
I will show you absolute power.

A man transmit his voice to Mo Fan, "Young Master, that is the guy. "

Mo Fan: "I see, you dare to show up in front of me. Aux Starry Night, to dare think about my woman. I will personally kill you myself. "

As for Aux he stay very low key, only winning by a tiny margin each battle.

In the end he still won.

He grab the prize and turn to Mo Fan.

Aux Starry Mist: "Mo Fan I heard you are the paragon of this generation. I want challenge you. "

The audience laugh at his joke. "Kid, you aren't worthy. Don't embarrass yourself. "

Mo Fan: "I accept! "

The audience smell gun powder in the air, "What?! Mo Fan accepted?"

An old man dress in priest robe smile, "This is interesting. "

Descending on to the fighting platform Mo Fan unleash a white flame around him.

"Woah!! Is that the legendary fused Extreme Annihilation Lighting Fire? So strong! " A few Realm God could judge the power.

Although Mo Fan just breakthrough to Realm God, few could actually stand against him.

Aux could also judge the power of Mo Fan law.

Since they were in the same realm. There is no reason for him to be afraid.

Mo Fan gather his law around his palm and throw it at Aux. The law look like a white liquid flame with immense power.

Aux stretch out his hand and caught the ball of power.

The power spread and wanted to devour his hand, but can't hurt him at all.

"What a strong body. Not even I dare to use my body to receive that attack. " An middle age man with two dragon horn spoke.

"Over God Long Aoxin must be joking, his body is that strong? " A big fat ball of meat ask with a raise feet.

Over God Long Aoxin: "In term of strength and toughness, it is at most at Void God, however, the resilience is very high. Almost as if he is immune to it. "

Meanwhile Mo Fan form a long white spear. He use it to attack Aux.

Aux Starry Mist: "Hahaha, with your pathetic strength, you are not worthy to fight me. Now be gone!!! "

With his bare hand, Aux shattered the spear. Then with another attack, he slap Mo Fan so hard, he disappear out of existence. Literally.

The audience was silent then start yelling, "HE KILLED MO FAN! HE IS DOOM!! "

The clan leader rage cause a storm, "HOW DARE YOU! Do you know what you have done?! I shall make you live a fate worst than death! "

Aux Starry Mist: "Hahahaha!!! Come all of you. I shall see how strong the Mo clan is. "

To dare challenge the Mo Clan, the audience felt weird, "Does this brat have a mental illness? "

A dark grey mist surround Aux as he start to transform. A black outfit, cover by a outer cloak.

Aux Starry Mist: "I shall test out my final technique. The fusion of soul and body. "

Aux can only use this form for an hour, but the power boost is immense. Of course, that is only because of his powerful soul.

This technique was evolved from when he leave his body to fight, now he just fuse it with body. Strengthening every aspect, leaving no after effect.

A pitch black sword was formed, the sword of Starry Mist.

Aux Starry Mist: "Rend! Cut everything in your path and devour all that oppose you. "

A pitch black world descend upon the powerhouse of the Mo clan. With a single swipe of his sword, a pitch black crescend wave devour them all.

The old man in priest robe was shocked, such power!

The Over Gods of the Mo clan came out of seclusion. "Who dares make trouble in our Mo clan territory?! "

Aux Starry Mist: "I dare, what are you going to do about it? "

The Over Gods were angered, "Good! Very Good! "

Aux Starry Mist: "Those are your last words? Then be gone! "

A wave of pitch black sky wash over the Over Gods that came out. Just as fast as they appear, they all disappear.

A void God of the Mo clan quickly escape by tearing a space. Soon after, a sky flipping power enter the world.

An avatar of a Sovereign God appear and attack by throwing a bolt of lightning at Aux.

The force of the impact send him a few thousand meters underground. However, no damage was done. If it was someone else, they might be injured, but his body is immune to any elemental attack.

Then the avatar started to fade. The real deal has arrive with a hole in the sky.

Zoom! Boom!

A flash crashed into Aux. A man with a feet on Aux chest emerge. "Fool, the power of a Sovereign God is beyond your imagination. Thousands of Over gods won't be a match for a single sovereign God. "

Aux Starry Mist: "We shall see how power a Sovereign God is. "

A pitch black aura start to rise. Then a Boom was heard as the Sovereign God of the Mo clan lost his leg.

Aux took off into the sky. His hair grew long and turn pitch black. His eyes also turn pitch black. A slim dark sword in his hand. As his black outfit flutter in the wind.

The Sovereign God recovered and follow him.

Zoom! Boom!

A spear was hurled at Aux. With a wave of his hand, the spear turn black, and shattered into particles.

Aux Starry Mist: "Enough of this. Wings of one Night! "

A pair black wing spread out. Now his speed is unmatched. He kick the Sovereign God around like ball.

Then he sent the Sovereign God to the ground.


The sovereign God expert was enraged. He flew high into the sky. "Palm of Lightning Catastrophe! "

A world ending lightning palm came down as if wanting to end the whole world. A power of such caliber with nothing that can block it path.

Even the heaven that block it path will be annihilated without question.

Aux Starry Mist: "Perfect to test out this move. Will of the Starry Mist! "

Making a motion with his hand of cutting down, a long streak of darkness travel unhindered.

The palm was cut perfectly in half with no resistance.

It reach all the way to the Sovereign God. Killing him instantly as the darkness devour everything.

Aux fell down from sky as the black outfit fades, and his hair return to normal. The pitch black eyes also return to the former purple.

Ye Wei rush down to Aux who was on the ground. He felt a bit exhausted, but that was it.

Ye Wei: "Aux are you okay? "

Aux Starry Mist: "Why wouldn't I be okay? "

Ye Wei: "Haha, of course. Thanks for coming to save me. You were really cool fighting all those power powerhouse. "

Seeing the two talking as if they knew and the way the interact, the audience started to cook up a while story in their head.

Aux Starry Mist: "We are getting out of here. Did you not want to control your own fate? This is your chance at freedom. "

Ye Wei: "You are right, no reason for me to stay here. "

That day, a legend about how a man came to Mo Fan wedding, and destroy the Mo clan, took the bride away, and run away without anyone being able to stay him.

Another rumor stated that the two were lovers, but the girl arrange marriage with Mo Fan seperate them. Until the man became strong enough, and took back what belong to his by force.