


2A1Z · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 2: A Perplexing Existence

'I'm fuked.'

This thought played in Crow's mind over and over as the situation began to dawn on him, 'I'm an NPC.'

Finally, he closed his eyes and shook his head before grinning to himself, 'Well, I don't have a class yet but I'll consider it a unique start. I'll see if I can do some research when I log out later.' 

He gave a toothy grin to the 2 players who stood across from him, now silent with an annoyed look on their faces as they still had yet to order.

Crow spoke with a smile and the most customer-friendly voice he could muster, "Anything I can get for you 2?"

However, the players didn't respond, instead, they just stared at the wall of weapons behind Crow with the price tag boldly listed aside each of them.

In the armored player's head: 'Goddamnit! 5 faith stones just for a beginner longsword?' He shot a quick glance to his buddy who had a look of worry upon seeing the weapon prices.

He turned towards his buddy and shot him a smile, one that contained a certain glint in his eyes.

Both players had played together in multiple games and had gotten each other out of multiple situations over the years in real life, being in such a lifelike game in which the armored player could convey his subtle hints, the robed player was able to immediately understand.

"Welp, looks like the prices are too expensive here, we have to go and farm before we can afford it," the armored player called out to the shop in an exaggerated manner.

Crow nodded his head as an understanding NPC yet snickered internally, 'They must think I'm stupid if they think I can't see past their act, but it's not like it matters as long as I get out the way."

The robed player walked towards the exit with his shoulders hung low and his head down in defeat and as the armored player turned to follow, he quickly turned back and leaped over the counter.

Crow having expected this sidestepped out of the way, as the player's heavily armored body barreled past him.

The player grabbed a plain-looking longsword and bolted for the exit.

Crow simply shrugged his shoulders at this, 'Welp, it comes with the territory, nothing worth losing my virtual life over.'

Yet, before the armored player could even take a step out of the door.


A cloud of surge erupted from where the player stood clouding the entire shop.

As the smoke finally died down, a smoldering hammer could be seen planted on the back of the armored player who was planted into the floor face down.

His entire body underneath his skin was black and cracked, and his eyes were lifeless.

The robed player seeing his ally dead in such a realistic way let out a pained shriek as he ran off, causing many onlookers, NPC and players alike to take a glance at the store's front entrance.

Raz's heavy footsteps creaked against the wooden floorboards as he lumbered to pick up his hammer.

By the time he arrived at his trusty tool, the body had disappeared, disintegrating into particles that dispersed into the air.

Raz snorted as he hoisted up his weapon like a newborn, "Heh, damn thieves! Dunno why they're makin' such a fuss' not like they stay dead forever, they got blessin's after all."

Crow just nodded his head subserviently while keeping his mouth closed and an innocent smile on his face, yet Raz rolled his eyes at the boy, lumbering towards the back to continue his craft.

Yet as he did, he called out, "I know you're just weak lil' runt but it wouldn't hurt ye to have more heart."

Crow called out, "I'll try my best!" in the cheesiest fake enthusiasm he could muster.




Like that, the day went by, with no other players having the gall to try and rob Raz's weapon shop or many of the other NPC stores for that matter with word going around of the repercussion amongst players.

Finally, after closing down shop and locking everything down, Raz came to the front whilst stretching his back, "Ahhh, time for drinks, I'll be off to the tavern, you be good now, ya hear?"

Yet, Crow took advantage of this, "I'll come with you."

"Oh?" Raz raised an eyebrow upon hearing this, "Finally grown some chest hair, huh? Good, a drink will put some fire in your spirit, praise be to He!"

Crow himself raised an eyebrow at this yet smiled and nodded along as they walked to the town's tavern.

Finally, as the 2 arrived and pushed open the door to the tavern it was exactly what Crow would expect from a fantasy world's tavern, hostesses serving hot food, races of all colors and types mingling and chatting amongst one another, and most importantly, and why Crow had decided to come, the exchange of information.

At that moment Raz saw a group of his friends and waved towards them as he made his way through the crowd, yet Crow poked his shoulder, "Hey, boss, I'm actually gonna meet with some friends if that's okay."

Raz just nodded his head as he continued pushing past the crowd, not at all minding to be relieved of his temporary babysitting duties.

That night Crow made his way from table to table, covertly listening in on players, with much of the information causing him to nearly have his eyes bulge out if not for the fact of trying to remain lowkey.




Finally, as the tavern started to clear and many players and NPC's went back to their lodges with some even renting rooms in the tavern itself, Crow chose to do the same.

Raz was still heartedly drinking with his buddies who were nearly blacked out, but Crow just smiled and shook his head at this as he made his way back to the shop.

Once he was back in his room, he immediately closed the door and sat on his bed processing the information he heard discussed amongst players.

This town was a massive, massive town spanning what seemed to be thousands and thousands of miles and miles for all players globally yet apparently, some technology was used to allow all players globally and NPC's to converse.

Crow had only been to a small part today, namely the weapon's shop and the local area tavern, but the fact that this area spanned further than any city on Earth was mind-boggling.

Next was the fact that the body of players when they log off stays where they left it, meaning that the importance of safe lodging is even higher.

Death itself comes at the cost of a level, and if a player is the minimum level then they'll lose the accumulated experience towards the next level, and players who do die are respawned at local revive zones nearest to the part of town where they died.

However, with that being said, and most surprising to many players was that NPC's who died stay dead.

Many players had found that out when attacking NPC's that weren't as strong as Raz, though they would eventually be caught and captured by the town guards NPC's or killed if they refused to surrender, that was a crucial wake-up call to the players of how powerful some NPC's really were.

Speaking of that and most importantly, however, was the power system.

Crow heard very little about it as even players had yet to fully understand it, but many were already confused by the lack of numbers for levels.

'That's how most games are supposed to be anyways, right?' the boy murmured to himself as he looked at his stats screen. 

[Name: Crow {NPC}]

[Race: Human]

[Occupation/ Class: Blacksmith Apprentice]

[Realm: 0]

[Stage: 0]

[Source: None]

'Realm? All players I saw today were Realm 1, yet even Raz is Realm 2 and he instantly killed a player in one shot, what does that make me at level 0?' 

Crow's body subconsciously shuddered, even if it was virtual death he didn't expect that it'd be a pleasant feeling.

The boy pondered as he stroked his chin, 'Yet, even I saw [Stage 2] and [Stage 1], how high up does it go, and how does one go to the next realm?'

So many questions were surfacing in the boy's mind yet he had no solid source of answers.

He leaned back as he sat up right, letting out a turbid breath of air, 'Hahhh... oh well, I didn't really get to level today but it seems that this identity as an NPC may be worth its weight in gold, I knew this helmet would be special.'

He laid onto his bed, too uncaring to change into his nightgown, and looked ahead at the ceiling "Time to log out", he murmured as he closed his eyes...




'Um... Why am I still here?' Crow's eyes burst open.

Approximately 10 seconds had gone by and he was unable to log out of the game.

So as he lay there on his bed, the weight of it all finally came down onto him and he was no longer able to delude himself any further he smiled to himself sarcastically, "I'm an NPC... huh."















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Twitch: 2A1Z - https://www.twitch.tv/atomfactor_

Instagram: X2a1z - https://www.instagram.com/atomfactor/

Tiktok: _2A1Z - https://www.tiktok.com/@atomfactor


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