
Ninjago. Another chance

Guy gets transmigrated to Ninjago world. Let's see what he gonna do with his new chance . Ps. Picture not mine

hunter_dildo · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

3. Becoming a goat..?

Pov Master Wu.

    'I am looking for more ninjas to solve future problems... I guess a 6th won't hurt,  I will test him to see how long he stays' *SLAM* I slam the door on him and turn back to see both  Jay and Cole looking at me .

    I sprint over to them and hit both of them in the head. *Thud* *Thud*

"Oww, what was that for" they sais with a painful expression.

   " If y'all can't even doge that means that I'm not training y'all hard, now get down and give me 60."


        Pov Adam

      *SLAM* '... he's probably testing me to see how long I'll wait, unfortunately for him I'll wait for days' I walk to the right of the door and set down my things and i hear faintly *Thunk**Thunk*"Oww-X2''. 'it seems like there are only 2 of the 4 ninjas here, they should be Cole and Jay, it looks like Zane isn't here yet, but it should only be a couple months until he gets here, Kai should take even longer to get here maybe 7 months'

        'I will use this time wisely, In the past month I trained my elemental power  and I got a little better, I know that with my imagination and training I will become a monster in no time.'

    I sat down cross legged and start focusing at my body, slowly small black tentacles comes out my arms , I been trying to use the tentacles to atack, I focus on it, and slowly comes out my arms till my elbow forming a spike using my imagination, I tried to hit the ground with it but it's crumbles as soon it touches the ground.

    I look towards my arms and see them a bit sweat, I was not disappointed, on contrary, I was exited,  I focus again but this time only on my fingers creating a claw, I slam towards the ground *Clang* , I suddenly get a jold of pain in my arm, but it was nothing, besides the hour's of torture that I got in my first life, this is nothing.

    I look towards the ground and see 5 small holes in the ground ' I could kill someone with this on the right time'

    Looking towards the sun I see that it only been a couple of hours, I sat down and start training again .


     It's been 3 days since I was outside .

    The hole time I was training, the only time I stopped was for sleeping, eating , or doing personal needs.

    I got up from the place I was sitting, I ho towards the door and knock again, since I finished my reserves of water and food I can no longer stay there.

    The door opens and a boy with short  black hair, slightly taller then me , he looks down at me like I was nothing

   " What do you want ? " says Cole in a annoyed tone

  " Can you tell Master Wu that I finished my reserves of food and can no longer sit outside?  " I said to him a little desperately, even though I know he will let me in, I still need to act desperately.

    "One second" he says then closes the door, i wait a couple of minutes and he comes back and says "Come with me" He leads me through the training area, all the training utilities have been put away. I'm led to a bedroom that was pretty minimal. Cole throws me some ninja garments.

"You will start training tomorrow, wear these, im Cole and see you tomorrow. *SLAM*" He says all that with the same indifference.

  ' I guess I passed the test ' I thought as I start unpacking,  I took a shower,  train a little till the sun goes down and got to bed.

     Next morning I wake up, take a shower, brush my teeth, and put on my ninja outfit, and walk out my room the explore the monastery.

   Walking around I find Master Wu drinking some tea " Want some tea ? " he says pointing at a cup " Sure" I said sating down, poring some tea to myself and sip from my cup, I look back at him only to see him stoking his beard looking at me .

" What it's your name ? " he says ." My name it's Adam, when to we start training? ", "Now ! " he says as he swings his cane at my head managing to cach it , he stands up and kick me in the stomach " Ahh " I managed to block that to but the kick was to powerful and he sent me rolling across the room.

    When I managed to get up I look towards him only to see him going towards the traing area.

    "Beat the training course before i finish my cup of tea" As soon as he says that he starts pouring his cup of tea and i rush for the training course and get on the first obstacle, it was a spinning contraption that i had to get around without getting hit, i get on the contraption and immediately get hit in the face and fall over, i look over to Wu to see he is already done poring and is about to drink it, i get  up and try again to get the same results.

    " When you manage to master the obstacle course I will train you personally." sais him drinking again from his cup.