
no 2

Have you ever been in a situation, where you have to choose a spiritual path, the good way or the bad way? Well I was in that situation quite a few years ago and the way I chose was dire….

The old preacher used to say to me, 'let Jesus come into your heart' but I wouldn't listen I always used to think that, that was for the older people. I used to think, why not enjoy my youth, why should I deprive my self of going to party's, getting smashed every weekend, taking drugs why should I deprive myself of all this enjoyed because I've given my life to Christ. Why? Am I insane giving up all this enjoyment just for Christ! But what I didn't know was that all this avoiding of Christ was going to Change my life forever and ever….

My mum always used to say to me 'give your life to Christ before it's too late' what she meant in the phrase 'to late' was in the Christian Bible there are accounts in Revelation a book in the Bible referring to the end times and that there are a series of events building up to Jesus coming to take those who have given there lives to him and that if you are left behind a antichrist will arise and rule the world and that reign will be a time of great terror. My mum used to give me examples such as after Jesus had taken the people who love him there would be terrible tortures that would go on this earth. The seas would be turned into blood; great hailstones will fall on the earth and so on. These were the things she told me day in day out. But the most horrible, hideous, horrific and worrying thing she ever told me that even makes me icy cold all over even now. Was a animal that would be released by God unto this earth when the antichrist is reigning. This animal she described would come from the bottomless pit it was reminiscent of a horse, it had wings, it's head had horns, its head was like the head of humans my mum used to say, the fixation about this animal that made me quiver like a lone twig in the wind was that it could sting and this sting was like a scorpions sting but this sting man could not comprehend such a sting. If one stung you will be in pain for five mouths non-stop. But regrettably all this information I did not take in I did not ponder on her precious words, which were so powerful. I keep on thinking back looking at my life thinking to myself why didn't I take in all she said. Why? I weep everyday thinking of what my life could have been like so know I can't rectify my previous actions know…This is how all of what my mum said came to pass…

It was on the 3rd November 2003 when it all happened. That day my mum was acting a little strange, she didn't say 'good morning' as she normally would do but she just stayed up stairs in her bed reading her bible and praying. She said something to me that morning that made a chill run down my spine 'ask Jesus to come into your life today before it's to late' but me, my typical self just brushed what she said aside. Around 4.00 o'clock that afternoon my mum went to the church, it was unusual for her to go to the church at that time this created unease inside me. She came back around quarter to 10, she face was shining and she had joy written on her face. I said to her 'what happen' she just replied 'something special' then she just went to her bedroom. That was to last time I saw her. I think it happened around 12.45 am when the disappearances started. I left my window open when heard a scream that I can still heard even today. 'Where's my baby' the cry said I looked out of my window I saw a lady in the road with the most grief-stricken face I have ever seen. 'Where's my baby' she said again. That when it all dawned on me 'the dead in Christ will rise first also the children will go those who have reached the age of accountability and those men and women who have served God faithfully will disappear in a twinkling of an eye.' I quikly ran to my mums room I looked at the bed she was not there then the most horrid sinking feeling came over me. It was like me whole life was played in front me. I quickly ran to wher the radio was and turned it on and what I heard I couldn't believe it 'aliens have abducted 234, million people from this world to day.' I thought to myself these people don't know any thing. But the world soon got to know who was behind the disappearances…..