
No Background Hero

Raisodol Delsol or whatever shit name he has, was never him in the first place, because he just replaced a baby's body with his freaking soul! However, this baby is not just a baby. It is a baby of one of the most richest and powerful families of the Belzenia Empire! He can have it all! Money, power, fame, everything he could never have in his pitiful first life! He could be the most arrogant little piece of shit and no one will dare oppose him! Or so he imagined. Of course others with the same status can oppose him. His parents can even command him, let alone the royal family who can send you dead in the enemy territory. So would a commoner dare? No. It would be impossible. But what if that person is lower than a commoner? The No Background Hero he was enslaved with for who knows where she came from.

NRTHW · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Rich Baby I

I can't open my eyes.


Someone seems to be talking. But I can't understand what they're saying.


Wait, I feel tight and pushed. So this is how babies feel when going out for the first time? It's slimy!

[Attention, it is advisable for an infant to cry after being released from the mother's womb]

System-san? Well, I guess you're not wrong, it really might look suspicious.

[Statement, who are you calling System-san-]


Oh, is that you, mother?!

[Statement, she cannot hear y-]


Push mother, push! You can do it! I'm almost out!

[Statement, she still canno-]


Here comes the baby!



I'm not opening my eyes but it's so bright already that it stings. So that means I'm out? I should start crying then!

"Muwaahh Muweeghh--"

Does it seem natural, System-san?

[...Statement, it is fairly acceptable]

Wait, I'm also curious if babies can talk right after birth!


I tried saying mother, but nope, we can't!

Anyways, I wanna open my eyes.

But eh? Why can't I? It seems hard to open them! Am I actually blind?!

[Notice. Undeveloped eyesight and eye muscles are present right after birth. It is possible to control muscles after a few minutes, however, it is hard to focus well.]

So it's just because I just got out? No way! I can't wait, I wanna see! I wanna see the world already! Nah, I'm just excited to see if I'm rich or not! Please do something about it, System-san!

[Order, using skill {Mana Conversion} to create applicable skills...]

Mana Con...version?

[Success, created skills: {Vision Adjustment}, {Refine Extraocular Muscles}]

Oh, skills?! Like the actual skills?! Hmm, and from how it sounds, it looks like I can get some skills from converting mana. 

[Statement, you are correct. The default skill {Mana Conversion} automatically converts the mana of the user into skills by the user's will...]

Ah, so I'm right. Then probably it takes time for mana to recharge in the bo-

[Notice, the user can only obtain the advised skill when the estimated {Universal Power Level} of the skill does not surpass the current {Mana Level} of the user...]

Ah, yes yes. Logically that will be so. 

[...and all the skills that were constructed will also be automatically converted to this world's current power scaling...] 

Uh, I think now is not the time for that, System-san? I mean, I might understand it easily for the next day since I also play games so can you stop for now-

[...and for clarification, the skill's {Mana Level} is automatically estimated depending on the complexity of the situation and the user's imagination. To follow, the user can find the {Mana Level} of the skill when they open-]

Damn it, System-san! I'm still minutes old. This baby just wants to use them for now, please?!

[...Statement, hmph. Would you concur to use them then?]

I concur!

[Order, using skills: {Vision Adjustment} and {Refine Extraocular Muscles}...]

Just after I heard that from System-san the small muscles surrounding my eyes suddenly started twitching. My eyeballs felt watery as if I had poured some eyedrops on them.

[Success, eyesight, and eye muscles have been adjusted]

Eventually, they went back to the natural-like sensation that I once had back then.

[Notice, you can now open your eyes]

You're the best, System-san!


As I opened my eyes a bright light greeted me first, then followed by a man and an old man welcoming me. I already know that there are people surrounding me out of these background voices. But I can't move my head yet so...I still can't see the details of the room!

Anyway, the man seems to be middle-aged. He has a manly look on his face with dark blue hair and a shaved beard. And what's more, he's wearing clothes similar to what nobles in fantasy mangas wear.

But is he that rich though? I can't confirm yet if he has the wealth I am hoping this family to have!

Though a colored hair, huh? Well, what do you expect from a world filled with magic and riches...and an anime-like isekai world?! Although of course, the only difference is that this world looks realistic as fuc. 

But why does he look surprised?

[Statement, it is because of yo-]

Meh, who cares. Moving on to the old man, he's...no way!


He's a butler! Finally! It's obvious that this is a wealthy family! Wah, I'm so lucky~

But why is he also making that face?

"-----xxx----xxx---!! "


Ah, despite not knowing what they're saying, judging from their faces it seems like something is wrong!

System-san! Can you tell me what's wrong?! Am I being suspicious already?!

[Statement, it is becau-]



However, before I could finish hearing what System-san said someone from the back suddenly grabbed hold of my tiny little body and carried me in the air.

I was then brought close to the face of a tired woman.

Mother. It's obviously the mother.

We stared at each other. At my first glance at her, she looks sleepy but now she's making that serious face instead.

As for me, I sure am staring at her because of her beauty.

A blonde-haired woman with a face that is guaranteed to be a celebrity even without doing a single thing but living. She's as dazzling as a queen.

But really, why is she also staring at me like that?!


She made a faint smile right after saying something short. How fast does her mood change?

She opened up her mouth again. It seems like she's gonna say...something important!

System-san, quick! I wanna know what she'll say!

[Order, created skill: {Mother Tongue}]

[Success, used skill: {Mother Tongue}]

[Notice, you ca-]

"Raisodol! What an extraordinary name for an extraordinary child, dear!"

I can finally understand what she's saying.

She smiled brightly as I stared deeply at her blue eyes.

Mother tongue, huh? Seems like I have many things to catch on to.

And Raisodol? Is that supposed to be my name? Yeah, it really is extraordinary...and strange! But if we're talking about a fantasy setting then it's fair to say that it's not at all strange.

"Haha! Jeff, call those two here! I'm sure they are excited to see their baby brother already!"

The blue haired man patted the back of the butler and laughed. Blue haired man...no, like how I see the blonde woman as my mother I should call him father from now on.

"I shall do as you say, your Grace."

So this old man butler is Jeff, huh...wait, your Grace? You mean Duchy?!

Bullseye! He's a freaking Duke! Hell yeah! He can spoil me money forever!

Lucky me~

"Melissa, he really is extraordinary. His eyes tell us that..."

"Yes, Stevane. His hair might be like yours and his facial features might be mine, but he has the same eyes as that person."

So Melissa should be the mother, and Stevane should be the father. But what did she say again? Eyes? Same eyes? And that person? What are they talking abou-

*Bang!* the door was slammed open. 

"Mother! Father!"

A shout of a kid from the back? Who is it? I can't see!

But as if my mother read my mind she then suddenly turned my body 180 degrees to be able to face the back.

"Say hello to your sisters, Raisodol."

Two young girls sprinted their way into the room and went close to us. One has a ponytail as her hairstyle, twin-tails for the other. And just from their faces anyone can tell that they are identical twins.

But then they got surprised just as they looked...at me?

No way, haha, don't tell me I'm ug-

"What beautiful eyes!"


ly...what? P-pretty?! Phew, never heard that at my past life. And I also thought my face this time is much closer to hell. So nevermind then!

But what's with my eyes? What are these two kids talking about? I wanna see too!

System-san, please do something!

[Notice, the situation to alter human perception and phenomenons of the world is not within the system's authority and control. There are currently no applicable skills as well due t-]

So you can't do anything at all?!

[...Statement, correct.]

If you can't then what can I do? I now feel like something's strange within my eyes despite these kids calling them pretty...

[Notice, for your information there is this thing in the world called as "seeking advice", so the user can always ask the system for suggestions]

What the? I feel like you're making fun of me...but who cares. What should I do then, system-san~? These two kids keep staring at meeeee-

[Attention, the system suggests for the user to try reaching out his eyes by hands. With this gesture it is possible for anyone to to feel that the user wants to see his own eyes as well.]

Wait, really? Then!

Out from system-san's advice I tried forcing my hands to move through sheer will.

Thankfully I feel both of my hands moving so I then reached out to my eyes.

After some seconds I glanced at one of the girls staring in front of me, specifically the twin-tailed one.

...I did it, but she's just making a blank face. Is this the right thing? She's not getting it at all. Should I keep doing it?

"Father, mother, did sister or me cover our eyes and glance back and forth to you right after we were born? Because I think the baby's doing that to me now..."

"In your dreams, sister! Hmph, he's actually staring at me and my pretty face~"

"No. I-"


Are these two kids actually arguing right now? I just want to see my eyes, dammit!

[Notice, do not rush things and become too suspicious. What the user is doing right now with his hands is already suspicious enough]

What the hell?! But you're the one who suggested that!

[...Serves you right.]

Wait you can actually talk like that to me?! Be casual then you motherfuc-

"...you two have the same face thou-"

"Shh, father! The baby's crying!"

Huh? What do you mean, ponytail? I'm not crying though, just mad.

[Notice, your madness converted into the weeping of a baby]

...How to turn you off?

"E-ehem, I feel like your baby brother just wants to see his eyes?"

Yes, you are right father! Man, I thought it's gonna be the stereotyped brawn with no brains father.

[...Statement, it seems like the user is the stereotyped one with no proper logic]

Say wha-

"Bring a mirror, dear. It is fated for him to be interested in his eyes even just after being born..."

Mother patted my head before gently expanding one of my eyes while she uses her other arm to carry my body. It's probably to get a proper view of the eyeball.

While she was holding me I stared at Father who went closer and closer until he brought a hand mirror right at my face.

Then all I can see is...wait, what the hell? RGB color wheel?!