

A pressure that break the heaven and shatter the earth descend.

Aux couldn't move at all. "Starry Mist, the one with the mythical divine spirit. In just a year since your ascension to the Divine Land, you open your astral void gate. "

Aux Starry Mist: "What do you want? "

Exalted Song: "What could a exalted like me want from you? Steal your talent of course. "

A formation was arranged, then the man took out a talisman. He began the progress of stealing the martial spirit.

Feeling as if all his organs, muscles, and bones were being taken out. Aux glared at the man.

After the process finished, Aux felt as if he lost all his strength.

Exalted Song: "With this my son will become unrivalled. A divine spirit! The power to steal the heaven by force. The power to devour everything. The ultimate strength to defy creation. Hahaha!! "

He then begin to attack Aux soul to extinguish him. Forever making it impossible to reincarnate.

However, he realize it was impossible. "Hmm? A mutated soul? I can't destroy his body either, if I do that it will just be sent to reincarnate. "

After thinking for a while he decided his action. "I can lock you up, but who know if you can make a comeback. I can't let you die either. I only have a few options left. "

He took out a crystal like worm, then put it inside Aux body. "This is the demonic parasite, it will slowly devour your mind. You seem to be resisting very well. "

The man claw out at Aux, the the body of Aux slowly turned old, his hair turn white, his body all skin and bones.

Aux could feel his cultivation dropping to Sovereign God. However, the parasite in his body starts to act up. His mind slowly fallen.

The parasite also starts to eat away his power as he felt restricted. "The demonic parasite can even affect Exalted, but you manage to resist it until now. "

Seeing the blank daze state Aux was in, he open a vortex, and send him off into far away.


With the parasite inside his body, although he had the cultivation state of a Sovereign God, his battle power is at most on par with Martial God.

On a green planet, an old man who look to be a beggar sat down staring blankly at the ground.

A voice in the distance roar out, "Get that kid!! He dares to offend this young master! "

A group of man quickly chased after a young man dressed in a grey robe, he look to be 16 years old.

The direction they were heading is exactly in the old man direction.

The old man stood up, and stretch out his boney hands.

The young man want to escape, but was caught.

Gen Tenyi: "Old man let me go! What do you want?! "

"Rahhgfehhd, ereaafghhgraaare!! " The only sound emerge was gibberish.

Gen Tenyi: "Dammit, let me go old man! "

The group chasing them already caught up. "Tenyi! You are going regret messing with me!"

The old man suddenly yelled out, "Raaas- TH-HE VOICE, IT- ERGWHHH- A HAHAHA HEAR TEL- VO- WANT, voice, hear the voice, in my head. AAHAHAHA I can hear them. KEKEKE!!"

The old man pointed at the young master, "the voice is telling me- the voice- hear-...AAHAHAHHA!!!"

The young master got freaked out, "Beat them up both. To dare scare this great one. "

They kicked the old man down while they hold Gen as they beat him.

They kick the old man the floor, but crazy old man only keep laughing louder.

'Why do I feel like I'm kicking a metal pole? ' the man thought as they stomb and kick the old man.

A black demonic aura gather around the old man. Making everyone stop what they were doing.

The old man stood up, no longer laughing, but had a crazy grin on his face.

With a single step, the man beating him up fell down. A whole in their chest where the heart should be.

"AHHHHHHHHAHAJAHAAAHA!!!! " The old man held his bloody hands to his head as he laugh louder.

Then suddenly fell down as he start screaming while rolling and kicking on the ground. "Ahhhhhhhhhh! "

A demonic eye form from the aura as the open a mouth and devoured the young master whole, not even knowing how he died.

The rest of the group instantly fled, Gen tookntgis chance to flee as well, but a hand caught his shoulder.

Looking back Gen could see the old man behind him. "You- You-... " repeating the same words, the old man slowly walk around him. Circling about a dozen of time.

Gen dares not move. The old man soon stopped. Started doing a weird dance, and pointed at Gen.

Gen was confused, what is going on?

The old man got closer, and pointed at his heart. A powerful force erupt as Gen could feel intense pain in his chest.

Gen could feel something inside him trying to break out.

Gen cultivation which was at True Qi refinement breakthrough to foundation establishments, then soon his golden profound core start to form. In just a single breath he breakthrough reach the peak of golden profound core.

Gen Tenyi: "What the hell is happening? " It took him 10 years from Qi condensing to reach True Qi refinement. Yet only a single breath, and he became a golden profound core expert?

Inside him, he can feel a seal, that seal is now slightly loose.

Next he heard the crazy old man whisper something, "Heart of Heaven. The heart.... that....no.... corruption..."

The old man whisper starts to fade, he could only hear Heart of Heaven.


10 years later.

Starting from the moment Gen encounters the crazy old man, which he now know about. Thousands of years ago. The old man appears, and start destroying powerful forces.

Later the old man calm down a lot, but sometime he still go crazy. Destroying many empires, many powerhouse already tried joining forces to defeat him, but nothing works.

In just 10 years, Gen went from a puny True Qi refinement to a peak expert in the world.

From what Gen knew cultivation start from Qi Condensing.

The comes True Qi refinement, foundation establishment, golden profound core, nascent soul, spiritual opening, soul transformation, and Void breaking.

Cultivation is a hard journey, most died from old age without being able to breakthrough.

Just golden profound core should takes hundreds of years for other. Most talented genius stop at nascent soul, forever unable to advance.

In a thousand year, they will die just like others.

The Heart of Heaven, he researched what it was, but even till this day had no clue.

Just because he reach Soul Transformation so fast does not mean his journey was easy.

Later he left his home, many dangers follow him, demons, ghosts, humans, young masters, the so called genius, the so called big brother of the so called young master.

The young master elders, the sect leader, even their ancestors chased him one after another.

He ran to forbidden areas, forsaken lands, and unknown oceans.

However, on the verge of death each time, somehow he never die, he even benefit from it.

With each breakthrough he can unlock more of the heart of heaven without it exploding his soul and everything he has.

His talent became more terrifying each breakthrough.

What took everyone on this planet thousands of years to do, he did it before his age reach 30.

Although his cultivation was only first stage of soul transformation. None of the cultivator dared offend him.

Any techniques exist, he can comprehend, enlightenment comes like flowing water, cultivation feels like eating, and Dao is simple as drinking.

With all those, his battle power is insane. The technique he cultivate unrivalled. Most of them are techniques he made himself.

Of course Gen also realized such thing as soul possession, poison, and demonic corruption are not effective against him.

Today is the day he plans to leave the planet. Usually only void breaking expert can do it, but his attainment of the Dao, his cultivation base cannot be compared to ordinary cultivator.

Trying to find the crazy old man, he return to his home town. The old man was still there, motionless as if dead.

Gen Tenyi: "M.. " Before he could say a word the old man vanish, then he could feel his head spin. Before he knew it, he was in the void. He could see planet Asitry Ifail below.

The old man held Gen by the neck. Gen was shocked, not by the powerlessness, but the place he was at.

Not even a spiritual opening expert could survive here. If it was somewhere else, they would not survive long.

Gen already knew the old man cultivation base was profound, or else he wouldn't be able to slaughter all the void breaking expert that gang up on him.

The old man spoke, "Did you remember what I told on our first meeting? "

Gen Tenyi: "Of course, you need me to get stronger. " He remember himself kowtowing to his master. The only response he received was "Stronger". He made himself think that was the confirmation to be the disciples of the old man.

At the same time he knew what the old man meant because of memory transmission.

Aux Starry Mist: " Okay then, begin. Although your heart of heaven suppressed the demonic corruption. The parasite can still instantly kill you. "

Gen Tenyi: "I will be careful. " Since his only job was to clear the corruption of the demonic parasite, it should be easy with his fully unsealed heart of heaven.

A powerful suppression sweep across Aux body as the demon energy was cleared along with it. Next, Aux instant put a hand through heart. Ripping everything along with it.

Instantly his cultivation start to recover. Taking out a mountain of resources. A storm of qi form, his cultivation recovered to a level on par with Immortal God/Sovereign God.

(AN: Some of you may be confused, but Aux cultivation does not follow the norms. His cultivation can only be on par with certain realm. He does not follow any system of cultivation in the Eternal Divine Land)

Where did the resources come from? It came from his cosmos which had already been repaired.

Aux Starry Mist: "You can use the left over to cultivate. "

Gen Tenyi: "Thank you master. "

Gen may not know it, but Aux conscious can cover the whole planet, he watch Gen journey.

What joke it be if his only source of freedom were to die.

At the same Aux is already revising his technique. He must not let this situation happen ever again.

His primal chaos energy can defend himself somewhat, but a parasite that can even make Exalted crazy was used on him.

What more, that Exalted even took his cultivation base away. Most likely because of not wanting Aux to die from old age, and be at least able to defend himself. Aux was suffering until this day.

Death was a better a solution, at least he can just cultivate again. His undying origin soul cannot be extinguished anyway.

Aux Starry Mist: "I shall call this the Breaking Evil Chaos Revolution. "

With the left over of the Qi stork, Gen cultivation has breakthrough to Void Breaking.

Just like Aux, refining Qi was easy as drinking water.

Aux on the other hand thought the heart of heaven is such a cheat. The heart of heaven is a bloodline that is extremely rare. Something only possible in the Divine Land.

Now imagine a clan full of them. That's what the Qi clan of Divine Land represent. They have many experts in Exalted Ascension.

However, Aux noticed that Gen Tenyi heart of heaven had mutated. Probably having contact with his power that used to awaken his heart of heaven.

In the first place, the person that sealed his heart of heaven did so because of Gen Tenyo low cultivation. A normal bloodline does not need to be sealed. Only those at Divine level.

The boy must be thinking he had already unsealed all his heart of heaven, but how could a little cultivator like him sense such profound seal?

The seal has 3 stage, Gen only unlocked the first stage.

The full might of a Divine level bloodline should be comparable to a Divine Martial Spirit.

Aux noticed something weird. The law of this world is very strange. With his power, returning to the Eternal Divine Land should be easy, but he sense no passage way.

Gen Tenyi: "Master I want to set up a void breaking formation. With it, the connection to the nearest celestial civilization should be open. "

Aux did not know much about how this world operate, but he nodded, and they head back down.

From the explanation if Gen, a void breaking formation are used by void breaking expert to ascend to a new plane. Where they can continue to pursue a higher cultivation.

Planes are divided into mortal plane, and celestial plane.

In the celestial plane. The weakest experts are in the void breaking realm.

A vortex tunnel open up. Aux and Gen entered quickly. Those below void breaking would be torn to shred by the vortex tunnel.

At the end of the tunnel, their foot touch the ground.

To describe the place, it can be sum up with, a floating continent in space. Of course the continent is even bigger than a small planer like Earth.

A continent is not round so if you reach the edge, then you will fall into the endless void.

A tall black muscular man walk up to them. "Hello, fellow cultivator, congratulations on your void breaking. However, you will have to pay 10 million spirit stone each if you want to live here. "

Gen first look at his master on how to proceed. Aux only give him a nod.

Gen Tenyi: "What if we don't want to pay? " The tone of the black man was extremely polite, however 10million is a lot even for void breaking expert.

The black man replied, "I can only kill you or send you to work in the mines. " He was still polite, but the words he spoke are not.

Gen Tenyi: "We will pay. " He did not want any trouble even though he was confident in himself. The man was at the first transformation of life and death.

He can even fight peak life and death transformation. However, who knows what trouble will come his way.