
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · ファンタジー
186 Chs

Prologue 27 (Part 2) Decisive Wraith, Unsatisfied Spirit and Goblin Vs. Shapeshifter.

 Iskrin Olinum felt smug as he knew that he would definitely gain some fans after this, loving the reactions from the crowd so far.

 Some of the audience had echoed his sentiments.

 "Is she scared?"

 "Scaredy cat."

 "No, Scaredy spiri-"

 Jagonu Nanhor finally appeared at the end of the stage, her body squirming as though other living organisms dwelled inside her, betraying that fact, and the blurriness of her face along with the twitching of her torso told him what she and done.

 He was a noble, so he was sure to have more than a few angry spirits on the other side; one of the many reasons he immediately followed the Wraith path to Spiritual Cultivation. Thus, it will be easy for her to find friends on that plane.

 Waves of Ko-jin poured out of Iskrin Olinum and unto his technique as she had begun advancing on him waywardly as though dementedly drunk, but unmistakably.

 Then, she screamed, scribbling his emotions within until he could not decide if he were angry, happy, sad, jealous or proud. And as the emotions warred in his mind, he cried out, laughed uproariously, furiously barked in anger, frowned in intense dissatisfaction then raised his nose high in pride. And as he did so, at least more than 9,000 memories intended to play in his head before he was conscious again.

 When he interrupted the spiritual attack and came to, by finally using up the precious Spirit Energy in his body in an omnidirectional pulse that barely ruffled her feathers, so to speak, she was less than 10 steps away from him. [1]


 He added power to the technique and although she grabbed her own head in agony as 50 had been just been forcefully removed from her collection, she pulled her forearms along the ground forward then stood back up going another step.


 When he did it once more and she fell on her front, she clawed her way towards him again, ignoring the next 70 that had left.


 The Wraith added power again and it was 90 this time. Jagonu Nanhor was shrinking as parts of her body were less hunched or bloated but she had not stopped moving even now as 100 left her spirit core. With the Wraith monitoring her closely, she knew that it was about 6 steps left.







 6 steps of indescribable agony for Jagonu Nanahor who clawed then rolled then knelt then staggered to her feet before finally down to the ground once more. Lastly, she used her entire knees and elbows on the floor to jump towards him who cancelled the move at the last second to open his mouth for his last attempt to hinder her challenging advance.

 *"Vitality Avalan-"*

 With half of the dangerous and relatively acidic vomit pouring on her while the rest went into the air, Jagonu Nanahor was left with only 10 spirits which helped her to hasten her Solidification process and first remove half his face off. She then yanked an arm off before the next and bit of another section of his head so that his mole skin was in total ruin. And before he slipped into the realm of the spirit to run away, she pulled out his Mole spine.

 Holding the piece of bone in her hands in the air and whatever flesh he had left behind, she felt empty and the Spirits within her body stood her form up and roared. Thankfully blocked by the Damage Room, they left after they had not fulfilled their purpose but had been partially satisfied. And the deflated Spirit was left to a fifth of the mass that she had come in with.

 "Fairy, move." Zlai Dfon stepped up to comply at once. "No. Wait!"

 "NO!" Jagonu Nanhor's enthusiasm dwarfed her relatively skeletal form. "Mortal bet, where is he?"

Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. too was curious if he would truly come back. "Is this the example set to us by the nobles? The great and exalted pompous hypocrites?"

 She howled and the Spirits were itching to return as even though she was using her spirit energy to

support them, they had not strictly finished their agreement as he was still breathing.

 "Roommate of mine," Kazu Nini let out a hand. "Let it go and you will hunt to your hearts content."

Jagonu Nanhor scowled until she shook, then wailed until the Damage room grew cracks on it's

surface as if it were porcelain. She then wrenched her body in anger and walked upright up to her seat.

 "Winner of the first match, Jagonu Nanhor!"

 Uniah Gramanos was not necessarily curious about the enmity she had with them. But who was the owner of the spirit in its previous life and should she really take this unserious?

 The spirit hovered to her seat as people shouted and exclaimed below.

 "I told you she was going to win, 100 Artificial Raw Ores, thank you."

 "Same here." One more beckoned his hand so that the bet would not be forgotten

 "Same here." And another did so.

 "Hey, you said no such thing!"

 Kazu Nini looked at her, "would you like to join us?"

 She turned to look at her, the ethereal mass having gaps in it and shivering, regarding the Pixie coldly. "Remember your promise."

 Kazu Nini had made another promise and she cut the video, jinja Kaliope finally answered.

 DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): You know I hate you, right?

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I do not believe so. Besides, if you hate me, it means I have been on your mind, right?

 "The next match will be?" She looked to the Prime Student who was really staring at her Telewatch, so she picked the Goblin who had her hands up and was holding a space box she tied to her waist that that dangled on her thigh

 DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Screw you, yours sincerely.

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: When you cool off, I am going to yab you back. [2]

 DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): I do not know if I should pay you back with one week of silence.

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Sowwwy, babe.

 DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Can't remember when last you called me that.

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I sincerely apologise.

 DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Whatever, ttyl. I am busy rn.

 He did not answer right now and she spent time grabbing her hair as the next match started. Isimaila Fginja had two boxes in her hands. For the first, she pulled out a Rod that seemed bigger than it, until she then poured a liquid on the box that gave it a spherical exterior before growing sharp protrusions over its surface. Then she placed the Rod on a part of the box so that it became a Mace with spiked tips, she then quickly put the Staff atop the box so that the quickly drying Potent Artifact would leave the Rod on the now spiked head. For another box that was once tied to her waist, she did the same and was now holding two spiked Maces in both hands.

 Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. Looked deeply at the Goblin before accepting it as she had surreptitiously scanned the entire content of the weapons. "Good luck."

 The referee turned to the shapeshifter, "any weapons?"

 He scoffed, "do I need any?"

 "Ranking versus PhysiqueStabilizer, 4 ton of Epic Beast feed and 10,000 Artificial Raw Ores." She waited till they set their stances before each other. One had both weapons splayed as if welcoming the opponent, and the other switching his Transformations so that every one minute it changed its form.


 The shapeshifter who had just morphed into an owl swooped in to grab the Goblin but Isimaila Fginja had jumped swiftly so that her flank was parallel to the ground before she smacked one Mace on the floor and had been rebounded over the owl. And on passing it, she swiped the spikes on her Mace head across Rashta Micko's back, leaving shallow gashes and making the bird hoot in pain once it successfully turned as its claws trailed the floor.

 Picking up flight once more, the nocturnal bird gained altitude before dipping again, clashing claw against Mace head in swoops and dives before Isimaila Fginja surprised it by launching the head which was attached to most of the Staff by a chain that wrapped itself on one claw.

 Rashta Micko chuckled in his head as he intended to drag her across the floor then the walls before raising her high and smacking her to the ground. He then picked speed and height once more but he was surprised once more when the chain was forcefully retracted back to the Staff, making his body spin 180 in the air from her vaulting over him. And the Goblin grazed his body with the weapon that had stayed in her hand which drew blood and threw his focus into shambles in her passing.


 The Goblin had reached the ceiling of the Damage Room and had kicked off it to smack his upturned down to the ground. However, the damage was partially negated by luck, as the one-minute mark had been reached so that Rashta Micko was now a rat as he was smacked atop the arena's stage.

 The timing of the transition had left her Mace in the air so that she caught the one which had been airborne with him. But now that his form had been changed, once she landed, the marsupial jumped on her and began chewing with reckless and swift abandon. Cunning also, because she had been made to attack her own person in futile attempts to throw him and his skin-deep bites. Half a minute passed and she finally snatched him to throw him against the walls of the damage room but he landed there on his fours and used Divine Energy to boost himself back into battle.

 It was easier to whack him as he approached, but he clung to the Mace after impact and when he intended to run down its length and reach her, the Goblin threw that one in the air and then shot out the second's head at its position. The marsupial leaped to her person and she ducked immediately so that on landing on ground, she jumped away then retracted the withdrawing piece of the Mace back to the fraction of itself in her grasp. But the rat morph once more evaded her intended strike and was away from the part of the Mace's Staff that dragged about the ground for a second before zipping back to most of the Staff.

 "You are tough."

 He popped back into a Granny. "You, you only think you are."

 [1] Ruffle someone's feather means to disturb them till they feel irritated/

 [2] Yab is a Nigerian word for insult, it can be meant as a joke or not. In this case, she hopes that it will pacify him.