
Nirvana and the inferno

Omg! How can this dangerous gate open? For the sake to save the world, and to close that door she married an....

SparkleXXIV · 都市
22 Chs

The Making Of Key

They moved deeper inside the forest, the dark Shadow's of the voluminous trees and puzzled bushes had become the structure if the forest. The land was isolate and derelict from the prospect of village life. The isolated forest has the appearance of winter romance which blossomed, alluring Iris mind deeper and deeper into the enchanted land. Finally they reached their destination.

"This hut is too small and looks cute" said Iris.

"Yes and we will live here" said Markz.

They went inside that hut. That was full of dust and old musty smell enveloped that hut. Iris step on the front steps of hut, she heard a creak from underneath the floorboard. The inside looks like what you'd expect. Cobwebs linger in every witch way, and antique furniture layered with dust sits perfectly arranged. Markz and Iris got a new job of cleaning that hut. They started to clean it. Few hours later, that hut was arranged nicely. They now focused on their mission of making key. Markz asked Iris" Now tell me the way to make the key".

Iris told that she needs to close her eyes and focus on the intention of what she needs the key to do. Markz asked Iris about her intention, she told that she wants to open that door which always comes in her dream. The second thing which told Markz about making the key was adding her blood to the melted down iron before pouring the molten metal into the key mold.

"But why your blood only? " asked Markz.

"I don't know, in my dream that stranger clearly stated that it should be your blood" said Iris.

"So let's start making what are we waiting for" said Markz.

Iris felt her throat dry up, but before she could even form any verbal or physical response, her stomach suddenly growled.Her face turned red, and she immediately looked down in embarrassment. Markz knew Iris was hungery and he went in the forest and brought some fruits. Iris ate it and got all energy to continue her mission. Iris closed her eyes and focused on her intention of opening that door, she cut a bit of her finger and added her blood to the melted down iron. Then the molten metal was poured into the key mold. Markz told that the key can take anywhere from a couple of minutes to a couple of hours to harden. Iris was becoming more curious.

Meanwhile, the sun set and Becky's anger turned into angst. She went and informed this to Nancy and Jackson.

"Why didn't you told us that time " said Jackson angrily.

Nancy was weeping, she was worried and said"Once I lost my son in the same way".

Becky's body shook with fear, they all went inside the forest to search Iris.

They searched Iris everywhere but couldn't find her. Becky had a lump in her throat and was blinking away with tears. Nancy and Jackson were sad too. Nancy had the hope that Iris would return back the way Abigor returned. Nancy and Jackson tried to calm her down but, Becky's situation was getting worse, she was not ready to go back home.

The wind was blowing, the rustles of the leaves echoed in the night. Jackson somehow managed to calm Becky and they come out of the that dark forest.

On the contrary, here the key was ready. Iris took it in her hand and gazed at it with a sparkle in her eyes. She smiled because her mission was completed. She said Markz "Let's go... we have to find that door".

"Are you kidding, this forest is surrounded with darkness, let's go next morning", said Markz.

That hut was bit congested so they made space for them to sleep. Silence enveloped that hut. Iris couldn't sleep, thoughts of her family made her emotional. Her eyes were prickling with tears. Markz could sense her sadness, he looked at her, she had an expression of sad confusion on her face. Markz walked towards her and hugged her, it was an intense feeling of love which Iris could feel. She felt safe in his arms as if someone close to her has hugged her. Markz arm wrapped around her, holding her. keep her tucked against him. Iris became irresistible because of the offer of comfort. The back of her settled on his chest, she got cozy.

"Look there are the marks I am making follow this and come", said stranger.

Iris followed that marks and end up coming to that beautiful big door. This time she had the keys, she was going to open it. Suddenly her dream got vanished and the rays of sun was directly coming on her face through the small window.

Daylight was already peaking through the horizon. she blinked groggily and then a second later, realized that she was lying in someone's embrace. Twisting, she glanced up and Markz greeted her Good morning. Iris stood up and ordered Markz to get ready for another new mission of finding that door. Iris told Markz that according to her dream there must be some marks in the forest leading to that door. After few moments, they left to find those marks and soon Iris discovered that red mark on the tree. She called Markz who was at different place.

"Look Markz I got it!!, let's follow this", said Iris.