
Ninjago. Another chance

Guy gets transmigrated to Ninjago world. Let's see what he gonna do with his new chance . Ps. Picture not mine

hunter_dildo · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

6. Zane and Woo training

Time skip:   2 months later


'  I made a lot of progress in my training ' thought Adam sitting on his bed, ' Firstly my new way of using the soul energy, I don't just use it for recovering but now I'm using as a weight, yes, I use it as a gravitation this, pushing my body down, destroying my muscles the using recovery buff making them new and more stronger. I use it daily, training, eating, sleeping,  it's a good thing since I can use more of it the more I use it and the consumption decrease too' . though him going towards the bedroom.

    ' Second, new things about my elemental power, after creating myself a knife I observed that it only use energy for creation, like I can create a knife and use it till it brokes, the  create another one, it's a good this since the more I understand how to use it the easier and less taxing, after all it takes a tool on the body to use it.' thought him brushing his teeth.

  ' Third, I can choose  the elasticity and how soft I can make things, it takes a lot of concentration but I can make a really comfortable blanket or a bed. I think I can make myself some clothes too but I don't want Wu to get suspicious since he thoughts that I can only control shadows.'  thought him again dressing in his ninja costume.

     " Good morning Master Wu, yesterday was the last training day and now I'm here to ask when will you start training me " says Adam, bowing a little to show respect to Wu, " Adam boy, good morning, always up for training I see, we will start after breakfast but now come here and meet your new colleagues, he will start living  here from now on, please make sure to treat him well" says Wu in his kind old tone.

   " I understand Master Wu " says Adam going towards the kitchen.

    Seeing Zane for the first time, was sure interesting, since me constantly destroying my body and heal it back, I grow up a little taller, my muscles are well defined and my looks become more sharp, becoming more beautiful. Zane was the same height as me, he had lifeless blue eyes, his hair dirty blonde and was standing 2 inches above his hair. We maid a little chat about his past and his hobbies ( he had no memories)

      ' Since Zane its here means that Kai will be here in almost 2 or 3 months and one year after that it should be the start of the first season. Interesting, I have some plan's that are going to give me some good rewards' thought Adam eating his food.

     " So,what are you doing to teach me Master Wu " asked Adam who was now in the training grounds woth Wu , " We will first start with hand to hand combat, then with wepon fighting, we will stop when I believe that you reached a good level" says Wu standing in front of him taking a fight posture.

    " The best way of learning how to fight  it's midd battle " says Wu punching Adam in face , Adam gets trowed a little but managed to stabilise his posture dogging a kick , Adam try's to do a flying kick but it gets bloked by Wu who just catch his leg with a hand and slam him in the ground.

      They continued to do this for a few hours mostly  by Adam getting trashed around .

[ hi, this it's a short one since tomorrow I'm going on vacation. My trip till there will take atlest 1 day and 1 night, I will stay there for atlest a month so I won't post any chapters tomorrow. I made a fast chapter so yea don't expect anything better. I also need to rewatch the hole show since I don't remember anything from it . So yea, I think I will post one or two chapters per week. if I don't post anything for a week means I died and hopefully reincarnated in this novel since I made this guy hot . Anyway have a nice life boomers ]