

Since Aux offended a powerful High God, he had to flee, but can he even? He did not regret his decision.

The gap between himself and a High God is not even funny. He would be instantly killed facing such power.

Utilizing his best escape technique, he burn everything he had.

Aux Starry Mist: "I really need to build a realm ship, even the lowest grade one would be faster than a High God. "

In his previous life, he knew realm ship exist in the Immortal realm. However, his power at the time would not required it.

Beside he barely even travel far before ascension, why would he need one?

The one he used in God region are called Territory Ship. From low class ship to king class, they are infinitely multiple fold faster than realm ship.

Taking a rest near a water, Aux check his body. Probably some kind of soul tracking was put on him after he killed the young master.

After a few hours, he finally found it. The mark was deeply hidden.

Extremely low on energy, he circulated his technique to recover.

While cultivating a naked girl surface from underwater. She look extremely seductive with water dripping, and beautiful glowing jade skin. The beautiful perfect face could outshine the stars.

Now Aux was put in a weird position. In fact he was not bothered by her beauty, what beautiful goddess had he not seen? He stared at the girl who blankly stare back at him.

At first he thought why someone would be taking a bath in the middle of nowhere. Then he realize it is not strange.

He had arts that can clean him up with a thought, but how about others?

The he thought of another issue, he already check the surrounding before deciding to take a rest here.

Aux wondered how his soul force fail to detect her? He then probe the girl cultivation.

His complexion turn pale, the girl deep cultivation is way stronger than him.

Not wanting to stay around, Aux fled faster than when he was fleeing from a High God.

The girl also finally recovered. "How dare you peak on me! You shall die! "

A force that can dim the heaven fell on him. He was smashed into the ground. Looking like bloody mess no longer human.

If not for his insane body toughness, 200 percent he would die. His regeneration starts to kick in. Returning to normal within a few second.

Aux felt like his luck is all time low. I was just resting, how did I get into this situation?!

Seeing the bloody mess came back to life, the girl almost freak out. However, she caught herself. "You survive that attack, the next one shall be the last. " At this point she already had her clothes on.

Aux became mad, what bull did he offend to shit on him? Just the oppressive aura can already turn him to mush let alone a real attack.

Aux Starry Mist: "Stop! " Even if he kill himself, he would use everything he had!

A mighty soul force rush out. He push himself to the extreme.

The soul force by pass everything, and shatter the attack the girl thrown out. It didn't stop there. It went on to attack her soul.

The pendant she wearing break into pieces.

Ye Wei: "He actually attack my soul? Even enough to threaten to a High God? "

Aux felt his cultivation is really weak, although his strong body negate most of it, his soul force already damage his body to point of bursting.

Should he just abandoned his body? Although his soul strength haven't recovered to his peak.

It would be enough to dominate the whole Land of Gods.

Without a body he would not be limited by his cultivation.

Then he became enlightened. That is it, exactly the perfect plan! Why should he be limited by his physical body?

Using a art in just came up with a moment ago. He left his body, and a terrible soul force descene.

The girl felt her movement restricted.

Aux Starry Mist: "Girl, you pushed me to this extent. I shall have my revenge. "

Ye Wei: "Wait senior, I do not mean it, the situation was a misunderstanding! " What a joke, she had no idea what is going on, but the soul force release by man in front of her can crush her to dust.

Aux felt his situation not good, the soul force is depleting at an alarming rate without his body.

Aux Starry Mist: "I do not have time to talk nonsense with you. "

Ye Wei: "Wait, the Silent Night Palace will not let you off if you kill me. "

Aux already had a High God on his ass, if a powerful force also join in. He would not be able to swallow everything on his plate.

Aux Starry Mist: "What do you plan to do? I can't let you off for what you did. Although the situation started from a misunderstanding, you did try to kill me. "

Ye Wei: "I am sorry okay? I will take the oath of the Over God! What is your name? "

Aux Starry Mist: "My name is Aux Starry Mist." He did not know what a Over God oath is, but that is fine.

It seem like a real thing because if it is fake she would risk her death by lying to the person if such thing does not exist.

The power behind her would not hunt him for just this right? He haven't kill her after all.

Ye Wei: "In the name of Over Gods, I shall not trouble Aux Starry Mist over this incident after this. "

Aux Starry Mist: "Add in you will not send anyone else to hunt me. "

Ye Wei: "I will also not send anyone to trouble him, or else may the Over Gods punish me. Are you happy now? "

Aux Starry Mist: "That shall do, now leave me alone. "

Returning to his body, he felt extremely tired.

He would deal with the trouble later, as long as he is safe for now.

The girl didn't leave though. Aux wondered what she wants now.

Ye Wei: "I said I would not trouble you, but you still have to take responsibility. "

Aux Starry Mist: "That count as troubling, we had nothing to do with each other now. "

Ye Wei: "You misunderstood, what I mean is if my parents find out, you will definitely be in trouble. "

Aux Starry Mist: "Why am I not surprised? I just saw you naked, why would they.... "

Ye Wei: "Sorry to interrupt you, but it is more serious than you think. As being seen is counted as losing purity. My fiance is the paragon Mo Fan, with the Mo family reputation on the line, they will kill you. "

Aux Starry Mist: "I do not care, you also look very relax about this situation. "

Ye Wei: "Humph, I am not dying here. If I could kill you I would. You have only seen the top, if anymore, I would do everything to kill you even if I die. "

Aux Starry Mist: "Whatever, we will go our separate ways. Just do not reveal anything that happens, and everything should bring fine. "


2 months later, the high God who he assumed to be the grandfather of the young master caught up to him.

Using his soul, he kill him, and left to cultivate.

10 years later, he breakthrough to World God. Aux also felt as his primal chaos energy get stronger, his collapse cosmos started to repair itself.

With his peak grade immortal Martial spirit, couple with his technique. His cultivation met no bottleneck.

If he had resources he could cultivate even faster.