
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · ファンタジー
186 Chs

Prologue 41 (Part 1) Money Procured And New Contact

The Headmaster stretched his arm towards her and after she was drawn to his hands like a gravitational pull, the next thing she saw was people trailing out. She coughed because the sensation in her arrival had been as if her innards had been forcefully compressed to the utmost limits before they were given any breathing room. It was not a pleasant experience. Even before, at least they had first passed through the black space. But his time, even that process seemed to have been negated. She also looked down to notice she was standing on air.

"It is over, already." He looked at her, "ready to catch up to your rival.?

"Not my rival," her insides felt as though they had been kneaded. "My stepping stone."

"Haha." The man laughed as she saw the Secretary beaming smiles as she now had a new set of CavityBracelets arranged before herself.

The staff outside would see the visitors to the Guest House or outside the school. They had already practiced their roles before hand. So, there should be no hiccup tonight. But the Headmaster knew that even though everything looked smooth, eyes and ears would report things to the nobles.

It was another reason why he had tackled her in the open, he needed them having a different impression of his and Kazu Nini's relationship.

The pair were descended as her coughing violently would only add to the impression he wanted to give off.

The Secretary saw her Boss and quickly cupped her hands.

He waved his own and literally threw her into his employees hands. "I have things to get to. Tidy up the profits, now we will have to purchase them." The Elf turned around, "let me know what she wants to do with them and if there are any hiccups to her progress."

Kazu Nini, still feeling unwell, did not know what to make of his attitude after they had just left where they had been. But now, she was one step further than where she had began with her funds. And he would endeavor to put a lot of pressure on herself for the purpose of trouncing on Uniah Gramanos to her satisfaction.

The Secretary dropped her eventually and saw her pensive face.

"It was a success. Cheer up!"

"Not about cheering up, the travel was... Awesome to say the least."

She laughed. "Well, here are the profits."

She pushed new CavityBracelets to the girl who stared at them.



"No split?"

"Next time, no worries."


Suddenly, the woman kicked the table holding the CavityBracelets and then stretched forth her hands. Maybe the older lady was using her Personal Law, but it felt as though1 space compressed, then became like mud. Then, she found herself directly transported to her Dorm Room. If she had stayed, she would have noticed cracks in space like lightening running rampant which did not disappear after a good 15 minutes. The trickling spectators held their breath as they witnessed the spectacle but they said nothing.

The Secretary sighed and took her belongings before she too disappeared.

Miles away, people literally cloaked in darkness raised their Telewatches to their lips.

"So far, it seems to be only a business relationship."

The voice on the other end snickered.

"Now with her backing gone, even the Headmaster seems to be treating her terribly."

"Yes, even the Secretary seemed hostile to her."

"This is good news."

"If I can express my opinion, master." The Darkness made sure that while his sight was as monochrome as black and white, other senses of his were amplified from his position.


"Now with things as they are, won't her enemies come to take out their frustrations on her. Yes, in school nothing might happen, but what about when she leaves?"

"Hmph, if you think things are that simple, then you know nothing."

"If I may be so bold as to be enlightened, master."

"Firstly, there will be a period of waiting to make sure that the information is not false. Then, they will probe to make sure. And only after then."

"But why the extreme levels of caution?"

"You only heard stories or watched the videos. You did not experience it firsthand. Besides, you did not become a noble, you cannot understand."

"Oh, i see. Master is wise. But pardon my curiosity..."


"Is action going to be taken at some point?"

"Hmph. You seem intrigued by noble affairs. Too bad for your blood and birth circumstances."

"Forgive my insolent background."

"Hmm, yes. But as to of there will be any action... What is the point of plans if they won't be acted upon?"

"You nobles are indeed far wiser than i thought you ever were. I am blessed to be under you."

"Oh, yes. Speak truth you vermin!"


"Hey, you have not given us any orders yet."

Kazu Nini was starting to question the motives of her future minister. Why were their methods of transport so extreme?

Is he telling me not to trust him?

She snapped her head to Isimaila Fginja. "You want a job?"

The Goblin was leaning over the back rest of the sofa. "Yes, please."

"Use your Lindworm to share the fliers over school. Just hold them and let them go to the wind when you are high up enough in the skies. List all the items that we were given by nobles and tell them we will be buying them."

"We will have to ask for a permit to ride the airways."

"I can handle it." Jagonu Nanhor's voice was right before her and she saw the Spirit right in front of herself.


"Are you still angry?"

"No, i just want to reach my room."

"But can I help in getting the permit to fly?"

Kazu Nini took a step forward and Jagonu Nanhor let her phase through.

"You just tell the New Universe to give me updates."

Kazu Nini sat on her bed and was wondering when she would get the BodyWeight Suits. And at that moment, She felt her Telewatch ringing and she tapped on her wrist.

"What's up?"

"The Potions we got them and Belthion Ijima said he can get the BodyWeight Suite. But for the EquilibriumPotions, it might take a while."

She tapped her fingers and thought up a solution. And told him he was happy for him before calling Jinja Kaliope.

"Hello babe."

"Wow, you don't sound grumpy. I am assuming you are better now?"

"... I called you to forget not remember."

"My bad, what's going on?"

"We got buyers, everything was sold. Now we need to get sellers. Apart from that i am feeling a little lost. I honestly don't know what to do about this while Mamo Nini issue."

"Try not to think about it. I know it might be hard but it is what you need at the moment."

She let her back fall to the bed.

"How are your sisters."

"Oh, those scoundrels. Haha, they are fine. The even as..."


Kazu Nino did not know if she was avoiding looking at Mako Nini's past but she cultivated instead.

And right before she slept in the morning as she had cultivated all night, Belthion Ijima called.

"The Artificial Mineral Stones and the BodyWeight Suit can be gotten today. I'll send you the account to send it to."

"Good." She would have said a lot moe because her mental energy helped jer feel sleepy a lot later than usual but her theory on how she could overcome Uniah Gramanos had to be perfect. So she jad a little amount of concentration on the conversation.

Ending the call, she got the number of the account on her Telewatch and walked out of her room. Jagonu Nanhor drifted out of her threw a bag of salted chips at her Boss.

Kazu Nini caught it out of reflex then saw it was food. Nodding towards he councillor, she stepped out to head to the bank.

She had not waited long on getting there. The whole process ended in less than an hour. Now, she had to meet her Dragon's contact in the Administrative Block.

After being infected on the bridge and giving it the name, Roshu Jra, she was allowed into he Administrative Block. On the first floor of this place, she has never gone left instead of straight but she was not too fascinated by the sights this time.

Kazu Nini passed each massive compound until she saw a house hat looked like a miniatur gothic castle with the dimensions of a regular bungalow. She found it weird as she opened a wooden fence that gave off mixed smells before she knocked on the door.


"Ka- New Universe CEO."

"Oh, the Noble's Thorn has graced my humble abode?" A gruff laughter was heard. "Come in come in."

She got that weird sensation when she was in a place filled with SpaceExpanders and SpcaeModifiers where the surrounding space felt as hough she were in water.

And even with that the man before her had a head that almost touched the ceiling.

"Hello Kazu Nini, honor to meet you."

The pixie assumed that he was a Giant as her head only reached his knees. Which meant that the castle she saw on the outside was the actual appearance of his building that seemed to be a mini version of it

"Don't exaggerate, i only need to be out soon enough."

"Serious? I always enjoy playing the nobles. You are too serious." With that, he left where she was by finding a cottage and disappearing ino it.

Roshu Jra, had even fashioned his interior to look like a exterior. In auch a way that, there were gardens and a few sets of Epic Beasts frolicking about. One had the ears of a rabbit and its front teeth but the body of a Kangaroo. The other looked like a cross between a beaver and a platypus. The first set hopped about trees and sand while the latter had their own waterfall and mud to have fun in. And she would have let her eyes linger on the others but she was short on time already.

Roshu Jra came out with a box that had two teacups on it and a basket.

"You want a drink, now?"

"No, its just that i think i should try to make your acquaintance at the very least."

She sat down after sighing. "You want in on the new universe?"

"I want to see how far you will go."

"I know, but do you want in?"

"You might not like what i do per se."

Kazu Nini thought of taking a cup, but when he came closer she realised it's mouth was big enough to swallow her whole. There was a basket beside it though which had spoons so that she drank tea like it was stew. She picked a serving spoon her scale and took sips.

She stopped because of the bitterness That was like coffee and lime, bitter cola, bitter leaf and raw leef sap. and she watched him laugh at her, the ground slightly rumbling. [1.]

"Sorry, i couldn't hold myself Hahaha."

She would have laughed if she had not known about her past or learnt about the unsure outcome of Mamo Nini amd The Infamous Noble Ones.

The Giant stilled his laughter and looked at her seriously.

"I heard about what happened." He looked downcast. "And i saw the incident at Illjako Enterprises."

He sighed.

"Only Mako Nini can do something that outrageous. I too hope she is alright."

Kazu Nini held out a serving spoon full of bitter tea and held it out to him.

"To Mako Nini, my guardian and Substitute Mother."

"To Mako Nini."

They clinked and she finished her spoon, while he the remainder of he drink.

"A moment of silence please." Kazu Nini used Glass to mask her face after making he request.

He was going to open up he box but he waited. "As you wish."

"So, unto business."

The Giant, Roshu Jra, opened the box and she saw what looked like a body suit. It had buttons on its wrists and shoulders and was completely dark grey.

"Belthion Ijima made sire i did not sleep yesterday. He said you were already behind schedule.

Kazu Nini reached for it and held it up. Contrary to its name it was like a feather. When she saw buttons with the same colors of the knobs in the Cultivation Haven Terrains, she knew how it worked.

Smiling, she already saw her victory at hand.


I don't know the english names for bitter cola and bitter leaf. But ask your african friends to find out. Any ways, the drink was purposely terrible.