
Semi-frustrating day

Now that she's done talking with Morie, Isabel is back at being bothered by what Amy had said. When she landed on top of Hash, her friend knew she was not dreaming.

Another therapy session and that physician friend of hers will be going to ask a lot of questions.

She didn't have any answers to it herself, and she didn't have the patience to explain.

She walks her way to the library, hoping she will find any answer regarding the secrets of this Cove.

She didn't want Alex or anyone at the facility to know, that she is beginning to understand what is behind all these acts.

Everything that the Cove's doing to these dying patients is merely just a facade of their real intention.

It doesn't bother her now, though. Her wedding is in four days!

She is too deep in her thoughts, she kept walking and didn't realize that she's now in front of the Cove's beautifully structured library.

She walked in and a different librarian assisted her. This time it's a man.

"Is there any particular topic you would want to see?" The man in a jogger's outfit asks.

Henry is what is written on his name tag.

"Is there a book on the history of Raven's Cove? I'm really interested," tried her best to look innocent, her question might spark suspicion.

"Of course. Come this way." Henry returned her smile, and lead her to Archives.

This is the Hasher Raven's Autobiography, which basically involves the entire Raven family. She handed Isabel a very thick and heavy book.

"This is Elizabeth's." He gave her a medium-sized book.

Surprisingly with the entire mausoleum of her memorabilia, but her autobiography isn't that many?

She kept her sentiments in her head and thank Henry for helping her.

"This aisle is the history of the Cove and this Island, who were the original inhabitants." He leads her to a long and dark shelf of books.

"You can find, legends, myths, and interesting facts regarding the island." Henry smiled, staring at a book and touching its spine as if he is in love with it.

"Wow! There is such a long list of documents huh?" She said in wonder.

"Yep, I'll just be at the librarian's office. Enjoy!"

She sat on the floor while reading the Raven's family history.

"Pfft, family drama!" She murmured. Their family has the same sort of thing happen. She closed it right after, she's not interested. Then opened Elizabeth's book.

Elizabeth Jerson, the homecoming queen, the town's jewel she grew up in Secret, no joke, her town's name is Secret. Her father is the town's mayor and her mother was a bakeshop owner.

Her grandfather was a plantation landlord, and her grandmother was the town's seer. Their family was once hailed as the town's witch and was a descendant of those that were trialed in Salem.

Oh, this is something interesting, her thoughts said.

According to her biography, Elizabeth and her family's reputation spiraled down, forcing the family to move to Borres. She went to Borres State University, majoring in Architecture. That must be the reason why she has all those plans in her workshop.

She's not wrong that those weird-looking buildings in the Cove were Mrs, Raven's creation.

It says she also had intestinal cancer when she's the same age as her. That Hasher Raven was her specialist.

They lived for a few years until then she finally dies at age thirty-six. So young! Isabel thought. But it was not indicated in the book that she had a baby. She needs to go back to the palace to see more of her letters to baby Hash.

There was an incident that puts Elizabeth's life into a series of disaster. There's no denying that she is beautiful, many boys her age liked her as described in the book.

There's this guy that wanted to get her attention, Elizabeth is avoiding him, but he tried to insist on himself. Everyone saw the boy's skin as if it is being burnt after touching her.

Rumors of her being a witch spread like a wildfire. The family of that boy file a case against her. Isabel can't help shake her head, granting Elizabeth is indeed a witch, he's the one trying to harass her, she was just defending herself.

That's just a logical thing to do, but sadly there are people in this world that twisted everything because they can. They love to play with power.

A few years back the author of the book interviewed the man that Elizabeth had the incident with.

"After that day, my life never is never the same again. Perhaps I'm being convicted by my conscience, every night I am having nightmares, in those dreams like the movie ELM Street. I was transported to a place where everyone is strange and I always woke up tired. I already ask forgiveness, but I am still suffering the same."

The author quoted what the man has said.

'Hmph! As if forgiveness can erase what you have done." Isabel muttered, some people wanted forgiveness to compensate for their guilt.

Wait, he was being transported every night? Just by a single touch from Elizabeth? He has to speak to that person. Surely there's something missing from this interview. She checked the author's contact information.

He must have something extra that was not published, she is sure of it. She hurriedly put the books back on the shelves but paused.

Shit! There is no network or wifi access to this Island. Frustrated Isabel pulled her hair and sighed loudly.

"Hash, can you help me, please? I missed you already." Mumbling almost like a prayer.

With heavy steps, walking back to the grove, for her dinner. Her hope of coming back to Novalia is lower than her hope of surviving cancer.

With a heavy heart, she can't help whine and stomp her feet on the sand.

"Damn it!" She said out loud.

"What are you sad about?" Isabel looked around and it was Ed.

"No, I just wanted to talk to my parents. I signed up with getting cured no matter what." She said laughing.

"Good for you! Why didn't you ask Alex, that's easy to arrange." He gave her his usual smile.

"Can't you help me talk to them now?" But she was thinking of the author's email while asking that question.

"Of course!" Ed answered enthusiastically.

"Oh Ed, you're heaven sent!" And you have no idea you had spark hope in my frustrating day. Thanking Ed more in her thoughts.