
Chapter 5367 The Real Fengshen Haige

 "Wan'er, don't be wronged. If you want to kill them, don't hold back. I promise you can kill them before the envoy of God makes a move." Seeing Tang Wan'er compromise, Long Chen sent a voice message to Tang Wan'er.

 "Long Chen, after this incident, I seem to have grown up in an instant. I understand many things that I didn't understand before.

 Let's keep the heads of these people on their necks first. Looking at them like this, we will remember the unforgettable pain and remind us all the time.

 When we are in a good mood or a bad mood one day, we will chop off their heads. I want them to live in fear forever, and it is worse than death." Tang Wan'er sent a voice message to Long Chen.

 Long Chen looked at Tang Wan'er's eyes that were still stained with tears, and couldn't help feeling a huge pain in his heart. Growth requires a price, and most of the conditions for growth are loss.

 When a person loses too much, he will no longer be naive. The sacrifice of the Hidden Dragon Warrior this time was a big blow to Tang Wan'er.

 She personally selected every warrior. What she valued first was not their talent and qualifications, but their kind character.

 She always remembered Long Chen's words: Kind people deserve to be treated gently by the world. If the world is not gentle enough, I am willing to open a gentle world for them.

 When Long Chen said this, he was in the spirit tribe. At that time, they came to the world of the spirit tribe for the first time, felt the pure and flawless eyes for the first time, and felt the sincere and kind emotions for the first time. In the spirit tribe, they can put down all their defenses and open their hearts to embrace everyone.

 The kindness of the spirit tribe shocked the people who had experienced endless killings. At that time, Long Chen watched them singing and dancing, listened to their laughter, and said this affectionate word.

 Tang Wan'er always kept it in her heart. When she was strong, she also hoped that she could do her best to protect those kind people like Long Chen.

 Therefore, there is today's Hidden Dragon Corps. However, the first battle of the Hidden Dragon Corps suffered a major accident. Tang Wan'er watched more than a dozen sisters die in battle, but she was unable to rescue them. The feeling of powerlessness and self-blame was like a poisonous snake gnawing at her heart.

 Tang Wan'er, who had experienced a major change, had completely changed. Innocence had left her face, and determination and perseverance emerged.

 Long Chen felt sorry for Tang Wan'er, but he knew that as a leader, there were some things he had to go through. When a large number of dragon blood warriors died in the Tianwu Continent's World Destruction War, he never wanted to experience that pain again in his life.

 But there was no way. If Tang Wan'er was alone, Long Chen could carry her burden for her, but now it was different. She had to be the commander of the Hidden Dragon Corps, and she had to carry her burden by herself.

 Moreover, she had formed the Hidden Dragon Corps, and there was no turning back. She had to rush forward without regrets.


 At this moment, the envoy of God jumped down from the hall and came in front of everyone. When he came in front of him, Long Chen couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

 Before, because of the distance, Long Chen couldn't sense his breath, but now that he was close, the star power in Long Chen's body suddenly flowed rapidly, and the strong pressure made them rise automatically.

 Long Chen was shocked. The strength of this divine envoy was more terrifying than he had imagined. Although he had no hostility, the pressure he put on him almost caused the power of the stars to expand automatically.

 The divine envoy glanced at Long Chen, with a look of surprise in his eyes. Long Chen's heart suddenly shrank. His intuition told him that this divine envoy had seen through his identity.

 However, after the divine envoy glanced at Long Chen, he said nothing and turned to look at the deputy pavilion masters and said:

 "Today's matter ends here. Those who hold official positions in Fengshen Sea Pavilion are forbidden to leave Fengshen Island."

 The faces of these senior officials changed. They seemed to feel something, but they pretended to be calm and eventually dispersed slowly.


 Suddenly, the divine messenger waved his hand, and the wind-fixing beads on the tower in the distance trembled slightly, and the divine light bloomed, instantly covering the entire Fengshen Sea Pavilion.

 After the divine messenger finished doing this, he bowed slightly to Feng Xinyue, glanced at Long Chen, waved his hand, took a step forward, and disappeared in a few rises and falls.

 When everyone left, Tang Wan'er asked the Hidden Dragon Corps to return to Hidden Dragon Island first, and she and Long Chen followed Feng Xinyue to her hall.

 When they entered the hall and there was no one around, Tang Wan'er could no longer hold back and threw herself into Feng Xinyue's arms.


 Feng Xinyue hugged Tang Wan'er, her face full of pity. She sighed and said, "Master told you at the beginning not to form the Hidden Dragon Corps. If you want to be a leader, what you need to endure is far beyond your imagination. Do you regret it now?"

 Tang Wan'er cried in the master's arms, but shook her head firmly. Obviously, she did not regret this decision. She just couldn't accept the departure of her sisters.

 "Good child, this is the price you must go through to grow up. Master knows you are tired. Take a nap. When you wake up, everything will be a new beginning." Feng Xinyue gently stroked Tang Wan'er's hair and comforted her softly. Her whisper was full of endless tenderness. Tang Wan'er fell asleep while crying.

 After Tang Wan'er fell asleep, Feng Xinyue gently put her aside, then turned to look at Long Chen and said,

 "I know you have a lot to ask me, sit down and talk!"

 After Feng Xinyue sat down, Long Chen sat down and asked, "Senior, I really don't understand, how can Fengshen Haige, such a powerful force, use some guys who are worse than pigs and dogs to take power?"

 "Because there are many inside stories you don't know. The deputy pavilion master you killed was an undercover from Brahma Pill Valley, and the woman I killed was a spy from Longteng Business.

 In fact, it's not just the two of them. The top leaders of Fengshen Haige are basically infiltrated by foreign forces, trying to subvert the inheritance of Fengshen." Feng Xinyue said.

 When Long Chen heard Feng Xinyue say this, his eyes widened and his face was full of disbelief.

 Long Chen said puzzledly, "Then why not take this opportunity to set things right?"

 "Set things right? Fengshen Haige is not in chaos, why should we set things right?" Feng Xinyue asked back.

 "The Fengshen Sea Pavilion is already in such a mess, and it's not considered a mess?" Long Chen was speechless.

 "No, the Fengshen Sea Pavilion you saw is not the real Fengshen Sea Pavilion. This is just a cover for the Fengshen Sea Pavilion." Feng Xinyue shook her head and said.

 "This is not the real Fengshen Sea Pavilion? Then where is the real Fengshen Sea Pavilion?" Long Chen was shocked.

 Feng Xinyue raised her head and looked in the direction of the Wind-Fixing Pearl and smiled without saying a word.

 Long Chen's heart was beating wildly. He understood in an instant:

 "Could it be that the current Fengshen Sea Pavilion is just to confuse the opponent?"


 Seeing that Long Chen understood it at once, Feng Xinyue couldn't help but admire it, and then said:

 "Come on, tell me what you got, did you get that thing?"

 "What is it?" Long Chen was stunned.

 "Are you still pretending to be stupid with me? Of course it's the thing related to your origin." Feng Xinyue looked at Long Chen and said.

 Long Chen's heart was beating wildly, could it be...