
Chapter 8

The big buildings, the dirty streets, the arrogant people, the polluted air, the smell of smoke and chemicals by factories..... All this was not looking good for the sixteen-year-old Ajax who just lost his whole world -HIS MOM AND DAD. No hope to live, no need to live BUT.... Still forced to live because when someone dies to save your life.... you have to live not for yourself but for them. You are in big debt and can't repay it no matter what.

This was the condition of Ajax.

Roaming in the streets mindlessly, Ajax was just in his mindset and was paying no need to where he was going. He knew no one in this big city and no place where he can live.

"My future.... It's too dark. I don't know what to do, where to go, what to seek, nothing I just know nothing as to what I should do next. I am cursed, I am not powerful to avenge my family and Zane... I said not to connect with me through our mind link. But he was at fault. Or was he?

Ajax's inner consciousness was fighting within itself.

While seeking a place to spend the night, he entered a dark alley. It gave chills down his spine and the atmosphere feels weird and eerie.

Suddenly two men jumped off the roof of buildings and three came out of nowhere from hiding places and surrounded him. They had worn masks and daggers pepped through their pockets. Not a good feeling, not at all......

"Give us all that you have, otherwise the consequences will be dire. We don't want to hurt you, really, so just cooperate with us and hand the bag over to us.

One man was a fat guy and was already munching on something. The other guy was lean and was swirling a dagger in his hand smirking that they finally caught a prey. The other was a short heightened guy but looked older in all of them. The last one was tall, bulky and you can very clearly see a dirty scar on his right eye till cheek even if it was dark.

"Sorry, but you caught the wrong guy. I don't have any money nor anything that might spark your interest, " Said Ajax sighing thinking about what a day and what more is left to see.

"What's in this bag? Huh, " Asked the short guy while pointing at the small bag that Ajax had clutched tightly.

"Just nothing... yeah nothing important and valuable "

"Well, then you won't be obliged if we see that invaluable thing of yours. If it's worth it we might even buy it and give you a good price for it. The price -your life and consider it the best price, now show us," demanded the lean guy while pointing the dagger at Ajax and smiling.

Err..... it's a book and I don't think it worth for people like you to buy ", said the innocent Ajax thinking that the book is not worthy to sell, but even if it can be sold he will not buy it even if someone gives millions because it was given by his mother.

" Please sir I don't want to sell anything, thank you but can I go now, said Ajax turning and backing away from them.

"Wanna run huh!! Not so fast you beat, come and show the book you have. Get that bag it might have something we can make fortune with, " said the tall guy who was in charge of the team.

Catching Ajax was not a big deal, the four men were dangerously too quick with speed and with a blink of an eye, they were in front of Ajax. Ajax was dumbfounded by their speed and he froze at that. The guy snatched the bag and threw Ajax on the tarr road his face was bruised and his arm was caught back by the lean guy with a knife on his neck, while the short guy checked as to what was in the bag. But suddenly an ice-like gust of wind passed which send chills to everyone and they were not able to see things.

"The bag!! Where is the bag? asked the short guy who was astonished. The bag was in his hands a second before.

" I think it's not good to see private things of others when they tell you not to. It is bad. Well in my experience you all are older than me. So I as your little brother need to take you on the right path, right? But if you allow u all can leave healthy and fit or you can beg me to beat your ass up all black and blue. " On the roof was a boy around the age of Ajax and he had the bag.

"We don't make relationships and we don't need your useless lectures. So brat just come down and hand over the bag Or else we will make you our prey as well and we will teach you a good lesson on how to behave to us, said the short guy.

" Ohh... I am scared please don't hurt me take all that I have but don't do anything to me. This was what you wanted to hear out from me after your not sooo terrifying warning, oh come on now leave the boy and scram out of here, said the boy and by his facial expressions he was not joking around.

" You how dare you boys catch that bastard and don't be lenient on our little brother ", said the short guy.

All four men ran towards the boy and when they were running bright electricity like golden light was radiating from their bodies. Ajax was scared because he has never seen a human with such a speed his mind became hazy and he thought that he was hallucinating.

But the shock of the speed was not enough for the innocent mind of Ajax that who saw the other boy who was fighting with the lean guy magically disappeared and then came from behind the fat guy and kicked his butt hard and he fell off badly.

What is going on few have speed faster than a cheetah and here that boy who is beating the bullies is ... What is he doing.... How does he move from here to there... Now where is he.. Ahh there beating the shorty with his elbow.... But how is he disappearing and reappearing.... What is happening....why not one told me that something like this exists...how come I don't have those things or power whatever it is....is it related to my curse ....what to do.....Huh.. My head... Hurts....

Run, all of you run he is no match for us , he is powerful can't beat him, RUN!! Said the shorty already abandoning his friend to save his skin. The others followed him leaving both the boys in the dark alley alone.

The boy approached Ajax who was still on the ground perplexed by the situation. The boy was saying something but Ajax was unable to hear. He felt like he was underwater and he can't hear the what the boy was saying. Slowly black spots started appearing and he couldn't control any longer and he fainted there.

Hunger and fatigue of two days and the strange things happening took a toll on Ajax and he fell into the darkness of his memories where he lost his everything