
Ninja Gamer

mrweraas · その他
30 Chs

Chapter 12: Halcyon Days

"With creation, comes destruction, and with destruction, comes creation," the voice was… indescribable, like it was a thousand different ones speaking at once, all the while being a single voice. "With this Treasure, the earth was risen and given form, and with this treasure, all can be returned to dust."

Honestly, what the fuck is this shit, I had no idea where I was, it felt… it felt like when I was first reincarnated… oh god, did I die!?

"For one to understand how to create, one must understand how to destroy," the voice continued speaking, unmindful of my mental breakdown. "You humans are the closest species to understand this truth in quite a while. I wonder, will you be able to truly master the Amenonuhoko, or, will you be like so many other mortals and crumble under the weight of its power? He has marked you, but he is always fickle with his gifts. Should you succeed in mastering the Amenonuhoko, I would be interested in acquiring you myself. Keep a strong will, mortal, for what you wield is a Sacred Treasure, and it is just as likely to master you as you mastering it."

Well… that wasn't ominous at all!

The voice chuckled in amusement before it seemed to dismiss me.

A ragged gasp escaped my throat as I sat bolt upright from my… whatever that was.

You have slept for five hours on the cold hard ground.

HP&CP Restored by 10%!

Well… that's better than nothing I guess…

I blinked several times, trying to focus on the world beyond the box only for everything to be greeted by a blur. Ah, I appeared to have overused my Mangekyou Sharingan with that last stunt, combining a three abilities sounds cool on paper and in application. The after effects… not so much. Now… what happened to the Quest Alert, ah, there it is


Prove yourself to the Spectre of Six Paths


Able to use the Sacred Treasure Amenonuhoko when [Susano'o] is active.


So… I gained a special weapon like Itachi had with the Totsuka no Tsurugi and Yata no Kagami? Well, can't complain about that.

"[Skills]" I called out, hoping that the weapon would appear in it.

[Amenonuhoko (Heavenly Jeweled Spear)] (Active) [Level N/A]- Allows one to freely control the earth and shape it according to one's desires, even changing the very elemental composition. Steep chakra cost.

It was indeed there, and mother of god, on paper it sounded simple, earth shifting. In application though, it was something else altogether, being able to change the very elemental composition? Dear god that would make me an incredible asset for production alone, just touch the ground and boom, massive blocks of steel, weapons grade or otherwise.

Hell, I could crash the whole goddamn economy by producing massive quantities of gold and other rare metals.

In combat, I would be a nightmare, the very earth that we stood upon changed to a massive spiked pit, or just simply opened up into a black void that was then closed, with them inside. Mother of all the Kamis this… this was not going to help me with suppressing the god complex my Mangekyou was trying to give me.

Shaking my head, I closed the box and got to my feet, looking around the cave. Well… this place got fucked up big time, the ground was ruins, some rocks were still burning, my dear kami, my Mangekyou Sharingan was devastating when used right.

Still, I had a mission to complete, and I don't want to annoy the Daimyo by taking longer than necessary.

Thankfully, by the time I reached the capital of Hi no Kuni I was healed up and my clothing was repaired from the damage that the spectre, ensuring that she was presentable to the Fire Daimyo.

"Thank you for retrieving this box," the Daimyo announced as I knelt before him, having handed the box to one of his guards. "I trust the example has been made?"

"Of course, Daimyo-sama," I assured, keeping my voice neutral. "Their bodies shall send the message to any who would think of attacking you on what will happen."

The man hummed in acceptance, waving himself with his fan. "So young, yet so skilled," he said in an approving manner. "Would you be interested in joining my Ninja Guardians?"

"I'm flattered, Daimyo-sama, but I have responsibilities back home that require my near constant attention at this time," I declined politely. "I thank you for the offer all the same."

"Mm, very well, you may leave, please pass my message onto Hiruzen for me, will you?" he requested as one of the guards stepped forward with a scroll and letter.

"Of course, Daimyo-sama," I assured as I stood up, bowing at the waist before accepting the items. "'By your leave, I shall return to Konoha now, Daimyo-sama."

He waved his fan at me, dismissing me, allowing me to leave his presence

I waited until I was out of the palace, reacquiring my… visible weapons on my way out, before letting out a great sigh and relaxing. "Stupid stuffy nobles," I murmured to myself as I began walking through the capital, eager to get home. Unfortunately, by law it was illegal to 'ninja run' through the capital unless it was an emergency.

So, I was hoofing it until I was past the city limits, still there were some good merchant stands along the way, allowing me to pick up some souvenirs for little Naruto-kun and my mother on the way out, and nearly break the arm of a pickpocketer who obviously didn't see the Konohagakure Hitai-ate on my forehead.

Soon enough I was out of the city, allowing me to pick up my pace and cutting the five day walk, into a five hour trip, sometimes, being a ninja was awesome.

Still, I was yawning as I entered the gates to Konoha, confirming my identity with the Chunin on guard before making my way to the Hokage's Tower to report in.

Signalling one of the ANBU guards about having a message from the Daimyo, I repressed my yawn and rubbed my bleary eyes as I waited for Sarutobi-sama to arrive.

If he was tired, he definitely hid it better than I did as he walked in, accepting the message and scroll I was carrying for the Daimyo.

"How did the mission go?" he asked me with a raised eyebrow as I hid a yawn behind my hand.

"Simple enough, went there, met some bandits, might've gotten a little carried away practicing my [Susano'o] on them," I shrugged, it wasn't that I didn't trust Sarutobi-sama with my new powers, but, I'm pretty sure Danzo had some kind of way to get information in this room, and I didn't want to tip the warhawk to my new weapon in any way, shape or form, unless I was using it to shove an earth spike up his crippled ass.

"I see," he said after a moment of silence. "Very well then, please do be more careful in the future, can't have Naruto-kun's guardian going blind, now can we?"

"Of course not, Sarutobi-sama," I replied, smirking tiredly at him in response. "If you don't mind, I would love go and get some sleep."

"Go ahead, Yuriko-chan," he chuckled, waving me off. "Welcome home."



Eliminate the Blood Hand Bandit tribe and retrieve the Daimyo's item


25,000 EXP and +7,500 Reputation with the Fire Daimyo

Bonus Objective

Made an Example of the leader of the Tribe - Complete

Found the Shrine to the Sage of Six Paths - Complete


+1,000,000 Ryo

Access to the quest to obtain the Sacred Treasure Amenonuhoko

You have gained a level!

I barely even blinked at the sight of the completion box before closing it and making my way to my mother's home. By this time, Naruto-kun was most definitely asleep, I was far too tired to wake him up in the middle of the night to simply try and put him back asleep, so I'll just fall asleep at my mother's house for the night.

Greeting my mother and brother, I entered and gave them a very abbreviated version of the mission - found some bandits, killed some bandits - before heading off to bed and crashing into it face first, only pausing to take my kodachi from my leg and placing it on top of my old dresser.

You have slept nine hours on your bed!

HP&CP Recovered 100%

Getting out of bed, I let out a jaw cracking yawn as I stretched before leaving my room, the tell tale squealing sound of Naruto-kun's giggling telling me he was in the kitchen.

"Naruto-kun!" I greeted as I entered the kitchen, spotting the child in his playpen with my brother as they played with some blocks.

"Mama!" Naruto-kun cried out happily as he reached out for me to pick him up.

I blinked, pausing for a second before picking him up, looking at my brother suspiciously as he grinned at me before shrugging. "What you are pretty much," he countered my unsaid argument as Naruto-kun hugged me as best as one year old could.

I rolled my eyes at him before greeting my mother with a hug. "How was the mission?" she asked me as I moved around, Naruto-kun in one arm, preparing a cup of coffee for myself.

"Tiring," I admitted. "Wasn't hard, they went down easily, just decided to come straight home instead of spending the night at the capital."

I picked up the container of sugar and started to pour it into my coffee only for the stream of white grains to miss and spill across the counter, I bit back a curse as I hurriedly set the container down.

"Sweetie?" my mother said in a voice that caused me to freeze. "How much did you use your Mangekyou on the mission?"

I sighed as I slumped a bit, not even noticing as Naruto-kun managed to get my hair into his mouth - he in that stage where everything was edible apparently - until he started to chew on it. Quickly freeing my poor defenseless hair from his grasp, I turned to my mother. "Against the bandits? Not much, just doing some testing with [Susano'o] that needed some live targets," I admitted, not quite meeting her gaze. "When I was making my check through for any survivors or anything useful, ended up finding some kind of hidden door that somehow triggered my Mangekyou Sharingan, I entered and followed a path that led to a Shrine for the Sage of Six Paths," I paused as the two stared at me, flabbergasted. "Yeah… pretty much, then my stupid gaming powers kicked in and I had to fight a spectre of the Six Paths, which led to me using the full extent of the Mangekyou right from the start."

My brother coughed on air at that bit of the news, his eyes widening even further in shock as he stared at me, which considering he had his sharingan active, was pretty amusing to see really. "A spectre of the Six Paths!?" he managed to choke out.

"Yeah… uh… I may have found Amenonuhoko… and can now use it with my [Susano'o]," I finished up with a sheepish smile.


Oh dear, I hope mom didn't hurt herself from fainting onto the wooden floor.

While we waited for our mother - and Naruto-kun's adopted aunt - to recover from her fainting spell, my brother grilled me on the fight with the spectre, nearly tearing his hair out about the fact that I decided to replicate my [Susano'o] seven times and alter its trajectory seven times.

While he was ranting about it, I started actually trying to think of a name for it while allocating the stat points from my level up last night, spending four points to bump my STR and VIT up to 60 while spending my last point on my LUK.

"Well!?" my brother half shouted, bringing my attention back to his frantic ranting and raised my eyebrow at him.

"Well what? I stopped paying attention when you started ranting," I admitted with complete honesty, getting him to let out something that sounded like a strangled shout and a sob.

"The fact that if you go blind before I transfer my eyes into yours, then that's it, there ain't no going back!" he told me in a rather high pitched voice.

"Sakaki-nii-san, if I didn't do it, I wouldn't be sitting here for you to rant at," I countered with a look that told him he was being stupid. "Hm… how does… [Susano'o: Kamiyonanayo - All Directions Straight Cut] sound for the name of the technique?"

"You want to name it?" he gaped at me. "You're planning on using it again, aren't you?"

I rolled my eyes at him again. "Well if I have to I will," I told him. "After all, I can't not use it if I need to."

Sakaki-nii groaned as he slumped into the chair across from me as I started to feed the bottomless pit named Naruto-kun. "Just… just wait until you get my eyes… please," he all but begged me.

"Fine~" I sighed dramatically, grinning at him.

"That grin does nothing to soothe my fears," he told me in complete deadpan, making me laugh.

"Y'know, Fugaku-sama… I get they're supposed to be geniuses and all that, but I don't think having me as his sparring partner is exactly fair," I commented to the clan leader who merely chuckled in response, nearby a now two year old Naruto-kun was playing with Sasuke-kun, across from me were the pair of Shisui and Itachi Uchiha.

"Perhaps, but they could use the experience of fighting more experienced opponents, especially now that they're genin," he countered, glancing over at the two who were preparing themselves, Itachi as expressionless as usual, the older Shisui sporting a small grin, eager to spar against me.

I groaned as I rubbed my neck. "Alright then, I guess," I sighed as I looked over at Shinsui and drew out my kodachi, spinning it around a few times before settling in my stance and activating my sharingan. "I'll let you make the first move, Shisui-kun."

His face settled into a calm mask as he drew out his tanto from over his shoulder and blurred from existence.

Huh, so this was the [Body Flicker] that he used to make his name.

A crack sounded as I made a [Inaba Rabbit] assisted vertical jump, Shisui gaping as his slash passed through empty air.

I slashed at him as he came down only for him to fade away. "So quick you leave an afterimage, huh?" I vocalized as I leapt to the side, dodging another strike at my back before slamming my foot into the ground and launched myself at him, gripped the ground with a chakra infused hand I flipped myself up to slam my foot into him as he tried to slip around me, leaving another afterimage behind to confuse me.

I finished my flip and grabbed his arm before he could slip away again and pulled him into a headbutt onto the bridge of his nose, a crack being heard as my hitai-ate slammed into it - those things were so useful for headbutting people - before kicking him away, and unknown to him, leaving one of my marker seals on him.

He charged forward again, his form blurring as afterimages began to appear. I ignored them as I focused on Shisui's mark, following it with ease as I blocked his tanto with my kodachi, his eyes widening in surprise as I didn't seem to be fooled by his afterimages.

Grinning, I broke the deadlock and went on the offensive, slashing at him rapidly forcing him to block them with his tanto as he was driven back. As his eyes twitched in the direction of my blade I planted my foot into his stomach, causing him to cough at the sudden impact before I drove my right elbow into his chest and followed up with a straight palm thrust to the solar plexus.

Not giving him any time to recover I spun around him as I grabbed his shoulder and hauled him off of his feet and throwing him into a nearby tree.

I had to give him credit, he managed to recover himself midair and landed feet first on the tree and stuck there, eying me warily. I didn't move to chase after him as I got back into my preferred stance, content to let him make his next move.

He blurred forward again, not directly at me this time, instead he was moving rapidly around me, leaving afterimages behind him in a confusing mess of black blurs. Keeping a mental track of his marker I considered my options before grinning, this was the perfect chance to test my own technique after all.

I formed a single handed tiger seal while initiating not only the [Inaba Rabbit] jutsu, but also the [Body Flicker] jutsu.

And then, in front of three pairs of fully matured Sharingan, I vanished.

Unlike Shisui's admittedly masterful use of the [Body Flicker], I didn't leave behind any afterimages, it was just one second I was there, the next second I was gone from there and now directly behind my target.

The [Inaba Flicker] my powers named it after I experimented with it, trying to see if they would combine properly. An ultra-speed movement technique that allowed me to literally vanish from my enemies line of sight.

Shisui gasped as my foot collided with him as I started coming out of my movement technique, sending him sliding along the ground, stunned from the impact.

I winced as I rubbed my thighs, there was a cost to the technique though, at its current level, the more I used it, the greater chance I had of ripping my own muscles apart from the speed.

"Shisui, can you continue?" Fugaku-sama questioned the down boy who groaned in pain. "I think he's done for now," he said after a second.

"While he is pretty quick, I did spar quite a bit with Minato-sama," I commented with a chuckle. "Unfortunately teleportation trumps high-speed movement."

"Teleporting trumps a lot of things," Fugaku snorted before looking at me appraisingly. "What was the last move you used?"

"I call it the [Inaba Flicker]," I told him with a wink. "I took the [Body Flicker] technique and applied it to my own [Inaba Rabbit] technique."

Fugaku nodded in understanding as Itachi checked over his friend in worry before the older one could wave him off.

"Nee-chan!" Little Naruto-kun cried out happily, clapping his hands together at my victory. "Nee-chan wins!"

I laughed as I crouched down next to him and Sasuke-kun. "That's right I did!" I confirmed with a wide smile. "Now, you ready to meet with Hokage-jiisan?"

"Jiji!" Naruto-kun cried out happily, allowing me to pick him up after ruffling Sasuke-kun's hair, he was just so adorable when he pouted after I do that.

"Shisui-kun," I called out to the recovering boy. "I would suggest you branch out a bit more, while speed is a powerful thing to catch your enemies off guard, I would suggest you supplement it with some ninjutsu, especially wind if you can manage it."

"Right… thanks for the advice, Yuriko-senpai," he said, smiling at me, getting a smile in response from me, such a nice boy.

Urgh… another stupid mission that requested me specifically, and on Naruto-kun's fourth birthday too! I shook my head as I continued to run through the trees heading to my mission destination, he was so disappointed when I told him.

Unfortunately this was yet another mission from the Daimyo himself, seemed to be happening at least three times a year now where he'd send me out on some mission or another. Thankfully I didn't have to report to him in person this time around, last time I went his 30 year old son kept staring at my chest, urgh, talk about a creeper. I mean sure, they are somewhat large for my age of 14, but still, I'M GODDAMN 14!

A sharp whistling broke me from my musings as I dodged a kunai thrown at my head. Letting out a sigh I shook my head and traced the path of the kunai to find a burly looking bald man with a slashed Iwagakure hitai-ate. "Wait… let me guess, I killed your brother/sister/mother/father/'insert-relationship-here', now I should prepare to die?" I questioned in a bored tone, Onoki actually never sent any shinobi at me like he threatened, but it didn't mean a good number of them didn't go out of their way to try and get revenge. "Does that sound about right?"

"Nah, not really, just here for your bounty," the bounty hunter ninja informed with a grin.

I blinked in response, staring at him. "Ah, you mind tossing me your book, haven't checked my page in the last few years to be honest," I requested politely, getting a chuckle from him before he actually tossed it to me, waiting patiently for me to open to my page.

[Bloody Scalpel Yuriko] - S-Ranked Bounty

Official Name: Yuriko Uchiha

Age: 14

Rank: Elite Jonin

Specialty: Kenjutsu/Iryojutsu

Most Used Jutsu: Unique Chakra Flow with the properties of the Chakra Scalpel Technique - WARNING: TECHNIQUE IS HIGHLY LETHAL EVEN WITH A GRAZE!

Bounty: 7,500,000 Ryo - Payable by Iwagakure, Kumogakure, Kirigakure

BONUS: An additional 5,000,000 will be paid for an intact corpse with Sharingan still intact.

Rating: Engage with Caution

I stared at the page for several moments. "I don't even remember pissing any of them off recently-" I cut myself off before I let out an 'ah'. "Right… the Seven Swordsmen incident, the Mizukage was pretty pissed about that…"

Hey, it wasn't my fault that four of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist decided to 'teach me what a real swordsman looked like'. At least I was kind enough not to take their swords when I left!

The bounty hunter laughed in response to my statement. "Pretty much, so, sorry, I actually kinda like how you pissed off the fence sitter at the end of the Third War, not to mention you killed that asshole Shizaki, seriously fuck that guy," he grumbled as he shook his head. "But, well, you saw your bounty."

"No, no, I quite get it, tempting to turn myself in for that kind of money," I said, shaking my head, "I kinda feel bad about what's going to happen now."

"Oh yeah, and what's that?" He questioned challengingly, sounding… eager to see what I had planned, ah man, now I feel worse, this guy just wants to fight the strong guys.

"Sorry, but you'll be helping me test something," I announced as my Mangekyou Sharingan appeared, the light blue chakra of my [Susano'o] erupting around me as it took form, Amenonuhoko in hand. "But with us so far away from… well… everything this is just too perfect of a chance to train with my Amenonuhoko."

The man didn't seem daunted in the least by my [Susano'o] and Sacred Treasure, instead his slammed his fists together and got into a stance, I let out a sad sigh, man, if I had only been two years older, than I would've felt at ease sitting down and having drink with this guy first. "No hard feelings if I kill ya, right?" he asked as his chakra began to surge within him.

I gave him an honest grin that only might have been a bit blood thirsty. "Normally I would say there would be, but with you, I don't think there will be any," I replied honestly, my [Susano'o] getting itself into a stance. "What's your name?"

"Kan Matsushina," he announced as his chakra became visible to a normal eye, cloaking his body as if it were armor. "It's been a pleasure meeting you, Yuriko Uchiha!"

Ah… politeness and professionalism, so rare these days. "The pleasure is mine, Kan-san," I assured him, grinning myself. "Professionalism like yours is so hard to find these days, now, are you ready for us to try and kill each other?"

He was.

Kan Matsushina is a man I don't think I will ever forget, that chakra cloak of his was something else as it enhanced not only his defenses, but his offense and speed, easily putting him in pace with my [Inaba Rabbit] technique.

Quite honestly, if I didn't have Amenonuhoko I might've died, the Naginata made things painfully easy as the very earth rebelled against the bounty hunter, spikes erupting around him, metal bars getting in his way.

Hell, the man punched through a goddamn pole of titanium, I honestly wished we weren't killing each other and I could convince him to come to Konoha, I would love to have seen that strength pitted against the Akatsuki.

Eventually, however, it came down to a battle of attrition that he sadly lost, his chakra cloak dropping for only a split second as his endurance wavered. It was all I needed for several spears of metal to lance up, piercing his vital organs, the man actually let out a rasping laugh as he died.

Such a damn shame, I liked him.

I frowned as I walked through the streets of Konoha, Naruto-kun was with Sasuke-kun for a playdate and a sleepover that I arranged with Mikoto-san for 'some personal time'. That wasn't the truth though, tonight there was a Kumogakure delegation here to try and kidnap a five year old Hinata Hyuuga, an attempt that was ultimately stopped, but at the cost of Hizashi Hyuuga's life to keep the peace with Kumogakure.

My sharingan eyes spotted a quickly moving figure near the Hyuuga compound, a large bundle on his back as he moved.

Like fuck I was going to let that happen. I activated the [Inaba Flicker] technique and gave chase to the fleeing shinobi, overtaking him and landing right in front of him, causing him to skid to a stop.

"And what do you have in that bag that would be making you run from the Hyuuga compound?" I questioned, sure I may only be fifteen and most fifteen year olds aren't all that intimidating, but I was in the middle of my growth spurt, sitting at a decent 5'5" with a toned body and quite the flattering figure if I had any say in it, but I was a kami damned S-ranked threat, my mere presence alone should be threatening. "Not to mention running along the rooftops, you do realise that only makes us more suspicious considering we told you not to do that within these walls."

The man growled a bit, I'm pretty sure he was able to recognize who I was, considering that I would've been one of the shinobi he would have been briefed about, his eyes darting around, looking for an escape route.

"Look, set the kid down, and we can talk this out," I said in a low tone, my kodachi flashing in the moonlight as I drew it, the weapon being suffused with a glow. "If you come in peacefully, I can guarantee that this will have only… a minor effect on the treaty."

Huh, he was actually setting Hinata down, how about tha-

Ah, now he's charging, death by shinobi, eh?

"So be it," I sigh before vanishing from his eyes. Appearing behind him I hit both of his shoulders and hamstrings in rapid succession, using the chakra scalpel to precisely target his hamstrings, crippling him as his muscles failed him. "Seriously, you really thought we'd just let you do this? Fucking idiot."

"Fucking… Uchiha… bitch!" the man grunted out before I knocked him out with a brutal kick to the head, turning as a frantic Hyuuga Hiashi appeared and pointed to the sack the man was carrying.

The man ripped the sack open to find his unconscious daughter within, not even waiting to ask, I stepped up, placing my glowing hands on her, looking for anything wrong with her.

"A sleeping drug," I assured him gently as I began to purify her of the drug. "She will be woozy for a few hours, but don't let her fall asleep for three hours until it's completely out of her system."

Hiashi sighed in relief. "Thank you," he said gratefully. "I don't know how to repay you for this."

I quirked a grin at him in response. "No need for thanks, this village is my home, and the villagers my family, no way I would let someone kidnap a member of my family," I told him with a chuckle.

Hiashi studied me for several moments after my statement before he was distracted by little Hinata-chan stirring from her slumber.

Sometimes… all the pain, all the stress, all the work, was totally worth it.

This was one of those moments, I decided as I watched the father hug his daughter in relief before picking up the Kumo-nin and headed for T&I, wonder how much this was going to change things?

I stood behind Naruto-kun, my hands on his shoulders as he looked up at me, his six year old face grinning as we listened to Sarutobi-sama give his speech to the new students of the Academy, beside us, Fugaku-sama, Mikoto-san and Itachi-kun were standing with Sasuke-kun. With how much time Naruto-kun had spent in the Uchiha district - either when I was visiting or staying with my family while out on a mission, the two ended up become fast friends, even if they did spend much of the time arguing with each other.

"Just you wait, nee-chan, I'm going to be a better shinobi than you!" Naruto-kun proudly declared, making me smile warmly in response.

I giggled a bit at him, tweaking his nose and making his face scrunch up in an adorable manner. "I look forward to see that day," I told him honestly, patting his shoulder comfortingly.

We turned back to the Hokage as he continued to speak, it was a strange feeling welling up inside of me, as I stood there with Naruto-kun, I knew he would be a splendid shinobi, and I did my best to try and raise him right for Minato-sama and Kushina-san. There were bumps along the way, with me only being a teenager trying to raise a child, of course there would be, but, we came out of it strong.

Not once did my love for my bundle of sunshine waver, nor have I ever doubted his love for me, the child wore his heart on his sleeve and always hugged me tightly after we cooled down from an argument.

"And so, I welcome you, future shinobi of Konohagakure," Sarutobi-sama announced to polite applause that I joined in with.

"You have everything?" I asked my little brother.

"My books, pencils, lunch, practice shuriken and kunai, yup, I have everything!" he announced with a beaming toothy grin.

"Alright then, ready for your first day?" I asked him, unable to help the gnawing feeling of worry inside of me.

"Yes, nee-chan," he said, rolling his eyes at having to answer my question for the fifth time that morning. "I'm ready, and I'll be with Sasuke and Hinata-chan if anything happens."

I bit the inside of my cheek as I tried to restrain myself from speaking more. In thanks to my effort for saving Hinata-chan from the Kumo nin, apparently me and Naruto-kun were welcome to visit the Hyuga clan whenever we wished, which allowed me to introduce Naruto-kun to Hinata-chan.

Letting out a sigh I kissed him gently on the forehead, making him squirm in embarrassment at the action. "Nee-chan~" he whined as he rubbed his forehead, making me giggle.

"You have a good day today, we'll go to Ichiraku's for dinner tonight," I told him, making his eyes widen in joy.

"YES!" he cheered loudly, making Sasuke-kun roll his eyes next to us.

"Calm down, Naruto, it's just ramen," he scoffed, getting me and Naruto to glare at him as his family chuckled.

"Take that back teme!" Naruto-kun swore as he began struggling against my grip to try and strangle his friend.

"Make me, dobe," Sasuke grunted as we three adults rolled our eyes at the familiar scene.

Life… life was good.


Yuriko's Stats

Name: Yuriko

Level: 65

EXP: 1,015/27,500

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Title: Elite Jonin (+50% to all stats)


HP - 2,600

CP - 8,600

STR - 75 (131)

INT - 130 (195)

DEX - 150 (262)

VIT - 75 (131)

WIS -120 (780)

LUK - 41 (61)

Ryo - 25,542,153

New Skills!

[Inaba Flicker] (Active) [Level 43 - 0.23%] - A combination of both the [Inaba Rabbit] and [Body Flicker] jutsus to create a ultra-speed movement. +543% to base movement speed, small chance of tearing leg muscles when active, 10 CP/Second