
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · ファンタジー
186 Chs

Prologue 17 (Part 3) Fiddling With The Modded Telewatch and Orientation (2).

Kazu Nini blinked her eyes, waking up from the MemoryBall and shook her head at what she thought Mako Nini had hinted at. Rattling her head again in confusion or not wanting to believe it, she checked her time, and saw it was about 10 in the morning, so she decided to bathe only to see the door locked. She noticed the Goblin eating some food before she had even seen the locked door, and it went into her own room after a distracted wave and a grunt.

She stepped back into the room and sorted out her thoughts.

Firstly, Kazu Nini went into one of the bags she had and pulled out the formatted Telewatch that she had gotten from the Orc she once fought. Now though, it was attached to the chest piece – one of the pieces that Naro Meena had made for her – and the young Pixie intended to use it. One of the boxes that she had won from Belthion Ijima had 6 pieces of 12 times reinforced glass that her Slime staff had engineered for her. Naro Meena had so genuinely placed the Telewatch within this carved chest Piece of glass. And really, from what she expected, she knew that the Slime was going to make it big time if one were looking at pure talent and potential alone.

She switched it on with a tap pattern and it lit up.

"Hello, I am Telewatch version 6.7, N.U Custom Version, here to cater to your Business, Communication and Entertainment needs. Let me know how you like my appearance and Display." The words showed themselves in written form as the voice came out. She had already done this before.

Display >

Appearance >

Language >

Purpose >

Time >

App List >

This is where she knew that it changed so, she expectantly tapped on 'Purpose' and another menu came out.

Scanning >

Recording >

News Update >

Translator >

Beta Tester >

Brain Connect >

Like usual, she was told that she had 6 points to spend, not only meaning that it would be the direction her Telewatch would grow in, but also that in the next version there would be more points. However, Naro Meena's genius would first show itself here.

Scanning >

To take visual samples, pass it through the internet database and find several matches that include information and tutorials or whatever help needed.

Recording, >

Take videos into the database to leave owner of Telewatch with saved footages in case of reference or revision or recalling.

News Update >

Allow user to always be up to speed with local or global trends, to find possibilities of joining them or avoiding or working against them.

Translator >

Translate languages, ancient or modern. Transcribe signs or speech or diagrams Hyol or alien. Transcribe gestures, speech and even miming.

Beta Tester >

50% of updates become free, the rest come with discounts on their prices.

Brain Connect >

Link synapses and nerve with Telewatch, faster information processing and retrieval and arrangement. Welcome to a perfect blend of virtual world and real world!

Device Overwrite >

Convert Devices and Make them Alpha or Beta.

She went to 'Device Overwrite' and placed her personal Telewatch under this glass chest piece.

Device will lose all data, are you sure you want to proceed?

Yes No

She saw a progress bar that counted from 0 to 100% and observed the Telewatch flash as if it were a torchlight with faulty batteries. And when it entirely blanked out back to no light, she turned it on again.

"Hello, I am Telewatch version 6.7, N. U Custom Version, here to cater to your Business, Communication and Entertainment needs. Let me know how you like my appearance and Display."

Kazu Nini then reached out to the first menu with 'Display', 'Appearance', 'Language', 'Time', 'Purpose' and 'App list', to proceed to 'Purpose'. On the menu this time, she reached into 'Brain Connect' but she put it on hold.

Going back to the chest piece she had also reached the menu after 'Purpose' and tapped on 'Brain Connect'. The screen that popped up was just like Naro Meena had promised her.

Nerve Connect >

Device Connect >

Continuing to 'Device Connect', she saw the last set of options.

Alpha Connection >

Beta Connection >

She happily tapped 'Alpha Connectio' and then a question popped up.

1. Turn on Hotspot

2. Make Sure Password is secure.

3. Connect Beta.

Proceeding here, means that you would like to allocate points to Brain Connect, Is this your intention?

Yes. No.

She affirmed and yet another question was shown.

How many Points would you allocate?

She tapped 3 because this was the Alpha Connect, and confirmed to hear another thing that the Slime had told her about. 'If you allocate enough points for the Alpha Connections then linking to your Betas would not need the Hotspot.'

Waiting for connection was the next thing she saw and she then reached into her Telewatch given to her by Mako Nini and set things up like she had before she left the house. Maintaining her previous settings, she reached into 'Brain Connect', and after picking 'Device Connect', she proceeded to 'Beta


On the pulsing radar that folded out like crumpled paper for every pulse, she saw a device named 'Naro Meena the Slime is simply a genius.' Giggling in response, she tapped the Telewatch and opened one of the glass gloves, placing the Device into the Soul Space that had been added to her left Glass Glove after she saw a message that read, 'Connection Successful.'

Before noting that the time was 15 minutes past 11, she made sure to go into 'Display' on the first Menu of the Telewatch that had been integrated into the chess piece

Visual Theme >

Audio Theme >

Interface Theme >

Troubleshoot Theme >

App Theme >

Wallpaper Theme >

Screensaver Theme >

Telewatch Theme > New*

She reached into the options of the New Addition and saw a list that she had been most anticipating.

Goth Chick >

Hippie Chick >

Simple Chick >

Serious Chick >

Geek Chick >

Religious Chick >

Party Chick >

Messy Chick >

Workout Chick >

Approachable Chick >

Unapproachable Chick >

Custom Chick >

She laughed at his sense of humor and realized that for each selection there were three options; 'Default', 'Custom' and 'Emulation Scan'. Kazu Nini understood the first two immediately but realized that Emulation Scan would help her to pick clothing that fit into that category after directing her camera in the article's direction.

She threw all her clothes on the bed and went through all of them after tapping this selection. All of them turned up red on the face of the Telewatch's camera screen that sent up a holographic projection that she operated.

Note that, results may not be perfect unless Scanning has been relegated points.

She knew what she was going to do.

Going back, since she had added 3 points to Brain Connect and had 3 more left, she spent the rest on Device Overwrite, like its customizer had advised her. However, for the Telewatch she had placed in the glove, she added 2 points to *Scanning* and 1 each to *Recording*, *Translator*, *Brain Connect* and *Device Overwrite*.

"Pixie, it is time for the orientation, I do not think you want to miss out on this." Isimaila Fginja's voice broke through her focus like brick on ice and she sighed as she had not even began adding her New Universe staff on her Skynet.

Kazu Nini then went to a list that she had gotten on one of those times she had been at Naro Meena's place. She saw the long list so she decided to put their names in bracket, just in case she forgot.

xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena)

New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon)

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon)

Dj_Shifter_No1st_ (Elric Yjob)

UnrivaledDragon (Belthion Ijima)

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope)

ChompingChampion (Lowe Hagp)

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon)

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon)

After having different expressions at their choice of names and saving the last, she paused and decided that she would make her's nice too. She immediately typed in Pixie Princess but remove it because it felt too much like Lowe Hagp's. Her next choice was Law and Glass but it felt too serious. Next, she contemplated KingdomLaw and Kingdom of Glass but GlassPalace sounded better.

Still, she had not made up her mind.

"Pixie Pr*ck, can you hurry it up?!!"

She thought that would have been a good name if she was a guy but she settled on X_XNiniThePixieXDTM. As she typed in the name, KazzGlazz came to mind, but she shoved it away and completed the former before heading into the shower.

"Move it, young lady!"


Jagonu Nanhor giggled and turned on the TV.


Kazu Nini hastily picked 'Geek Chick' and 'Default' actually led her to see the 'Hot Geek' and 'Nerd Geek'. The young Pixie chuckled at that and then went straight to 'Simple Chick''s default version.

The chest piece made of glass absorbed the shoulder pads, the gloves and the boots before wrapping itself around her until it hugged her and became a tank top. Baggy camouflage poured from her waist line and ended with Sneakers that made her feet look bigger than they were and lastly, the rims on her glasses were doubled. She watched color fill up the glass 'clothes until she wore dark grey top, green pants and white and black shoes. The glove on her left was there and out in the open, black like the darkest night, as if it had read her intentions.

Her mouth hung open and seriously thought of asking Naro Meena if he should become a part of the Telewatch Manufacturer's board. Having added her make up and lightly combed her frazzled hair that she had earlier protected with a sturdy hair net, the young Pixie stepped out to see more of the school at about 11:30.

She reached into her Telewatch on her hand to not only avoid the Goblin's annoyed gaze but to add up her staff as she wanted to be always updated. She walked into the fridge and gulped a carton of milk she saw then snatched cake bread and coconut bread, chewing as she walked.

When she had painfully noticed that she was the only person before the door, she turned around with her mouth full.


"I just hope I did not miss anything important."

"Hopefully not."

"We are going to be here for a long time, why are you worrying? You will either find out about it sooner or later." She looked at them again and hung her head before walking out and standing at the middle of the entrance so that it stayed open. "We going or what?"

There was still light traffic along the halls and as they walked down. The lights lazily moved at the corner of the walls or whenever they wished they could fly to.


A voice echoed about the building as they walked downstairs, with the Goblin silently fuming and the Spirit remaining silent. So, she reached into her Telewatch again.

Display >

Appearance >

Language >

Purpose >

Time >

App List >

App List ˅







File Manager>




Scanning Laser>


System Settings>

Skyline ˅

Welcome to Skynet, Global Internet Village for those who enjoy conn-

Kazu Nini furiously browsed through the page that had enough random content to perfectly fit in a chaotic hurricane until she saw 'Add Friends' at the top right corner of the screen.

She quickly put in the names of everything that she remembered of her staff. Seeing that she was going to be walking, she just switched to Voice Typing on a chat that had xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena) beside the picture of a crowded workbench which teased the picture of the slime in his younger years, not having the skull where his head should be.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM : Just saw what you did, I am impressed, please add me to the group chat for the New Universe and all the related chats.

xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena) :

No answer meant that he was not online, so she continued the walk with her roommates who were now outside, following the direction of a trickling crowd that was as late as they were.