
night sky

yesica_rodriguez · 若者
29 Chs


The papers that fell in front of me where information about me .

I grabbed the sheet and their it was everything you could know about me but their was nothing that was related to my father and brother .

I yelled at her " why do you have this "

illy said " No no-no you misunderstood these are the employees files "

I said " No their not i never told you my personal information "

I walked to the boss's office

I said " why "

Boss " Get out "

I said " Do you dislike me so much, What have I done Im not here for you"

I was mad and crying and I was feeling dizzy and i closed my eyes

When I woke up

My eyelids felt heavy and the first thing i see is Mrs.karen arguing with her son

When i open my eyes Mrs.karen walks to me and asks " How are you feeling "

I said " What happened ? "

Mrs.karen said " The doctor said that you passed out of lack of sleep , sweetie if you were tired and needed a break you should have told me look what happen "

She sighed

" Look ill give you 2 days to get better don't take anything my son did personal that's just how he acts "

I said " No no-no im fine this shouldn't affect my work , Mrs.karen this wont happen again just give me another chance I'll finish the day and ill rest but..."

Mrs.karen " But nothing ill take you home and you'll rest no working " ( She gave me a look )

I said " Ok , Mrs.karen "

Mra.karen " Less formalities towards me call me karen "

Ok karen ill appreciate everything you've done .

Mrs.karenKaren said " Well ill take my leave get better , My driver will come pick you up is that ok with you ?"

I said " yeah yeah go don't make them wait ill be fine here :) ( I smiled ) .

After she leaves my boss comes in

It was awkward at first but I had to break the ice so

I said " Im sorry sir , I shouldn't have made a scene back their, It won't happen again. But you have misunderstood me im here for the job not for you Im aware your mother has brought other women and you thought I was another one but I am not "

My thoughts

It wasn't all a lie I was only their for the job but he was right about his suspicions his mother did want me to marry him but im only here for my brother and if I get close to him karen will help me .

He then answered with " I don't know why mother would treat you as she does just know I dislike women who make scene for attention ."

I said " No-no you totally misunderstood "

And he left didn't look back what was I expecting her sons were ass****.

Then the driver came and picked me up

When he arrived home he helped with my stuff

When we got to the elevator Jake my hot neighbor got in the same elevator

Jake smiled and said " You feeling better "

I said " yeah " ( an embarrassed grin )

Jake " doesn't seem like it your ankles look worst, I was wondering if you were coming to the new comers party "

I said " Probably not, I have things too do and I just got here I don't know many people here "

Jake" You should come "

The elevator doors open and we all walk out he looked at the driver with a weird face

I said " Bye "

Jake said " Bye , hope you come "

We then parted ways and the driver helped me into the room and I thanked him

This was harder than I thought from now on ill control my emotions better .

Later that day

I was doubtful about going but i got ready

So i went to the store and bought some mugs they said Mr.and mrs. so i thought why not and bought a present bag

When i was about to knock I wasn't sure so when i was about to turn around some one with a deep voice said " Hesitating to knock "

I turned and their he was jake

Jake " So you came , you lool beautiful like always "

I said " Thank you , Yeah i thought about what you said I might make friends if I live life :)"

He knocked

The door opened the couple was really young they seemed so happy together

They invited us in and said " aww y'all are a perfect couple "

I blushed and said no-no its not like ..

Jake said " Thanks "

I turned to look at him he smiled at me

I blushed " omg , he didn't say no "(I whispered )

Then he introduced me to all the neighbors most of them were elderly people but Some couples.

We sat down and talked for 30 mins or so

we were more alike than I thought .

We sat their for a while

When he said " I enjoy your company so much how about we go to the gym together? "

I said " Well have to wait on that my ankles are hurt I cant run but I can certainly walk so maybe next week "

He said " Do you believe in fate "

I said " Yeah , why ?"

Jake said " Don't you think its fate that we've met so many times don't you think its fate to meet " ( smiled )