
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · ファンタジー
186 Chs

Prologue 21 (Part 3) Course Trial (2) and Physiological Trial (1).

Kazu Nini successfully passed through the ring on the floor but her coordination and center of gravity told her that although she was supposed to have landed on solid ground after emerging from the hole, if she did not grab the new rope she saw before her, she would fall into the heavy rain. Her view was turned 360 and she was upside down at the moment, her legs were dangling as her scalp faced the tracks. Grasping the rope she saw at the last second, she was close to the rain that first struck her like small stones but at the end of the arc that she released herself from felt like boulders.

She jumped once again after another swing, only to see that after passing through a golden rimmed ring on the floor, her center of gravity was now firmly on the ground except that it was a trampoline that would break after too many jumps. The young Pixie did not want to test her theory on the number of jumps required to break it before reaching the next trampoline that was suspended on mid-air. The only thing that would have been a problem if she was still worrying about any sense of pain that would distract her, was that as the trampolines ascended; they went up until they were directly below what seemed to be an iceberg. The same iceberg which had been releasing the cold of ice from earlier that head left to her previous frostbite. Still releasing more of its terrifying cold as she reached the ceiling, she did not spare her mind to even regard the fact that although her orientation was normal, someone who stood on the track would see her on an axis that made it seem as if she were on the side, as if the gravitational core of where she was only permitted such an angle of alignment.

She expressionlessly jumped on the last trampoline and bashed her head against the ceiling that cracked not so much the first time, clearing off the effects that ice wanted to have on her body. The second time and the ceiling cracked a lot more as she had put more energy with the freezing coat cracking off the surface of her body like a bolder thrown through a glasshouse. But it did not stop the terrifying chill inside. As the trampoline ripped and she held herself until it blew up, she knew that it was all or nothing. She eventually burst through the ceiling that immediately healed itself when she landed to find ice skating shoes on her feet. Kazu Nini saw that in the distance was another entrance and she had to teach herself how to skate as she had never learned to.

Wobbling at first, she noticed that the exit was moving farther every five seconds. Although she was not flustered, her mind wasted no time to visualize ice skating over and over again from various examples she had watched in her daily life during winter seasons, adverts or HoveringTelevision.

The Young Pixie quickly emulated the perfect pose.

And although at first, she did not carry out the movements quickly enough, she got the hang of it and skated her way towards what she assumed to be the exit. However, 5 meters to the end of the 100-meter track, the ice broke off. So, she packed Light Blue Ko-jin in her feet until the 5 meters became another 95, approaching 100, she remembered her practice in the Training Stalls in the earlier day of the week.

The sudden output of Ko-jin to all the organs needed and timing the release of their enzymes or hormones or signals to the activation of her muscles that had 95% of their necessary cultivation progress was done perfectly and…


She boosted through with Instant Speed, although still not at the perfect realm that would require 10 steps to cross 100 meters, while she had created small glass platforms to cross 100 meters in about 15 steps. The Pixie made it through by rolling on the ground and eventually kicking it to be upright. And after passing through the exit longer than she should, she saw herself 200 meters away from the Examination Dome. So, she began running to it as fast as she could.

Using Instant Step with, closed the distance with loud noise and 25 steps instead of 20.

Kazu Nini almost panicked as she took deep breaths, seeing that all the frostbites and all the bleeding were nowhere to be found on her body. She realized it might have been pure illusion but she would not mind studying things like this as she even admired the realism. However, those with weak minds would have failed or come out broken.

Kazu Nini saw a lot of faces, counting over a hundred at least and browsed about, until her eyes met the Goblin roommate who was typing into her Telewatch. She started walking towards her when Zlai Dfon made it into the building.

Exactly 15 minutes later, the young Pixie saw that at least 290 more students had made it when she raised her head up to notice Jagonu Nanhor hover inside just as the doors shut. The Spirit waved at Zlai Dfon and Isimaila Fginja before Kazu Nini who saw them, and they all regrouped after tapping on their Telewatches.

"100 students made it in between 30 minutes, 300 for 1 hour and the remaining 800 outside the locked doors will be on trial. Their very pass marks will depend on how they will do for their overall scores." The multicolored lady spoke as if she wanted nothing more than to sleep right where she was.


She pointed with her arm towards the stones that were in the hall.

"Line up according to how I just categorized you. You will see it on your ID Cards." The Slime with the cane opened the doors for those outside who had thought that they had already failed and either wailed or found something to express their dissatisfaction on. Smiles and glee blossomed on their faces like summer after a 10-year winter as they ran frantically and only slowing down when they saw the Slime with the cane who was smiling their way.

Kazu Nini looked on her card and saw that it was 30 minutes exactly. Her favorite friend waited for her to meet her eyes and mouthed 'slow poke' before puffing out her chest and cat-walking to the first 10 people on the queue.

"Cultivation Level vs Bone Age."

A pretty face walked up to take the test first. Some boys wanted to woo at ger but they flinched at the sight of the Slime and instead flattered her in their heats. The flawless movement from her toes to her hips and the graceful swing of her arms alone made the blushing boys become embarrassed and quickly correct their postures. The fairy who quickly stepped up had a syringe injected into her and from her expression, it probably reached the marrow.

"Divine Early 8, 20 years old – Average Talent"

Her shoulders slumped as she proceeded to the first stone that was suspended off the floor. Her admirers wanted to beat the examiner to death! They grit their teeth but held their silence.

"Strike with all physical might, no augmentation! 3 tries only."

She hit it with most of her strength and she did not know how hard it's texture was.

"700 Jins, 423 Kg, fail!"

When she saw that it rippled on impact, she was instead encouraged instead of feeling down and backed up until she was halfway to the end of the walls o the building before kicking off the ground from pure raw energy to ram her fist into the Potent Artifact.

"900 Jins, 543 Kg, fail!"

She ground her teeth and eyed the examiner. She then walked all the way to the end of the wall until she kicked off it. The Fairy next kicked off the ground after landing on it. And with both snarl, and wrench of her shoulders, a fist landed on the Potent Artifact that made the announcer speak up.

"1,000 Jins, 604 kg, barely pass!"

The remaining students frowned and then started questioning what they would have done had it been them. Some made excuses as they could not even let their subconscious blemish her achievements because of her visual perfection. Some girls imitated vomiting. The ones confident enough in their looks alone.

Next, the fairy entered an open cube of a room with curtains that covered all sides apart from the ones that faced the students.

"Ko-jin can be added to attacks for boost and other augmentation forms."

She rolled her shoulders as she did not expect to fail this one and strode with confidence hard pressed to impress the teachers as she had almost slumped to the ground when her last scores were announced. She entered the open cube room that touched the wall on the other end of the building and she used Perfect Instant Step to appear before this new stone before letting out a fist. That is, she was thought to have disappeared, no shockwaves or broken sound barriers, albeit terrible scattered noise, when she moved only when she had reappeared and thrown out her fist.

"1,200 jin or 724 Kg, Fail."

She came out of the cube and looked at the examiner, sharing the same expressions as the participants in the crowd. Although where she pouted, some cried at her magnificence, while others banded together and began plotting the examiner's demise.

Now, the Fairy used riled up Ko-jin until she looked like a beacon, suddenly and abruptly, launching Perfect Instant Pace this time. Her being there already and seen with her hand already extended, sound pouring like the wails of a storm given life that screams from its deepest depths, air disturbed and churned like a wrathful and vengeful sea. And after she had withdrawn her fist, it got even worse.

"1,400 Jin or 845 Kg, Barely Pass."

She scrunched her brow as she started to think that all this was relative to her previous performance but she was going to use the same reason why she had passed the track examination at first. Even her admirers fell on their butt.

She rolled her shoulders and used the specialty of Fairies. When her wings slowed down to a crawl was when half of the student knew that fairies had wings, as she set herself into a stance. Before she launched herself for this round of testing, if one looked at her, they could not exactly tell if she was above, below or beside the open cube. And when the three confused positions of her person merged back to where she had been when she was taking her stance, her body passed through a ripple in space before she appeared before the stone with her hands already punching it and having been already withdrawn when the vision of the students had caught up to her person again.

"2,800 Jin, 1,691 Kg. Pass."

She smiled at her victory and rubbed her nose at the instructor who arced his brow as she moved on to the next phase and the students laughed. They immediately caught themselves as the Slime approached but he the examiner raised a hand and he pouted. They actually thought it was cute and all inhaled air sharply at such a contrast.

This phase too had a cube with an open face to the other examinees. The girl looked to the female instructor who had given most instructions. "You just have to walk through both stone and space. No restriction, your goal is to find a way to come out."

"So, I just have to come out at the end of the other side?"

"If I repeat myself, I am failing you."

The girl let out a breath and began walking forward. Nobody there, like her, thought it was as easy as it sounded so they all wanted to see the way she tackled it.

An hour later, she fell out of the other end of the container gasping like a pig that watched its tied body parts getting butchered. All the students began murmuring as they did not understand what had happened when the Female instructor clapped her hands till all was silent, eve her fanboys that wanted to go and help her up in hopes she would owe them favors.
