
Heavy Metal


When they came out of the mansion, they saw that the Chimeras were all gone, the experimented girls and the others remained at confronting each other, however, for the girls' fortune, the villagers didn't mind their modified bodies because they saved them from the danger.

Marco: Let's go now, Alice.

Alice: Yes, to the next location.

Thus, they left Witch Hunt Village and got on Diane's back, towards Safaru Ruins, where Sylph should be.

In minutes, they reached the place, they noticed that it was slowly getting dark, but they kept on without resting, there should be two angels, a Virtue and a Dominion, if Marco remembers correctly.

Alice: Be careful… You didn't rest the entire time...

Marco: It's alright, you should be the one to be in alert, angels can easily hurt you…

Suddenly, a beam of light came at their way, and the Virtue appeared… And here's another strange one. She had only the head, the chest, where one could see the ribs, and the abdomen, her shoulders were connected to wings, same for her legs, which twisted around themselves to form legs.

Under her, there were strange organs, and behind her, there was something that looked like a ball of feathers, on top of her brown hair she had a small golden halo.

Marco: 'Christ… The creator must have scraping the bottom of the barrel while creating angels…'

Silkiel: Hehe… I am Virtue Silkiel, the angel in charge of the threads of life. It's my role to wrap those who have passed on through this life in my cocoon, and offer up their soul to the Heaven. I do not normally do it to flesh and blood humans like you, but… Illias specifically ordered me to handle your life.

Marco: Try me, bitch.

Marco used Kurama Gate and glared at Silkiel, while unsheathing his sword.

Silkiel: Hehe, this will be the first time I'll send a human's soul to Heaven as his body still lives… Either way, it will feel abso-


Marco immediately electroducted her with Lily's powers, however she didn't looked to have got that much damage and a silk immediately shot out from her lower body, Marco put his arm in front of him, and the silk coiled around his arm.

Silkiel: Hehe, come he- Huh?

Silkiel was trying to pull Marco towards her, but strangely he didn't moved an inch, he used his arm to grab her silk and coiling around his arm, before doing the same with the blade of his sword, his body got enchanted with Gnome's powers, and then he pulled.

Silkiel fell in the ground, and tried to get up, but Marco didn't let her do it when he threw his katana like a spear to her forehead, his strength was incredibly enchanted, so the throw got faster and pierced her skull.



*10000 pt.*

*47000 pt.*

Silkiel: ...Huh?

She then faded in particles of light, before vanishing together with the silk, Marco sighed and walked to Magnum, and picked it up. He looked at the clean blade, it looks like it will last enough, however he doubts it will survive against a Seraph or Cherub…

Alice: What's the problem?

Marco: I think soon I need a stronger blade…

Alice: ...Why do you not try to enchant it yourself?

Marco looked at her with a raised eyebrow, as if telling her that he couldn't do it.

Alice: Not that… I meant using Gnome's blessing to harden the blade.

Marco: ...That is not a bad idea… Gnome, you can do it?

Gnome: …

Marco: Oh right, about enchantments, Alice, you can create Light's Bane enchantment, but you are still unable to attack angels, why?

Alice: Don't ask me, I don't get it myself...

Marco: Ok...


*Detected enchantment: Heavy Metal (IV)*

Gnome: …

Marco: 'That's all you can do for now? Don't worry, your power is still sealed.'

Gnome: …

Marco: 'It's ok, you can rest a bit… System, analyze Heavy Metal (IV).'


*Heavy Metal: This is an enchantment used to make weapons heavier and harder, those who are blessed with the being that used this enchantment, won't feel the change of weight. Stages: (I) = 1000 kg

(II) = 5000 kg

(III) = 15000 kg

(IV) = 40000 kg

(V) = 1000 tons*

Marco: PFFFFT…

He almost choked on his own saliva.

Alice: What happened?

Marco: No… I just found out that the sword is 40 tons heavy…

Alice: ...Huh?! Shouldn't Gnome be tired?!

Marco: Yeah, she is… She is currently resting, so I won't be able to use her. Be careful, the next angel is coming…

Alice: Yes!

The space around started to warp as another angel descended. This one was pretty strange too, a black bed with a black tent around it appeared, inside the tent, there was a beautiful naked woman with small purple wings and light purple long hair.

Endiel: I am Dominion Endiel. I am called the Angel Whore. It is my duty to repay those who die for the Goddess with pleasure. Inside this tent, I take them in and give them the sexual techniques of the Heavens… With that, I truly send them to Heaven… That is why I have been called the Angel Whore.

Alice: According to you stupid angels, Marco is a great sinner, right? Then why did an angel like you show up?

Endiel: Bury the disgraced Sinner in pleasure… That was Goddess Illias' command. I'll take you into my tent just like the Saints… And after you enjoy the techniques, you'll be sent to Heaven…

Marco: I want to go to the Heaven, but I prefer picking the main door, thanks.

From what he remembers the tent and bed should be part of her body, but they are able to shapeshift, so he will finish this in a single attack… Marco came to Alice's ears and whispered something.

Alice: Yes, I can do it… I ask thee, eternal time… Reveal my body, yoked in twilight… Return my true body to me!

She gained her body for some seconds before her eyes were charged in magic and glared at Endiel.

Endiel: Haha! Your magic doesn't work with ange-FUCK!!

Then Alice's eyes emitted blinding light, temporarily stunning the Dominion, then Alice turned in her human form and turned around to see what Marco wanted to do, and she was surprised when she saw him extending his arms in front of him and create the head of a fox.

The fox opened his mouth and a human-sized bijuudama appeared, this was honestly the 3rd largest bijuudama that Alice ever seen, the first two were used when Marco used the Special Mode: Nine Tails.

When Endiel's eyes recovered from the flash, she saw only a large black ball too near to her being, and when it touched her, she felt as if a metal giant punched her, breaking some of her bones, before the bijuudama exploded.



*15000 pt.*

*62000 pt.*

Marco took a small breath and stretched his body, using a bijuudama of that size is a bit tiring, however it wasn't enough to be a problem.

Marco: Alright, there's no more angels…

Alice: Hmm… Though they were very strong, there weren't many. Perhaps Illias has less subordinates than we first thought…

Marco: Well, the Great Monster War should have made our job easier, unless you are omnipotent, you can't create these beings just like that, it gives a burden to the body if one exaggerates, and probably someone did the same thing recently… I think I have an idea...

Alice: I heard someone destroyed a large number of them a few hundred years ago. I read it in a dubious looking book deep in the Monster Lord's Castle. The information was so piecemeal, I wasn't sure whether it was a fact or just some local legend.

Marco: ...Is it Heinrich, isn't it?

Alice: ...That changes things… Maybe he was in the Sealed Sinner's Prison because he got against Illias… That's a really good theory!

Alice seemed surprised when Marco mentioned Heinrich, and things started to link together inside her head.

Alice: ...Hey, Marco. Is that quicksand?

Marco turned around and saw a huge pit of quicksand… And a small figure was struggling in. It was a woman around 17 years with light green hair, and amber eyes, she wore a green dress with yellow outlines, she wore green boots and gloves, instead of ears she had leaves and behind her she had fairy wings.

?: Help me… Someone help me…

Marco: ...She's Sylph?

As soon as she heard him and looked at him, her face lighten up.

?: Yaaay! It's Marco! You came for me after all!

Marco: ...It is still pretty hard believing that you are Sylph with that body…

Marco sighed and walked towards the adult Sylph, and when he was at the border of the quicksand, he used a chakra arm to pick her up and leave her beside him.

Sylph: Hyaaaan! I'm sooooo hungry! I'm going to die from hunger!

Alice: *Sigh* You know the method. Hurry up and finish, Yahweh…

Marco: Tch…

Alice: ...I'll help quicken the rate of desertification around here in revenge. If you don't want this land to never have something grow in it again, you better finish quickly.

Marco: ...You talk as if I really care about this world…

Alice ignored him and left with a pout on her face.

Sylph: Now to get some tasty energy from Marco. ♪

Marco: Well, at least she is bigger than Gnome…

Gnome: …

Marco: 'We both know that's true, no need to defend yourself.'


1st. Achieve coexistence between Monsters and Humans

2nd. Kill Illias

3rd. Return to Lucifina's grave

4th. Visit every places in Illias Continent, Sentora and Hellgondo

5th. Make Alice happy


1st. Kill Illias

2nd. Save as many people as possible: [17321/???]

3rd. Defeat or Kill Promestein

4th. Defeat or Kill Black Alice

5th. [Optional] Kill as many angels as possible: [31/???]

Hello guys, here is another chapter, I hope you like it, comment, put PS, review and bye.

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