
Where are we?: Part 2

Dozens of S.H.I.E.LD troopers repelled down from the Quinjets that were circling the crater as a pair of combat medics quickly approached the sleeping duo and injected them with a powerful anesthetic to insure that they remained unconscious.

As soon as the Medics gave the all clear Naruto and Sasuke were restrained and loaded onto gurneys to be airlifted to the Helicarrier.

With the fastest speed possible they were transported to the special containment cell at the heart of the ship. Once they were safely secured the Helicarrier started ascending into the sky. While the troops on the ground began quarantining the area and blocking off any nearby roads.

4 hours later

Agent Maria Hill had just received the latest report from the medical team responsible for treating Naruto and Sasuke's injuries and keeping them sedated.

"Talk to me Hill. What are we dealing with" Fury asked with his arms crossed behind his back while looking up at the full moon from his office window.

"Well, Sir" she replied while scrolling through her tablet "from what we can tell they are not Asgardian. The two are teenagers are approximately 16-17 years old with vaguely eastern features of an unidentifiable ethnicity. And aside from a few strange physiological traits we have observed they appear nearly identical to ordinary humans."

Fury raised his eyebrow and turned to face her "what kind of traits?"

"Well for starters Sir, the black haired one who we have temporarily dubbed Subject A has two distinguishing features. The first and most obvious being his left eye it is completely purple with no iris to speak of and is covered in concentric circles that have six strange markings on them."

"Any idea what it is" Fury asked?

"None yet, Sir" she shook her head "we have already taken a fluid sample from his eye and are still awaiting results. As for Subject A's second trait we found it when we were running the blood test to find the blood type needed for a transfusion."

"What's wrong with his blood?"

"It's his immune system it's like nothing we've ever seen. He has an abnormally high amount of white blood cells that seem to violently attack any foreign substances in his body. Effectively making him immune to most diseases and poisons, and from what we can tell this seems to be the result of some kind of advanced gene manipulation."

"What about his sedatives! Will we be able to keep him under" Fury asked already planning for a worst case scenario?

Hill calmly responded "We have already tripled his dose of sedatives and have an agent permanently stationed at his side to flood his system with drugs if he shows any signs of awakening."

"Good" Fury let out a silent sigh of relief "and what about the other one?"

"Well, Sir you already know the two of them came in with severe wounds the worst of which being on their left and right arms respectively. Their bones are completely shattered and even with the best medical treatment on the planet they would still need at least a year to fully recover."

"Your point" Fury hurried her along.

"Subject B, he's healing. From our estimates if he keeps healing at this pace his arm with be completely normal within two weeks."

"Hmm" Fury sat back in his chair and leaned back to look back up at the moon "Have you already checked the two of them for the Metagene?"

"Yes, Sir" Maria nodded "both of them are clean I'm afraid subject B is not like your friend in the Howling Commando's (i.e. Wolverine) in fact we have not been able to find any reason to explain why he possesses such powerful regenerative abilities."

Fury sat silently in his chair deep in thought.

"Sir" Maria broke the silence "what are your orders on how we should proceed?"

Fury sat quietly for a moment more before a resolute look appeared in his one good eye "Right now were flying 40,000 feet above the middle of the Atlantic ocean and they're trapped in the cell we specifically designed to hold gods." He hesitated a moment be continuing "I say we wake them up."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As Naruto slowly came too the first thing he saw were the blinding florescent lights hanging above his head.

"Am I in a hospital" he thought while straining to sit up. Naruto held his good arm to his forehead to try and stop his massive headache and noticed the IV hanging from him "Yep, definitely in a hospital" he whispered.

"No dobe, you idiot we are definitely not in a hospital" came a sarcastic voice waking Naruto up from his stupor!

"Sasuke!" Naruto shrieked jumping of the bed he was on to tackle him in a hug and immediately collapsed to the floor.

"Damn it, Naruto your still injured so stop jumping around like a two year old and take a good look at where we are.

"Wha-" Naruto mumbled as he struggled to get back in his bed before taking a good look at his surroundings. And noticed that they were trapped inside of some kind of round glass cell in the center of a dimly lit metal room. He scratched his head and looked dumbly at his friend "Um, Sasuke where are we?"