
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · ファンタジー
186 Chs

Prologue 48 (Part 3) Inheritance Grounds Opening and New Prospects

"Good afternoon students."

The First Year students had gathered in a hall they had never used before. Behind the Headmaster was a 20 meter wide circular stone that stood on a dias.

On his left and right were different groups. Even the middle had one.

The right had Jagonu Nanhor, Isimaila Fginja, Zlai Dfon, Henrique Viva and Kirian Kranimora in the forefront. The others behind looked in anticipation as they stretched their heads out to see their leader.

The left had Rashta Micko, Iskrim Olinum and Haron Javan before another set of students.

The only reason there was not an uproar was because of the Headmaster before them on the stage.

The most peculiar, though, were the middle group.

Maybe they had added to heir courage when Kazu Nini had won the match. But there seemed to be a neutral party that was not on the left or right, and at their forefront was a face Isimala Fginja remembered and was sneaking glances at. It was the boy who had ridden the Pegasus when they had started school. Their presence did not feel weak at the moment.

But most people were concentrating on what the Headmaster was saying.

"After a month, the Inheritance grounds will kick out people who stray about. The entrance to it will stay open for the entire duration, whatever you find is off your own benefit."

There was a clamour of noise as the Headmaster turned to the door of the building to reveal the Royal Noble of her entrance unto the rather large hall.

The Sphinx walked and the nobles parted ways until she tood at its zenith.

Iskrin Olinum, Haron Javan and Rashta Micko went down on one knee before she had reached their proximity and she tared at the Headmaster when she reached there.

Looking at the middle group, she saw people that she had invited but had turned her down. Now, she would need their presence since there was to be another match as stated by the winner of their lst match.

Shamelessly, Uniah Gramanos then glanced towards the New Universe to see that Kazu Nini was not there. And she laughed at that.

The Headmaster could tell, from the reverence of her subordinates, that somethings must have happened in the Royal Noble circles but h could not tell what. At least, not at the moment.

"Points will be awarded based on duration and items found. SpaceBoxes will be allowed but their contents will be inspected before the grounds are opened up."

He looked at their curious eyes and waited as if wanting to expectations to make them jittery.

And he waited, until he Nee Universe realised he might have wanted Kazu Nini to show up too.

He sighed, "the points will be allocated by badges on your I.D Cards. So keep them close. Before it begins, an alloy will be placed into them so that your points will be monitored."

A soft murmur began to grow in the hall, but the Headmaster released a wisp of his aura and hey hushed themselves up like frightened children.

"Materials collected, enemies defeated, duration of stay and easter eggs."

He watched their eyes and they did not begin a murmur again even though they knew not what easter eggs were.

"You will know what they are when you see them. For now, just do and try your best."

After waiting another 10 minutes, he then flicked his hand and 5 Cardboard papers in wooden frames, with inscriptions etched over their surfaces stuck themselves to the stones surface in an arrangement one for each 4 corner and the last in the center respectively. They all had different colors.

"The one at the top left and lower right is a FormationBoard. The ones at the upper right and lower left are called IllusionBoard, the one in the center is a TransferBoard, while the stone itself is called a DestinationGate."

"The Transfer Boards will open the Portal while the DestinationGate will keep it opened longer than usual. The FormationBoard will keep the place working at maximum capacity and the IllusionBoard will keep things interesting."

Those who knew about these Potent Artefacts knew that things were not so simple as they had been made to sound.

He waited another 10 minutes and then clapped his hands.

The FormationBoards first lit up. The inscriptions on their surface rearranged themselves as if they were alive. Next, the IllusionBoard had its inscriptions merge into the other until it formed some sort if reflective surface. Then, the TransferBoard activated and its writing twisted until it formed a slow vortex until it expanded to cover all the 4 Boards. And like a chain reaction the speed of the vortex increased until it resembled a blender – as loud as it was fast.

Finally, the DestinationGate gave a sift glow and the Vortex slowed it down to a snail's crawl.

"Like you have probably guessed, this Inheritance Ground was first created by the founder of the school."

"Of course it is not like the Looting Grounds were other schools will be participating. Neither will there be veins. Most of what us here would be artificial."

"Also the Co-op option would have been available, were points could be given to those work together, but the New Universe and Noble conflict has only delegated such a situation to 3 groups such as the ones we see here. So, we will hold out on that till the next Inheritance Grounds."

"So, come forward and receive the alloy for your I.D's. I will be personally handing them out. Then, after the inspection, I will let you pass."

He then produced a die. "1 is new Universe, 6 is Noble, 4 is Neutral and 3, we will roll it again."

He then threw the die up, so that it rotated fiercely until it reached the front of his airspace where he slapped it within a catch.


Then, he did it again.

"New Universe!"

He did not need to rol it again. So, in that order, students from the 3 divisions were each selected.

Isimaila Fginja nudged the Wood Fairy. "You are sure she will make it, right?"

Zlain Dfon looked away as her emotions suddenly were placated. She looked at the Spirit in thanks before facing forwards. She di not forget to step on the Wood Fairy's feet before quickly swapping positions. And Zlai Dfon was in the presence of the Headmaster, so she could not make a ruckus. Henrique Viva and Kirian Kranimora laughed at this, revealing their fangs. So, Zlai Dfon used the back of her elbows to hit them in the gut. They doubled over as they coughed out spittle.

Now, Jagonu Nahor joined them.

Uniah Gramanos had noticed the jovial atmosphere and had a feeling she would meet Kazu Nini in the Inheritance Grounds.

The Pixie was luck that Self Hypnosis required her to be in a state were she was not fully conscious. Even though, Uniah Gramanos had noticed at some point that Ko-jin had been stored into the Glass Orbs which were the cores of Kazu Nini's Mud-minions, her own Ko-jin had not finished. Which meant that, given enough time, she would have awakened and recovered enough to engage in a brutal fist fight.

The lines trickled until none were left and the Headmaster stared at the Destination gate in pride. He then looked towards the door again and sighed in disappointment before disappearing in entirety.

When Uniah Gramanos had been ferried home, there had been an event. On the way, she had been delicately brought back out of her mind. Then, she had been given her Potent Artefacts for her low Ko-jin and the rest of the healing was done with rest.

Meaning hat the event had taken place in the night.

Currently though, it was now the day after."

Now, Amalganom Gramanos rejoiced about a room with a savanna and 3 other habitats as Josh Haon Illjako rested on a tree, maming calculations.

"We passed, we passed!"

"We have heard no results, yet and we have not been officially stated to be in the position, yet."

"Most of them did not look unimpressed."

"No, just the fact we are alive means tht we were not rejected."

She nodded her head as she skipped about the place. Jillia Haon was resting her head against the trunk of the tree and sleeping.

"Can you imagine this?" She threw a clod of sand at him. "You don't seem excited."

"This is just another step, another cog that has turned. Each place has its own responsibility."

She raised a brow. "Why you sounding so serious?"

"After I fought the Pixie I realised a lot of things. You can't understand it if you do not face a Personal Law."

She glanced at him then looked away. "A feast! I want a feast, you won't kill my mood today."

Josh Haon Illjako laughed and then dropped to the sand, lifting Jillia Haon out of her sleep by throwing her into the air. Gramanos Amalganom felt a twinge of anger at that but ignored it.