
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · ファンタジー
186 Chs

Prologue 32 (Part 2) Foiled Plans and Noble Provocation.

 Isimaila Fginja was currently torn between feeling like a betrayer, being lost and willing to sever her emotions. The Goblin had thought this several times over, and this was the best she could come up with when they had arrived and Kazu Nini had left.

 But she had no options.

 Snagging the plaque from Kazu Nini had hurt her, but she had to do what needed be done and she would miss everything thus far; [1.]

 Kazu Nini, Zlai Dfon, Jagonu Nanhor, The New Universe and Knyandrial, Chilkt State University.

 The Pixie had been so nice to her, even opting to help her only family.

 The Spirit had never spoken about her height, and was good company.

 The Fairy was a friend that could connect with her as her too did not seem to …revel in fights. At least, not like Jagonu Nanhor.

 The New Universe, she was going to make her home. It had given her status and people she was going to decide to trust. People who had no other intention but to treat her like she mattered. Like she was worth their time and effort.

 Knyandrial, Chilkt State University was the most expensive thing she had ever had in her entire life. And although she got in for free just like she had freely gotten the Lindworm, Ninomoura, it still hurt her.

 Not only would she have to forcefully stop the Lindworm's treatment that was pretty much free of charge, but she had to leave right now if she wanted to still get a good job in a Metropolis. And even if she ended up dying in a Dystopia, it was better than the Sub-Terra where she had grown up in.

 Now, she was back to the thoughts that had carried her through high school and primary school;

 Does she run more stunts like how she got her current Lindworm, making life difficult for the nobles?

 Or, does she just flee, taking life as an adventure and cultivate till she meets her end through time or prison?

 Lastly… she could just forget it all -nobles and hustling- after running away. Then, live out her days as an ordinary person.

 She slumped on her bed, majorly indecisive.

 If she ran to the human continent, instead, the sight of the Lindworm might grant her access over small superstitious tribes and she could settle there.

 If she stayed in the beast continent, she might have to get into shady business even if she wanted to perturb the nobles as she had to survive. Providing for a Lindworm was not beans. [2]

 And if she planned on doing more stunts… she would have to begin with the other members of Uniah Gramanos's team.

 But the Sphinx would pay, at some point.

 Unclenching her fists, she realized her eyes were wet like her face and a memory of her poverty in the Sub-Terra was enough for anyone to question how exactly she had found herself on such a prestigious university.

 She did not want to drag the Pixie and her's down.

 The Nobles will have to pay for this!

 Taking a deep breath, Isimaila Fginja could not wait to strike back at the Nobles for snatching away this life that finally seemed to have a future for her. Her Space Boxes full, she could imagine Ninomoura's excitement at her releasing it and its confusion as to where she was headed.

 However, when she opened the door, the Spirit was hovering there.

 The Goblin jumped back like she had stepped on a live wire but covered her shriek halfway after it was out of her lips.

 "Quite the reaction," her eyes saw the Space boxes hanging from Isimaila Fginja's belt. "Where are you going?"

 "It's nothing, just about to take a stroll," her eyed tightened in focus and she wanted to step past Jagonu Nanhor but the Spirit moved its form to block her again.

 "I think you are lying."

 She forced a laugh so well that if Jagonu Nanhor had not lived two lives, she would not be able to tell.

 "Why would I be?"

 "Between your lack of the Pact Beast and my new form, you know I could hold you down." Jagonu Nanhors gaze was firm. "You are not going anywhere."

 Isimaila Fginja stammered, then frowned. "That would extreme, why would you need to do that?"

 "Why are you lying?"

 "What? Can spirits sense lies or something?"

 "Just the emotion you are oozing out is enough for me to tell. "

 "That is..." The Goblin squinted because she had not thought of that. "What?"

 At that very moment, Kazu Nini walked in and a knot formed in Isimaila Fginja's stomach.

 Great, just what she needed right now.

 The Pixie paused at the door on entering, then closed it suspiciously. "What happened?"

 After convincing Iismaila Fginja to seat down on the sofa, Kazu Nini grabbed a tall stool so that she sat higher than the Goblin, in case she was planning to lie.

 "So, where were you headed?"

 The Goblin frowned hard, a picture of where she was, how she got here, what they meant to her and everything that had happened so far made her go straight to the crux of the issue.

 "I'm not letting Ninomoura go."

 "You have not answered the question."

 "I was going..." She let out a long breath. "...Home."


 "Because, I'm not letting Ninomoura go."

 "Going home would only encourage a chase. Not even just you; any blow to the New Universe would give them a bigger standing and that is what they long for." She deeply frowned at the Pixie who looked confused. "You told us what happened, no?"

 The Goblin did not answer.

 "So, was it a lie?" The Spirit asked in anger but Kazu Nini raised a hand to stop her from speaking

 "You said it is your only family."

 Kazu Nini turned to the Spirit who nodded and then to the Goblin.

 "You also told us that you took it and it became yours... Who is disputing that?"

 Her gaze towards Kazu Nini turned friendlier.

 "They will find papers and videos to prove their theory; they will get evidence. "

 "I raised it' it is mine. "

 "Well, you know, you will need proof of your own."

 "I don't have papers for it."

 "Then, we might have to use 'found it in the wild' excuse."

 The Spirit snickered at the suggestion but sat down to offer another one. "That may not work."


 And so, the three girls sat, trying to decide what to do next.

 The next day, after Kazu Nini's spirit training and her combo technique combination, the Pixie was at her room, having some juice from the refrigerator. But when she turned to go back into her personal space and witnessed a flung open door and Isimaila Fginja being shoved back every time she wanted to bull through it.

 Jagonu Nanhor held her upper arm while Zlai Dfon pushed her from the front.

 Kazu Nini paused her chat with Jinja Kaliope, dropped the juice down and turned to regard the ruffled Goblin who was squeezing her face as hard as she was panting.

 "What happened?"

 "It's what I've been asking them since the Vet visit. The same one you guys went to without me." Zlai Dfon and Jagonu Nanhor finally pushed her into the room as she had stressed the last sentence that made Kazu Nini snicker. "What happened to her and the nobles?"

 The Goblin had hate in her heart and tears in her eyes.

 "These nobles." Her voice shook and so did her fist. "They always take, then waste things."

 "Do you want to share the story with our Public Relations Manager?"

 "Would that help the current predicament?"

 "Roommate of mine, sit down and share your pain."

 "Fine, but," the Goblin said, prepared to go on her knees. "Will you help me?"

 Kazu Nini scoffed. "You are under me, so why not?"

 She knelt down but the Pixie kicked her in the chest.

 "Never, ever, ever!..." Kazu Nini fixed a stare at the surprised Goblin who could not be more confused than the Spirit or the Fairy. "...Ever, ever kneel to me. Not in this life or the next. Goblin! Pick yourself up!"

 Isimaila Fginja obeyed, as if it were someone else in her body.

 "We will not take their actions sitting down." Kazu Nini returned the posture she had before they had

shown up. Patting the chair beside her, she continued. "Now, tell me what happened today."

 Isimaila Fginja walked up to her like a child and sat down.

 Zlai Dfon and Jagonu Nanhor who had recovered, watched the Goblin pick up from the events earlier

that afternoon.

 "Classes had finished, so I found our roommate. She asked me where I was going and I told her to see

Ninomoura. I had been wanting for someone to come along with in case the nobles were up to no good again.

 "And true to it, they were gathered there again. I told them that I only wanted to see my pet but they swore I would not pass. If the doctor had not wanted to check something as she had come out to meet us, we would have been stuck there."

 "The doctor asked them why they did what they did, and they told her that Ninomoura was originally

theirs. I denied it and Uniah Gramanos claimed that it was one of theirs as she just needed time to

prove it."

 "The doctor said that she needed no noise or trouble and the Sphinx asked her if she liked her job or

she needed a replacement. The doctor answered her with a stare and told all of us to get out."

 However, the noble refused and I too vowed I was not going to leave those grounds as long as they

were there. So, the Noble Cat asked that on what grounds would I think that my word carries the same weigh as hers."

 "And at that she leaped at me. The doctor held her down with an arm and me with a foot. So, we were exchanging words during and after we were being carried out of the Vet Hospital by Campus Police. On the way, Zlai Dfon saw us and when the insults reached a crescendo, the Spirit told me that it was not time and we should just go back."

 "But how could I? I had not even had time to see Ninomoura. All that rage was turned on the Sphinx, and right now, I am sure she wants my head on a plate."

 Kazu Nini chuckled and put a hand on the Goblin's head. She then rubbed it like an older sister.

 "I do not think she cares about your frustrations." Kazu Nini tilted her head. "See...she is a noble. A

Princess and a Noble, so to tie with a commoner is an insult to all her beliefs. Beliefs birthed from


 The Goblin frowned at her roommate rubbing her head but she did not say anything.

 "I'll need to double my training." Sighing, Kazu Nini added more. "This is only a hiccup, think nothing of it." Kazu Nini motioned for them to be quiet and rubbed Isimaila Fginja's head until she fell asleep, leaving her on the sofa to rest.


Snagging here means theft


'Not beans' means it is not easy. For example, life is not beans. Running is not beans. Being a politician is not beans. Abstinence is not beans.