
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · ファンタジー
186 Chs

Prologue 49 (Part 1) How Badly Do You Want It?

Yesterday had been harsh on her. I mean, it was always going to happen, but she did not expect it so soon.

That day, that very day of Uniah Gramanos' loss, the Royal Noble had woken up from her unconscious mindset and after grabbing on of the people in the carriage from her as she lay on the floating stretcher, she only had on question on her mind.

"What happened!!??"

The doctor to her right, a Pixie, had his pointed ears raised in fright like his bulged eye sockets.

"Th-th-the P-p-p-pixie, the common girl, she w-w-w-won it."


She would have broken his neck if he were not an entire level above her. Grabbing her mane, she snarled in anger then roared.

Gramanos Amalganom had reached her carriage the next instant.


Gramanos Amalganom was shocked and going to retort but she was not in the main family… Not yet. So, she bowed and kicked off.

The Royal Noble followed closely byt she could not hope to catch a wind of her cousin's speed. So, she grabbed one of the Pixies carrying her carriage and clawed her paws through the man's face. After that, she bit off the jaw of the next man them then directly separated the next.

The following scene were the entrails of not only the driver of the carriage but the peasants that served her. After a full hour and a ground soaked in blood.

After roaring for a full 10 minutes, Gramanos Amalganom who has been watching from a distance, got the attention of Uniah Gramano's rageful gaze.

"You said you wanted to become a Main Line family member, right?"

She felt danger in her heart but nodded.

"How badly do you want it?"

Her steel gaze gave he answer that the Royal Noble wanted.

"Splendid, make arrangements, after you portal me out of here; set up the ceremony."

"In all my humility, your mother would be a b-"

"I've never tried to pull the reins in this Gramanos bloodline. If you question me again you will take your life and I will sieze everything you own. 9 generations of your kin will become my floor mats and 9 more will be my chamber pots. Now, I need to be at my residence, *yesterday*.

Gramanos Amalganom was already kneeling before the first sentence of the command was finished and had already thrown out a cardboard with wooden frames and writings before the last sentence was done. Amd when it had landed at the Royal Nobles feet, a swirl of colourless mercury sucked her into it.

Letting out a breath, she found Jason Haon Illjako before her when she rose her head up.

"Well she will either become the wife you share me with… or you lose your life."

She was going to smile but he held her lips with a finger.

"Don't celebrate yet, keep your head in the game."

"I told you that it would work in our benefit."

He looked away and when she turned to see what he was staring at he had vanished.

Gramanos Amalganom had not ever typed this fast in her life time. But by the time she too had stepped into a portal and appeared in one of the guest rooms saved for her specifically, attendants were running helter, skelter. Outside the door, as she heard running and unsettled feet, she glanced at the dining area, the full drapes of curtains that almost kisses the floor, the space for an open bath, the area for garden, the extensive balcony and the room that had 7 different habitats.

Imagine that all she saw in her eyes, and all she had ever seen or wanted, was about become a reality! The Sphinx sat longer on the bed, her hands shaking from their over use and her heart beat in her mouth.

Gramanos Amalganom was taking a step but it felt like he was jumping from cradle to adulthood….

… Or hopefully not the grave…

…either way, she had to get ready. So, she went to a drawer and pulled out a stash of Potent Artefacts hat would her return her to pristine condition before shet stepped into the shower.

Gramanos Amalganom had vanished from her quarters, and from there, appeared before what could be called an Olympic Mansion.

The place was named Garden Of Fields because it hade *every* space for sports that you could think of.

Some people also called it a Noble Graveyard, The Royal Tombstone or the Ascension Cemetery.

Gramanos Amalganom looked up from seeing each fields that could be captured in her range of sight and glanced up amd about her to see Royals, Nobles, or Royal Nobles on mounts, chairs or devices as they lounged about the air. Unlike a normal stadium with bleachers or audience seats, this one just had a cluster of canopies stuck to the ground or areas in the sky that had canopies stuck to Levitating Glass.

Every one also had on Spectator Shades which they used to get direct transmissions of the feed going on, anywhere in the Garden Of Fields. A touch on specific parts of its length could change the view to any of the 100,000 angles provided by the Floating Eyes in the sky.

Cyclops eyes that had been the source of inspiration of these cameras which resembles eye balls also had rumour that each one was an actual eye that had been incorporated with Cyborg technology from the Human Continent.

She looked about the Sky swimming with dragons, Wyrms, Skyverns, Hydras, Epigenetics Humongous Dragonflies, Colossal Butterflies and Behemoth Hawks and Breathtaking Majestic Eagles of similar span.

What drew her attention though, was a Dragon that made the Giant who rode it, look like a human on a horse.

She quickly took a deep breath.

"Imagine they all came to watch you faul and all you want to do is just orve them wring."

She took another breath.

"Imagine the glee you will have to prove them all wrong."

The last one was when she opened their eyes.

"They'll piss their pants in your presence when the see you as a victor in what they could neer do in their wildest dreams."


She turned to the skies and roared again.


One more time for the haters.


Jason Haon Illjako just arrived when he saw his ancestor show up on a basilisk. And he then went to the creature and slapped it painfully so that it screamed in pain.


Thus, a chain reactions started and the various mounts retorted so that they will not be outdone.




The ground shook and the air hummed.




The owners of the mounts had different expressions but some of them smiled.




Shockwaves exploded out and about like ot was a rain of them.


The mount owners immediately covered their mounts with the pressure of their Ko-jin which made a suppressive atmosphere where 90 percent of he servants exploded to death.

High in the clouds, a platform was lowering. On it was a complete stage with with a throne and attendants waiting in complete and utter silence, their heads bowed in humility of the one sitting before them. The platform had a covering for the sun and the length that was disclosed which stretches for 250 meters had a complete residential suite befitting a queen.

"Friends and Foe, Guests and Strays, Honored and The Unwelcomed, Kings and Servants, Queens and Stooges… I have called you all here to witness the death or birth of Royal Noble blood."

Uniah Gramanos sat on the throne that was below two that were grander than the one were she was perched. As different Potent Artefacts were swimming about her system, they seemed to be another fuel of her irritation as she went on.

Some of the people she regarded were older than some planets in the universe. So, a few frowned at her speech but she continued as if she did not see them.

"My relative seems to want to take a challenge that would either deem her ambitious as foolish and greedy or brave and triumphant. I look forward to it!"

Her platform descended until it touched ground, and when it did she glanced at the giant.

"Why are you above me? Is this a challenge to me and House Gramanos!?"

Her attendants all drew swords and the giant furrowed his brows before patting his mount. The claws lowered until it touched ground. Then the gargantuan being stood up and bowed at the waist until Uniah Gramanos looked away.

The other Royals and Nobles discreetly lowered their altitudes till all of them were on the ground.

"Gramanos Amalganom, you have long wielded that name in a format which means that the Gramanos family comes before you, but will you become Amalganom Gramanos and become the will of he family or will you fall?"

Uniah Gramanos claped her hands and her relative stepped forward.

"Why are you here?"

"I wish to elevate my status and stand among the Kings who have no peers on the land in the air and in the seas!"

"What makes you think you deserve this?"

"My destiny is not for crawling! My destiny is discontent!" She matched Uniah Gramanos's eyes, "MY DESTINY CALLS OUT TO ME!"

The Royal Noble inches forward on her seat, "then yu better win this or I will drink wine from your skull tonight for staring at me in that manner!"

She laughed, "well then. Without further ado, let us st-"

"Sorry, your highness, you cannot begin this trial without one or two more Royal Nobles of your bloodline behind you."


His brains were on the floor but the next servant stepped up.

"It is indeed true, the traditions of your f-"


"Princess, please under-"


When the next one came, Jason Haon Illjako personally ended his life.

Then his grandfather continued the trend and Uniah Gramanos wanted to split in him half for doing what she wanted but this was who her mother had picked for her. Besides, other Nobles and Royals were picking up on it.

The servants understood that they would die but what could they do? If they blatantly watched millenia old rules broken today, then they would perish either way.

It was now or later.

Soaked in blood and gore, a presence filled the environment and voice disrupted the killings.

"Enough, begin!"

Columns of fire birthed out of nowhere and reached 1,000 km into the sky.

Uniah Gramanos did not look at her kin in the sky but stared straight at Gramanos Amalganom.

"So, what phase do you pick?"

An IntelligentBox flew towards Gramanos Amalganom with bat wings fluttering as if it could not hold its weight but it always balanced itself for a second before fluttering about.

Its body had 1,000 numbers and the Sphinx before it tapped one of them.

'6' lit up

Then another intelligent box showed itself.

'5' lit up.

The last came agan and this one was colors this time. It also had a malevolent face on its sides. Other expressions were etched into others and it swallowed her hands before biting on them. She ignored the pain as it showed up as Emerald Green.

An attendant, a Fairy, slipped out of hidden space and disappeared once he was done.

"The Divine Master Cultivator would like a challenge of 500 meters for each track and they would endure 6 of them"

Uniah Gramanos raised her hands high. "Begin," clapping them, he rested back in her seat as Gramanos Amalganom stepped forward.