
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · ファンタジー
186 Chs

Prologue 43 (Part 3) Illjako and Gramanos (8 )

The contracts would be passed. She was a success, she had finished her mission. However, at the moment, those were not the thoughts in her head.

Gramanos Amalganom regretted that she had not opted for this choice in so long.

Maybe she had not expected so much from him and he wanted to teach her a lesson. But... She had enjoyed it.

None of them had slept.

She was breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling as the legal practitioner lay on the bed with a startled expression. Her hair was splayed all about her and her mouth was open. Panting just like the Royal Noble the girl was unashamed of her nakedness just like the Sphinx Leopard as Jason Haon Illjako buckled his belt and put his apparel back on. Jillia Haon did not have the slightest trace of embarrassment or even being short of breath.

The Royal Noble did not know how to start a conversation and Jason Haon Illjako did so, thankfully.

"Am I a part of your name, now?"

"I should be asking you that." The Royal Noble Sphinx Leopard attempted sitting up, but she hurt in some places.

"I take that as a positive reply."

"I take it as my mission is finished."

"That is yet to be determined..."

She did not know what to say as he walked till he was close to the door.

"I'll be expecting more."


Kaxu Nini was breathing hard and sweat trailed her body. The PracticeBots were to be delivered this week and she could not wait. Along with the final Aluminum Mineral stones, she would get another boost to her strength.

Just the ones she had taken was leaving her right on the cusp of a cultivation breakthrough.

She felt like she was on the edge of glory and could not see it, even smell it, but she could not taste it.

It was like she was starving and parched in a desert with an oasis besides a royal banquet but could not find the strength in her legs to take he step forward.

It was painful, but she will endure.

In her body, she felt that 65 percent of the Ko-jin tendrils had spread all over her skin. Meaning

Maybe it was the new regimen in conjunction with the Mineral Stones and her Mental Energy that had been improving as she had been pushing her limits to the very tip. But she was now able to practice in the new Cultivation Haven Terrains.

Meaning that the training now was more than before.

And like the past, Kazu Nini would make sure the room was more of an inspiration before she adjusted her Body Weight Suite to match it.

Her Explosive Speed had almost reached Excellent and she had mastered it to the Normal level. It was as though revising them all from beginning had helped her to make quick progress in Explosive Speed. Her reading more and thoroughly attempting to mastering them might have added to the result. [1]

Kazu Nini's bones hurt, her organs were not any better, her nerves wriggled, her vessels pulsed and her skin was in agony.

And while the Pixie was appreciative of progress, she realized that maybe she should only keep herself on edge every other month. That is, at least take a break between them.

Thing is, if she were to have normally had Mineral Stones without the Cultivation Haven Terrain, she would have crippled her own progress as she gas been ingesting them one after the other.

And she would not always have time for the Cultivation Haven Terrains. Forget about catching up toi class or anything like that, the Training Stalls were not even as half as good. Then, her allotted time for the Cultivation Haven Terrains could even be over. Kazu Nini had not been conscious about it but Ruthany Jasmine had indeed never brought it up, so she did not see fit to either.

Maybe when she had the Training Stalls again, she would try to bridge the inadequacies of the isolated spaces in conjunction with her Training Bot.

She felt a tiny bit of progress with her latest technique but her growth rate in it did not stop her. Instead, it only pushed her to work harder.

She cane back to her room and she read heavy atmosphere in it. Outside of their scowls and pensive thoughts, they did not even react to her entering the space at all.

Kazu Nini's shaking body wanted to ask for food but her curiosity won over.

"What's up?"

Zlai Dfon, beautiful even in her scowl, turned to her boss.

"The Nobles."

Kazu Nini's body stilled until it was only her facial muscles twitching in anger.

"What happened?"

"A few of the states that Mako Nini freed have started suffering what they used to in the past."

The Pixie's face fell and she sat on her bum. So sudden was her movement that Zlai Dfon was there before her behind had met the ground entirely.

"Isimaila Fginja, get something for her."

The Spirit had already brought her water she was gulping from in a daze.

"I knew this would happen."

Kazu Nini had since thought to crush the Sphinx so badly she will ask for a rematch. And in that rematch she would add the stakes of the bet so that she could retain the freedom her aunt had created for their nation.

But she would have to endure till then.

"How bad is it?"

"Some nobles thought to act waywardly, but the people stood in solidarity."

"Well the up side is that some of them carried flags of your pictures on them. But the downside is that if an actual riot erupts, I am sure about the safety of the Royals. But the citizens, however..."

"What?" Kazu Nini looked at her Public Relations Manager as though she were a ghost. "Flags of me?"

"You don't understand what your bet with Uniah Gramanos has provoked."

"It is true," the Spirit added. "They say that you wish to carry on the legacy of Mako Nini and ride the fires if liberation."

"Yes, the turn up at your even is going to be wild."

Kazu Nini did not say anything.

"When you posted the video of the meeting in the office, it sparked a lot of thoughts. And it happened not too long before Mako Nini was seen to attack Illjako Enterprises."

"Yeah," the Goblin added as she began warming food that she had prepared earlier. "They say that your voice us to reassure the people into knowing that everything is all right."

"Wait, but how do they know that it was indeed Mako Nini?"

They paused.

"I heard it was one if the monitoring Potent Artefacts in the building that caught her visage." The Goblin waited for the Microwave to count down.

"Some linked it to the incident if your kidnap that they had found out about after digging though the past events related to the company." Zlai Dfon had now pulled her boss from the ground before letting her seat in the island.

"However..." The Spirit paused and their expressions subtly changed. "Jason Illjako Haon might have personally given out a recording himself."

Kazu Nini paused... until she remembered to breathe and then grit her teeth.

"Their reaction was quite swift, though."

The Goblin shook her head. "You have been so closed up in your own world that you do not know the current update of events."

"I have always said to update me on the Telewatch."

Zlai Dfin laughed. "When last did you use the device, though."

"Today morning."

"No, boss, she dies not mean skim through. She means, read. Like, actually take time to read."

Kazu Nini paused, "what happened recently?"

"Illjako and Gramanos are uniting."

She arced a brow, "is Uniah Gramanos getting more allies for the sake of the New Universe?"

"No, its one of oaths and flowers and costumes."

Kazu Nini's mind flushed a possibility and her eyes opened in shock.

She then clicked her tongue in regret, "I should have asked for more resources."

They did not get it at first. But when they did, they snickered.

"True that it makes no difference, but I can see how the Nobles would get pompous about it." Kazu Nini said as she cracked her knuckles. "I don't enjoy pressure I did not plan for, but this is a way to cherish her memory."


Kazu Nini had still not taken the MemoryBall as she had simply no time for it. By the end of the week she had gotten the Mineral Stones needed and started ingesting them as soon as possible.

She finished 10 Aluminum Raw Ores and before she began the final 10 Aluminum Crystals, she had hit Divine Early level 9!

She was so happy at the end of the week and marveled at the disparity;

Ku Nini had used 270 Artificial Mineral Stones and 180 Natural Mineral Stones for Divine Level Early 8. But 20 Aluminum Raw Ores alone had pushed her to Divine Early Level 9!

It was surprising. And as she realized that she might truly hit the peak of Divine Early Level 9 before the fight she was excited. It was one thing to have plans and another to get them to work.

Divine Early Level 9!

At the end of those 7 days, the Practice Bot arrived too and her theory had been right. The inky thing was that she had to rest in-between. But the practice Bot made her training much, much more fruitful.

Kazu Nini did not need to spend time purifying the impurities anymore as training with the Practice Bot helped that to naturally happen.

So, it worked this way.

The Practice bot started off as a Material which was miraculously just on the edge of too heavy and too light. Then, when she followed the instructions on the manual, she saw that she had to place her hands on the head area.

The Robot had a screen appear on its entire cuboidal body.

"Greetings, owner. What is your name?"

"Kazu Nini."

"Splendid name, what appearance do you want me to take?"

She was going to go for her own physique. But if she was doing something she might as well do it right.

It looked like just a random Sphinx at first. But the level of customization allowed it to mirror her reflection perfectly.

She activated battle mode for today's purpose and took her stance.

It asked her to attack it first and it took a rough gauge of her strength after a few minutes.

The next half hour had it doing counters the following had it doing evasions and the last had it fight back.

Kazu Nini was now looking forward to hs event even more.

Autho's Note


In terms of Mastery






In Terms of Classifications



