
A Solid foundation!

*boom* *boom* *boom*

Loud sounds of wooden swords colliding could be heard from duke's villa training ground. Inside, there are two men who sparring with each other, Ray and his Instructor Zed. They already sparring from morning until noon, in the beginning, Zed always had the upper hand, but after a few dozens exchange, Ray starts to countering a few moves from him making Zed feels surprised. Then nearing noon Zed starts to get pressured to holding on without getting serious.

'you've gotta be kidding me, Is he a Genius or what? Did he start to force me, a war veteran, to get serious? this kid?' *sweating*


Meanwhile before, when Ray first stepping into the training ground he heard a notification in his mind and feel surprised because his task panel had shown him the following quest that seemingly part of chain quest:

[Train your sword - A solid foundation!]

[Quest description: The world is yours to take, but to take the world as your own you need an absolute power! However, your power right now is nothing but a joke! Young man, Defeat your instructor zed and make him acknowledge yourself as a man before you back to Gladius Dukedom. A solid foundation is needed to build your own sanctuary, and that foundation is you, your power. Can you do it? Dare you do it?]

[Quest reward: 500 general experience points (exp).]

[Mission Deadline: 6 Days left]


Chain Quest means a group of quests which are completed in sequence. Quest chains are also known as quest lines. Completion of each quest is a prerequisite to beginning the next quest in the chain. Quests usually increase in difficulty as a player progresses through the chain. There are several other kinds of quest

Kill Quests

A kill quest sends the character out to kill either a specific number of named creatures, or a specific NPC (non-player character). These types of quests often require the character to bring back proof of their work, such as trophies, or body parts (boar tusks, wolf pelts, etc.)

Combo quests

The combo quest requires a player to attack certain enemies or structures with a combination of attacks until the required number of combos is reached. Enemies in these quests are usually either immortal or infinite in number until the player is successful. At this point, the enemies would either be killed or stop appearing

Delivery quests

Another type of quest is the delivery quest, also known as a FedEx quest or fetch-carry quest. This involves the character being sent to deliver an item from one location to another. Sometimes, the character may need to collect the item first, instead of being handed the item to deliver when starting the quest. These quests are made challenging by asking the character to journey through unfamiliar or dangerous terrain, sometimes while facing a time limit.

Gather quests

Gather quests, also known as collection quests or fetch quests, require a character to collect a number of items. These can either be gathered from a location or environment or require the character to kill creatures in order to collect the required items. The quest may also require the character to collect a number of different items, for example, to assemble a device.

Escort quests

The Escort quest is a combination of slaying monsters to maintain the well-being of a non-player character (NPC) while exploring an area alongside that NPC. A typical escort quest would involve protecting a character as he or she moves through a monster-infested area. A majority of the time, the quest will demand the player to slay multiple monsters to ensure the safety of the NPC.

Escort quests can be beneficial, forcing the players to focus on a particular area in order to play out a scene or reveal a section of the plot. Escort quests can also be used to funnel a character from one location to another, leading the player along a route or path. However, problems with this type of quest can occur if the artificial intelligence controlling the NPC causes the NPC to behave in unexpected or unmanageable ways. Because many escort quests are often perceived as being poorly done, they are very unpopular amongst the gaming community.


His thought in disarray, defeat his own instructor? you gotta be kidding right? he is an active veteran soldier while I'm just a 13 years old kid! this challenge is absurd!

will anyone sane do it?


will he do it?

Off course the answer is 'YES!'

He never planned to become lowkey after all, besides just imagining the thrill of battle makes him excited to no end. 'six days left? Hehe, it seems this world still underestimating me, 500 general exp? thanks for the free meal. *grin*'

(Zed) "Young Lord, Shall we start our training?"

"Off course zed, off course *smiling*"

when zed sees Ray's smile, he doesn't know why but he gets a weird creepy feeling. Usually, he was the one who makes people get a bad feeling before he does some sparring, but now the situation is reversed somehow.

'maybe I'm just overthinking things, he is just pampered son of the duke. Unlike his father who was a genius in the way of the sword, sadly he was dead in war *sigh* but he dies with a heroic death and become the goal of most soldier in our kingdom and several others surrounding kingdom's soldiers.'

"Zed? are you okay?" seeing zed keep staring at empty space with long gaze, Ray decided to call him and ask his condition

(Zed) "Ah? yeah, I'm okay young lord. I'm sorry for spacing out."*bowing*

"Nah that's fine, just don't spacing out so often or people will think that you're a fool or a crazy person."

*ticked*"Thank you for your ADVICE young lord. then, are you ready young lord?"

"whenever you are ready zed, whenever you are." *smiling*

(Zed) "Here we go!"

*slash* Zed swinging his wooden sword vertically from top to bottom, aiming for Ray's head.

*thumb* dull sound out as Ray confidently parrying Zed's attack *smirk* "Is that all wha-"

Ray's word cut off by another a horizontal slash by zed and he got thrown away to the ground several meters away. "are you alright young lord? please don't get distracted while in battle. It proved to be fatal in battle." Zed said

*ticked off* 'Damn it, how do I forget that this body is crappy! For a moment there I thought I was in my old character in the game's body.'

'Calm down, if right now I can't beat him with just raw power then I should use several techniques and movement from my in-game experience.' Ray's thought, then he stand up and positioning himself in a stance, his left foot stepping in front, and he lowering his stance a bit.

(Zed) "Please be prepared young lord, don't get distracted. you have to focus on your surroundings at all time when you're in battle."

"Thank you zed, somehow I was felt like on high pedestal just because of a little bit of success. Now, let us start again"

they training several dozen round where Ray keeps getting trashed. 'I think I started to get the hang of it...'

*inhale* *exhale* "fuuuuh..."


(Zed) "Okay then, here we go again!" *slash*

Zed's wooden sword slashing vertically again, Ray either parrying his attack or avoiding it and it last several exchanges, but this time when he thinks his sword hitting Ray's head, it passed through.

'An afterimage?!!' Zed's thought

"Mumyo jinpuu Ryuu..."

When zed hears his young lord voice again, he turning around then moving his wooden sword once more, he saw his young lord with fierce yet tranquil looking eyes swinging his sword towards him this time zed's hacking diagonally aiming his young lord's right shoulder when...

"Satsujin Ken..."



your suggestion are very welcomed here~

just don't be harsh on me :D

Eat_pridecreators' thoughts