
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · ファンタジー
186 Chs

Prologue 54 (Part 1) Joining Her People (3).

The Class 2nd Epic Beast was in the sky one second and then its jaws were wrapped over her Glass Orb the next. Its Flying fish wings fluttered as its bulk pushed her into the surface of the water and its eel tail flailed about he air in excitement.


The croak spread hair thin cracks over the glass as if an electric current were moving around her protective case. And by the time she could react and covered the cracks all up, she was 1,000 meters below the surface.


She suppressed her momentary panic and almost cursed the fact that she had been pushing against her limits for the past 2 weeks.

Either ways, its mouth that was moving to swallow the entire Glass Orb, only halfway so far, was ripped in half as she willed the surface of the glass orb to be protruding spikes on its vertical axis, before spinning the ball so that its body was shred in perfect half.

She saw 3 similar shadows beneath the sea and her thrusters had already carried her to 5 meters below the surface when they neared her by 6 meters.

And just 1 meter out of the surface, she saw an army of the Flying Frog Eels falling like meteors.

She ironically remembered one of the names of her moves and made glass pipes connecting all the 20 Glass Orbs floating in the water which she had formerly reserved for extra.

The Class 2nd Epic Beasts were now 5 meters behind her.

Then, as they flattened out, so that the a circular surface of glass floated on water, the 7 legs and 7 limbs of glass connected to the circumference of 23 meter circular glass platform and then met at a central point that was made to be a sphere which the 3 tails connected to.

The Class 2nd Epic Beasts were now 4 Meters away from her.

Following, the 3 heads of glass merged into her glass Orb

The Class 2nd Epic Beasts from behind were now 3 meters away from her.

Next, the circular platform beneath, grow a duplicate under itself that would spin in the opposite direct and kep it afloat. Then a central sonia connected both the disk platforms that did not touch one another.

The Class 2nd Epic Beasts behind her were now 2 Meters away from her.

Finally, the parts that made the tals of glass on her structure began whirling the conjoined head of glass that had joined her Glass Orb as the entire structure grew nasty spikes all over its body

The Class 2nd Epic Beasts that were 1 meter away got shredded to bits as they were cut and diced into chunks.

Above the falling Class 2nd Epic Beasts fell with ravenous hunger and she realised that she would have to monitor the berserk falling of her own glass orb if she wanted to win this.

*Have You Seen Meteors Evolve?*

500 Glass fists as tall her torso-and-a-half that would chase their targets for 9 seconds emerged and would merge into the other which would increase their explosion.

A crazed whip of death!

1,000 falling Bloodthirsty Class 2nd Epic Beasts!

300 Glass fists!


















Each glass fist that exploded made sure to take a life, and reforming back immediately after to hunt new prey.










Kazu Nimi, im her concentration, did not see when one had been missed and it launched its attack straight at her station of command.


The Glass Orb transformed by 3 heads exploded and sound viciously traveled through her body, making her to cough blood.


Again and she jumped to the ceiling of her transformed Glass Orb, before launching Explosive Speed to kick it away so hard that she was out of the Glass Orb for a second, where another two Class 2nd Epic Beasts made their way towards her.

The world became slow in her vision;

Her determined expression,

The reaching Class 2nd Epic Beasts,

Her distance from the transformed glass orb,

Explosions and dying animals create a visually aethestic background.

The 2 bearing Class 2nd Epic Beasts filling the pouch of their mouths fir maximum effect.

Will she make it in time?


Jagonu Nanhor, Zlai Dfon, Isimaila Fginja, Henrique Viva and Kirian Kranimora were all huddled in the Spirit Realm still along with the top 100 people from the New Universe.

They had been avoiding pursuit fir a straight month and it was tiring to say the least.

They had not been able to increase points, find anything of value or even thoroughly understand the rules of this place like its gravity.

At least they knew that every 10 meters, the gravity increased 2 times.

That, and killing someone transferred their points to you. If it was done with an assist, the points were given accordingly.

They had been moving kike this since. The SpaceBoxes had kept food inside, so they could survive by sharing rations. Outside of survival, they might not as well have come.

Jagonu Nanhor's frown had been since Uniah Gramabos had entered the Inheritance Grounds.

Isimaila Fginja was sulking. "I've not even gotten anything yet."

Zlai Dfon was walking from person to person and talking to the to keep their spirits alive.

"How are you, it's all going to pass."

Henrique Viva and Kirian Kranimora were interviewing them in select groups to distract them by talking about how trash Uniah Gramanos was.

"So, what is your name?"

A scowling Goblin answered, moustache bouncing with each letter said in hate.

"Hassan Bismillah."

"What is your views on what is happening.?"

"If she is so strong why does she not wait till Kazu Nini is around?"

"Same thought exactly, thank you for your time."

"You there..."


She did make it in time, and got the damned Epic Beasts before they could ribbit.

Still, the grander battle raged on and she realised their numbers did no want to end. So, she added another 500 Fists.

"*Have You Seen Meteors Evolve?*"

Her blood wss starting to get hot as she was controlling 750 fists and the mechanism that flung her about like a whip and cut into anything that reached its path.

The battle was drawn out after a full 30 minutes and her arms were starting to hurt because she had just come from intense training.

Frowning, she gave up logical thinking and transformed everything glass around herself into spears of glass.

Then, waving her hands like she had truly lost her mind, Kazu Nini thrashed about her Glass Orb as it fell back to the ocean.







The ocean was died in blood her Glass Orb bobbed on its surface as she maniacally made Spears of Glass fly about haphazardly, each one accompanied by an outrageous burst of Ko-jin.

The numbers did reduce until only 10 were left, but she was blinded to an approaching Epic Beast.

This one came from behind her and settled there as if waiting. And when she had finished with the Class 2 Epic Beasts, she swirled around in her Glass Orb.

Right before her eyes, she saw a Piranha 20 meters tall, and once their gazes met, it screamed at the same time bits of itself peeled off to form what could only be referred to as a *sea* of normal sized Piranha at her face.

They pushed her further down then played with her to reform into a 20 meter Piranha that watched her as she hurtled through like sea were in normal atmosphere and tossed lole a kite to viscous wind.

Finally regaining her senses, she fixed the Glass Orb that was already leaking water into her personal space when she used explosive speed to shoot forward.

The Piranha smiled like it appreciated her guts, and then it screamed again which made her open her arms wide. So that, her Glass Orb stretched and stretched and stretched until it caught all of the creature's body that she began compressing as she herself kicked to the surface.


Then emerging out of the water lile a canon, the sea of fish were forced into a formless glass case 20 meters in diameter.

When she shrunk it to 15 meters it was now a perfect Glass Orb and the Piranha screeched in anger as they felt their air go away.

10 meters and the limbs, head and tails of glass peeled themselves from the Glass which made it drop to 5 meters. The Class 2 Epic Beast could not move around its myriad bodies anymore and they just sat in wait as the limbs, heads and tails returned and made a pin cushion out of them.

But to make it sure, she made sure the glass orb itself was half a meter before opening it back up.


She allowed herself fall back into the glass orb as she pulled the spare pieces of her Glass Platform that had been bobbing on the water's surface.

Making sire they contained enough air, she let them linger there and waited for the next opponent.

Kazu Nini waited until she was sure that the surroundings were not as bright as they used to be.

Then, she turned around to see a Deep Sea Angler fish with the bloated spiked form of a Quill fish.

50 meters of height almost made her draw breath but her blood was well pumping now.

"*9 Revolutions Of The 9 Amphiptere!*"

The glass Orb tool the form of an Amphiptere then glowed a sharp red hot and then became liquid before exploding into glass and finally plasma.

The Epic Beast, on its end, was gathering light from the illuminated orb at the end of the stalk hanging high from its forehead.

The water around Kazu Nini began steaming as the glass that formed thr Amphitpere went from Plasma, to Gas, to Liquid, to Solid and back for a total number of 8 times.

And nust before the 9th revolution finishes Kazu Nini still falling in he steam that she was changing the water around her into and the Angler Quill Fish swimming about the areas that had water - the Epic Beast Released a laser beam of concentrated light that surprisingly took the shape of a wall which it rammed to.

And when it passed through it, its Quills were erect and aiming for destruction.



The seawater collapsed on them both and Kazu Nini could not tell exactly what direction she was in as she was deep underwater and could not get her bearings.


Eve worse than that her lungs were filling up with water. And just when she was able to slow to a complete stop, the pressure on this level of water made it so that she looked as if she were moving in slow motional as she wanted to drag her Glass to her and make a case she could breath in.

However, all turned black as a gaping mouth opened up to swallowed her completely.

The pressure on this level did not even allow her to swear.