
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · ファンタジー
186 Chs

Prologue 22 (Part 2) Examination and Physiological Tests (3)

Surprisingly, the 10 people before her passed and got into the Tributary Student List. And Kazu Nini walked up to the stage knowing that she would only shine in the last tests so she when she heard that she had below Average talent for her Cultivation level in ration to her Bone Age, she did not feel anything.

Her First Strength trial was 1324 Jins or 800 Kg.

Her Second Strength trial was 1,655.6 Jins or 1,000 Kg.

But her last was 2,318 Jins or 1,400 Kg.

The announcer did not react at all and had given her bad remarks except for the last.

"Terrible at this point." Uniah Gramanos and her friends laughed at that until they rolled on the floor.

The announcer saw that he was in the spotlight with his new talented students so he continued the trend for the next comment. "Bad for a good future." Zlai Dfon noticed the what was happening and traded looks with Isimial Fginja before returning to silence.

The examiner glanced at him but said nothing. "Better but needs polishing."

Now, the Goblin jumped and wanted to protest but Zlai Dfon called her through her Telewatch to get her attention that held her back, then sent a message that read – 'we are new here, let us adapt first. And so far, she has not disappointed me.'

Kazu Nini did not even glance at Uniah Gramanos from beginning to end as they had enjoyed recording with their Telwatches or miming jokes out of her performance. The young Pixie walked backwards until she was 3 meters away from the examiners table when she raised both her hands. The instructor behind her knew that if she wanted to make a comeback then it was either now or in the next test.

*Die A Thousand Deaths* was in hovering in one palm, a thousand needles of Glass that would get faster and faster until they hit their target. And then a Spear formed above her head as a fist of glass, half her height, grew from her extended forearm to execute *Forgive My Rudeness.*

She focused the first technique in the direction of the stone as she had launched the spear, not forgetting her own self with Instant Speed, and brought down the fist, hard, in a manner which made all of the attacks meet themselves on the testing stone to let escape a shockwave that ruffled the announcers' clothes.

He did not speak for a while before finding the words while she waited on him with a blank expression.

"8,433 Jins or 5,100 Kg."

This week had helped her to learn to merge the moves. Making them intentional had helped her to deliver more power.

She prepared as she had done the first time, but this round she held left platforms of Glass about the air like stepping stones, some fists of glass where also hovering around the stone. Beneath her feet was yet a fist of glass that was going to add to her speed. Now, when the Pixie launched herself that was also pushed by the fist on the ground, she additionally released the thousand needles and launched the spear - not forgetting the hovering fists in the air or the tiles that she used her elbows to add to acceleration with. The loud impact was actually able to move the Stone by 10 meters and overspill shockwaves that pushed the tables so that they dragged on the floor. All the attacks had met at the point of target as even the fist pushing her forward, after she had launched Instant Speed to Perfection, and it had melted through her person so that it did not miss out on the action.

She looked again to the announcer who gulped in shock.

"16,000 Jins or 9,664 Kg."

She looked back at the Stone and wanted to see if she could make the stone hit the extreme wall. Thus, after previous attacks, she added a string of Balls of Glass to hover in the air up till the Stone. The last time she had used *How about a Present?*, *A Christmas Present*, she had almost defeated the Orc, but not entirely though. And this moved worked on the fact that every Ball of Glass she passed through would add to her speed or those of her projectiles. Kazu Nini knew that a few things passed the speed of thought, so she played the sequence in her head over and over again till she was ready and scathingly glittering within with Light Blue Ko-jin all over.

She hit the stone with a speed that almost resembled Perfect Explosive Step – something she should have been far from being able to do, which confused the onlookers because there was no sound before, during or after her approach.


It was the first strike that had made sufficient sound to make noise resembling a thunderclap by itself -not counting her own movement technique, of course - since the examination had begun. She let her softly rising chest to calm down before the man caught himself and spoke after 10 minutes of silence and the examiners warm smile.

"20,000 jins or 12,080 k-kg." The stone hit the wall long before he had spoken, so his stammering was understandable. The examiner shook her hand before she proceeded the next trial. Kazu Niini walked towards the last stone and she was curious was to what it consisted of. She heard the announcer tell the examiner that the Pixie had not yet finished the last test and it was hard to decide her overall score just from one out of 3 tests.

Kazu Nini put her hand on the surface of the stone and she got absorbed into it. She had seen this on the other students so this did not even face her at all. But this test was weird in that she was quite certain that the floating stone had more mass and radius that she thought as she walked deeper into it and throughout this time, she felt as if her mind would crumble as thoughts barraged her every layer of her consciousness starting from the one relating to her will, then thought, then emotion and so on.

What is your name?

Where are you from?

How old are you?

The voices in her head multiplied until a non-cultivator's head would have exploded after their orifices would be forced to bleed just from the amount of data streaming into their consciousness. Even fainting or a comma would have hit those that had not started harnessing Divine Energy into their meridians but with all the mental energy she had, she walked through it like a breeze. She also found that sensing the direction to walk in, as vision here was as well as planning to dwell permanently in an abyss, was difficult and she remembered when her roommates had laughed at her when she had said that she did not know how to sense another's cultivation level. Although that too was suppressed, she would not fail this easy test because she would be impatient. Her senses shrunk from 5m to 4.5 to 3.74 to 3 to 2.25 to 1.5 and worse and worse until she could only see the distance of .0009m before herself to lead her in the right direction.

After the voices and their possible implications would have caused if she were not practically immune to this, she suddenly felt her head get lighter as if she had been locked in a choking building and then suddenly stuck her head outside of the window to gasp in fresh air that was obviously remarkably different from the baptism of smoke.

At least that is how she should have felt, as her new surroundings were no longer pitch black but stark white. The suppression did not come from being over fed mentally but this time it was physically. As if her previous training of Glass Cloak had been the cheat code to this phase, she walked through like it was a breeze in the middle of summer. The pressure started from all directions, like a strangled neck then a body in a chokehold, then the feeling of passing out, then like a small car ramming into a person and then like a mansion was thrown atop a head…

It got worse and worse but Kazu Nini's Glass Cloak had helped her to breeze this. Not just because she had practiced it in school of course, but also because during her time at Naro Meena's where she had been making her bots, the young Pixie had been doing it as punishment to her own self.

In real time, however, it took barely 10 minutes to come out entirely, and when she did the examiner had a proud smile that she pointed her way before looking at her colleague with an ashen face.

"Our first Prime Student," she walked over and extended a handshake. "Nice to meet you, I am Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. What is your name?"

Kazu Nini was surprised at the woman's surname; why did it have numbers?. "Kazu Nini, nice to meet you."

"Stand on that other side, closest to me."

She started walking but caught herself. "Wait, is there a way to visualize Mental Energy?"

"Traditionally, you could just meditate and do that or wait till you are in the Second Divine Trilogy."

"Any Potent Artifacts that can help?"

"Not any that are going to be gifted as part of the prizes for today, no."

"So, prizes for another day?"

The woman laughed cheerily, "another day, indeed."

She nodded, smiled and left to stand at her designated position under a myriad of gazes.