

after leaving the field she ask them if they know a place with best hot pot she has been craving for it for past two days it was ara who told her that her parents own home cook restaurant and the hot pot of there is delicious so they end up in her parents restaurant.

ara is the one who order all the food since she is familiar here and know which dish is good when the order came they start eating whole heartedly "the food here is actually very good" ara smile widely at xing complement "hey ming dony you have hard time with your hair covering your view why don't you comb them back"

ara ask him curiously xing saw this and help ming to comb his hair backward revealing his whole face they were stunt to find out that ming baby face with doe eyes making him look adorable and cute he is that type of boy which can make girl heart melt at the sight but his fighting techniques are dangerous.

"oh my god" xing jaw drop he directly stuff ming glasses in his pocket "you are not wearing these glasses anymore" ara nodded her head while jian has no interest she has seen much more handsome man but ming is type of cute adorable boy.

"I can't imagine a boy like fighting in arenas and all" Jian pause at ara words and spoke "city k is filled with experts you don't know which person who has innocent look can kill you so make sure you don't provoke anyone till you are confident enough in your own strength" ara nodded to express that she understands whatever she is saying.

"okay from tomorrow I will start your training be ready at 5 am in school back forest if anyone is late I'm going to drag you out from your house okay" they nodded their head after eating there they head back to there school cause xing driver is going to pick him up from his school and If his parents get to know that he skip his class he will be in trouble.

Jian hop on her bike xing was busy admiring her bike although Lucifer look is similar to other racing bikes he is still much more better then other bikes she chuckle at his excited face and ask "you want one" xing eyes brighten he nodded his head like a hen making ara laugh.

"okay just wait for few days I will get you one" she can make the bike in just a day but she is not going to add all the features like Lucifer had after all original owner want a bike which is different from the whole world with that she head back to her home after parking her bike.

she enter the mansion she notice large boxes in the living room she become curious about these boxes suddenly a passing maid saw her she told "young miss this parsell is actually your after you had gone to school someone deliver them these boxes are very large they can't fit in the room beside you so we keep it in living room waiting for your order"

her eyes brighten knowing that the material for making sword had already delivered she become excited "tell bulter to keep these boxes in the garage I will came down after changing my cloth" after giving order she directly run toward her room in her way she bump into song Sheng who has came home to pick up his file.

"oh Hello elder brother" since she is in good mood she greet him with a smile but her greetings surprise him cause since the day she has came into house the time she has taken the step to talk with them can be counted with one hand she brush them with few words but today she seem to be looking very happy.

he become curious so he didn't immediately leave the house but wait for he was taken back when saw her coming down wearing a hood which reach her thighs he felt like her straight long legs are very glaring "why are not you wearing any pants" Jian pause for her sec pulling her hood little bit showing the shorts she is wearing and run downstairs.

but this make him frown more he realise that she usually roam in these cloth soon his forehead covered in black covered 'with these cloth on God know how many boys stare at her' but he forget that she is not a fragile girl who need protection infact other need protection from her.

subconsciously he follow her toward the garage by the time he realise where he is his hand was already in the garage door to knock he put down his hand but stop in mid way and decide to check on her 'this girl directly enter the garage after changing without eating anything this is not good for her health' with that thought he knock on the room.

"come in" when he enter the room and about to say something he pause when he saw that she has already remove her hood and is only in shorts and sports bra her back is straight without any sign of weakness but on that back there are several scar of knife he become silent.

"hey can you help me opening these boxes and arrange the things on the ground" he came back to his senses by her voice he realise that she don't know that's him or else she don't has asked his help he didn't tell her but help her to arrange the things from start she doesn't even look at him.

"okay now let's set the furnace in the middle of the room least I end up burning the whole garage" she turn around to ask the person to help her with moving the furnace but she was taken back when she saw song Sheng helping her "ohh it's you thank you for helping I will handle from here"