
The Red Lion! And The Gang?

===== Takemichi PoV =====


Damn it, this is all happening since my cousin lied being a big deal in a gang during one of our conversations, boasting about his achievements and position in a gang related to the Toman a.k.a. the Tokyo Manji Gang.

I'm feeling this pain again as I have returned to this time. This excruciating pain tells me that what I'm experiencing is not just a mere flash before my eyes, not a mere dream. I really did return to the past and this is happening all over again.

My friends from the Mizo Middle Five as we call ourselves are being beaten down. Kicks upon kicks followed by punches, blow after blow we grit our teeth in the pain that they inflict onto us, some already passed out not being able take more from the beating but this delinquents didn't care as they laughed and talked trash to us while still persistently kicking them even after they have lost their consciousness.

A short while the beating stopped and a deafening silence ensued upon the place, no other people was on the park other than us but the sudden silence caught my attention.

Looking around even with swollen and bleeding face I look at the delinquents who were beating the crap out of me. They were all looking at the same direction, sweat was dripping from their face from all the non-stop beating they were inflicting onto us but this was different, It was as if they were sweating out of fear from what was obviously seen from their fear stricken eyes.

Twisting my body in order to see what they were all looking at, my eyes landed upon a tall handsome young man with flame like red hair as the glint of gold from his eyes were seen from the darkening park. 

Looking straight at his eyes I felt chills run down my spine. Fear was eating at me making me unable to breathe properly from the mere presence that the young man was giving. 

"Oi, trash, I remembered telling gangs like you that parks are off limit. You could use it but make sure that I don't catch you loitering around, especially with this kind of display"

Spoken in a domineering voice the young mans as he keeps on talking his tone gets colder and colder as he stared down on the gang that Kiyomasa was leading. After the words that he uttered, he calmly starts walking in our direction. The sound of each step he takes in this silent park are like alarm bells of danger was gradually approaching to end there lives. The sound of gulps were heard from those who were still conscious while those body that were still passed out from the beating were oblivious of what was transpiring right now.

"Kiyomasa" the young man uttered as he stared him down. "I doubt Toman knows of this, because if they did I would have made sure that Toman was no more"

"It's all a misunderstanding Miko.. URGH!"

Before he could finish speaking, with a simple Front Push Kick to Kiyomasa right on the sternum and was sent flying to the other side of the park rolling on the ground until he stops and felt the unbearable pain in his sternum, as he tries to catch his breathe.

Grasping his chest is he tries to stabilize his breathing from the pain that was aching on his sternum.

'HRAACKK, Damn it, what was with that power, It was like I was hit by a full forced swing of a hammer' Kiyomasa thought as tries to recover from the vicious kick delivered to him.

"Never utter my name from that mouth of yours Kiyomasa, I gave you no such permission"

"And I don't need your reason why you're doing this here, I already warned all of you, never cause trouble in places where I sleep"

All members of Kiyomasas' gang tried to go and help him but a single stare from The red haired youth halted them in place.

"I-Its th-the Red Lion, Mikoto Akaou a lone delinquent that can wipe out almost all gangs in the area. He doesn't want to start any gang so many were trying to recruit him, those who tried and disrespected him were wiped out by him alone"

Looking behind me I see Kazushi Yamagishi a friend of mine who has just regained consciousness observe the spectacle in front of us, known as the Walking Delinquent Encyclopedia because of all the knowledge he knows about the delinquents in the area.

"H-he was so strong that there was a rumor going around that he had a head on collision with the leader and members of Toman which resulted in his overwhelming victory, the reason for the fight was never been told but due to this rumor people try to stay away or have any kind of conflict with him" Kazushi continued with a hint of admiration in his voice as he continue to stare at the figure that was standing in the middle of all the members of Kiyomasas' gang.

"Oi trashes,

single line

in front of me,


The gang members hesitated for a second but quickly rushed to line up after seeing the glint in his golden eyes.

After lining up, Mikoto Akaou stood in front of the first person inline, in a swift motion he turned around twisting his body clockwise with his left leg, followed by pulling his right leg towards him like loading a bullet. After finishing his rotation he tensed his legs and fired the right leg extending it as it hit delinquents Solar Plexus, finally adding a little twist to his extended kick to add more power into it creating a loud sound that resounded in the quiet park.



"WHA! Mommy!"

"What was that?!?!"

Startled by the loud noise, those who were unconscious were awoken due to the sound of the impact that the back kick made.

The delinquent who received the kick was sent flying backwards, colliding with the person behind him and the ones that followed, falling over a distance away.

The sound of groans of pain were heard from all those that fell over as they try to make sense of how they were sent flying as the force of the kick was felt for every last person.

"Get out of here, if you plan on using the park for this kinds of display then make sure that I don't stumble upon all of you" Akaou Mikoto stated while returning to his normal standing posture and starts to do some stretches while cracking his neck while his eyes never left the delinquents.

After those cold words all of Kiyomasas' gang carried Kiyomasa and the one who was knocked out from receiving the full brunt of the back kick as they scurry off to get away from The Red Lion.

After looking at the fleeing backs of the gang his attention was then turned to us, scanning us with those golden eyes.

"If you're done playing delinquent then go back home" right after uttering those words he turned around and he started walking away. A distance away he stopped and turned around and stared at me for a couple of seconds but resumed walking again.

"This didn't happen in the past, did something changed since I was brought back here?"

In the past Akaou Mikoto was not passing by here at this time, the beating would have continued for around 30 minutes more however this time we were saved from the beating by him.

Gathering my thoughts me and the gang went on our way back home after a few minutes of rest and dusting ourselves off, during the walk Kazushi couldn't stop fanboying on the Red Lion making the rest of us just wry with smile as the last words the he left us kind off gave us a reality check on our situation. 

In the wake of my thoughts I remembered about the news of Tachibana Hinatas' death in the future, remembering this he bolted from the group after making an excuse of meeting someone or forgetting something in order to meet her at her home.

A huge weight was lifted from his chest when he saw her again, though she was kind off angry due to me being bruised all over. After being scolded and making sure I was all right we talked for a few minutes and left after our conversation

Walking nearby as I was on my way home still lost in my thoughts about this time traveling and about the death of Hina, I saw delinquents threatening a small kid, engaging with them with a threat and a broken bottle as weapon the delinquents went on there way as I checked on the kid. What surprised me was that the kid was Tachibana Hinatas' younger brother Tachibana Naoto, we talked and I told him the date of the day his sister died. He was suspicious of my words at first but still agreed to listen to my warnings, following with a man to man handshake of promise to protect his sister that ended his first time leap, waking up in the hospital after.

===== Mikoto PoV =====

"Well, that just happened"

While I was walking to the park I saw what was happening on the first episode of Tokyo Revengers, the beginning of the story line, the Mizo Middle Five the delinquent group of Takemichi Hanagaki being beaten down by Kiyomasas' group.

I fought them because they really annoyed me during the first episode so I just wanted to show them who's boss, well a little extra of course is that I wanted to know how good this body was, and all I can say is that I was not disappointed and more amazed of the capabilities of this body. I tried the front push kick and the back kick following the instruction of a famous black belt podcaster.

Recreating all those just through memory I was able to perform them with enough power to send those gang members flying. 

I should start learning martial arts since the original Mikoto was just a just a street fighter that relied more on his instincts and never had a proper training in fighting. If I'm able to learn some martial arts I'm sure that my stat value will rise with my growth.

*Stomach Growling~~*

While thinking of ways to train, my stomach growled, making me remember that I have not yet eaten since last night, after deciding on what to eat since the good restaurants or fast food was too far from my current location I went on my way to a convenience store to grab some bentos' to fill me up.

Arriving at the store I see some familiar faces, they were Kisaragi Anna, Oga Tatsumi and Furuichi Takayuki friends of the original Mikoto.


A group of delinquents who were known to cause trouble to any place they go, well Furuichi is more of a comedian within the group. They are from a different class but since they enjoyed each others company they quickly became friends.

The best thing about them is that they treated the original Mikoto as a normal person as who they came to know, and not the him with a spread out rumor and fancy titles.

I on the other hand remember them for a completely different reason as I know them from 'Karui Kimochi de Heya ni Ageta Gal to Hamemakuri' and 'Beelzebub' a R18 manga and manga adapted into a anime .

'I don't know if supernatural exist in this world but I would be interested in meeting Baby Beel and Hilda as well'

'Looks like Annas' friends aren't here' I thought as I don't see the presence of Tohsaka Natsuki and Ichijou Honoka anywhere around the convenience store.

Anna is a half-Russian that transferred into our school due to her fathers work, he always gets transferred not because he was bad at his job and they didn't want him in there division, quite the opposite actually he was too good that all the other branch of there company asks for his assistance in many of there work loads. As a young woman Anna needed quite a lot of money and she didn't want to burden her parents for the costs of her cosmetics and clothes that she wanted to buy so she did modeling as a job and she was quite famous for her looks and great body so the magazine publishers rack up quite a sum whenever she does a photoshoot.

'Based on my memory she even has a dedicated fanbase' as I thought recalling some of the merged memories about her.

Oga Tatsumi was is an idiot delinquent, he talks with his fist more than his mouth so Furuichi takes the role as a mediator in order for him to not cause trouble, well even without this he already has a notoriety that won't lose to mine. Oga is strong, he is the type of person that evolves and gets stronger the more he is in a tough spot. He is healthy, athletic and he has the drive to train if a situation asks for him to be better.

'I think delinquency runs in the family as I remember Ogas' sister was the former leader and founder of the all female gang called the 'Red Tail''

Furuchin a.k.a. Furuichi Takayuki is a self proclaimed strategist... see? told you he's a comedian. Since he is the only person that wanted for conflicts to be resolved through talks people saw this as him being the ringleader that started all the fights, because the talks never really did anything and in fact it sometimes made it worse. He likes to pretend he is some kind of cool and gentleman to ladies but they just consider him as a creep, even being called as Creepichi.

"Creepichi that eel bento is mine so give it" said by Anna as she extends her right arm in a demanding tone as she looks down on Furuichi.

"Don't just stand their Oga tell that creepy friend of yours to hand over the bento"

Being dragged into the argument Oga divert his attention from the bentos' in front of him and looked at the two person arguing.

"Just give it to her Creepichi, it's not like you'll win an argument with her, just be thankful she's asking nicely" not interested of there argument he returns to picking what to eat. 

"You call that asking nice?! she's basically demanding me to give it to her how is that asking nice?! AND DON'T CALL ME THAT TOO!!"

Not listening anymore to what they were saying as all words that Furuichi said went to deaf ear.

Noticing that he was being ignored he refocused his attention to Anna with her arm still extended as she stares at him with a looks that says "Give it now, worm" making him imagine some S&M play with her allowing a perverted grin slowly appear on his face, with hot breath exhaled from his excitement.

Creeped out of the excited face that appeared on Furuichis' face, she pulled back her arm with a disgusted look on her face as she started clenching her fist and prepared to strike him right straight on the face, when suddenly she heard a familiar voice calling out to them.

"He might have to go to the hospital if you strike him on the face you know, remember that painful pinch I thought you? he'll cry in pain within seconds if you do that"

As I approach them with a smile on my face, all three of them turned there heads directed at me.

"Yo!" greeting them as I hover the index and middle finger on my eyebrow and flicked it outwards.

"Mikoto!" diverting her attention to me Anna approached closer "You slept all day again huh?"

I just laughed it off as I greeted her while patting her head, while asking why she was with these two and where are Natsuki and Honoka.

Blushing a little from my head pat as she answered my question.

"They went home early after dismissal so they couldn't join me"

"I see" after listening to her answer we walked our way back to the two.

"You're a long way from home Mikoto-san, did you sleep in the park around here?" Furuichi asked as we draw near them.

"Oh? Creepichi your still here?" Anna jokingly said as she giggled.


After answering Annas' joke remark he focuses his attention back to me as I answered him.

"I just took a stroll that's all, more like why are you even buying a bento? don't you guys eat dinner at home?"

Having a wry smile appear on his face as he pointed at Oga "Well that was the plan but I was dragged here by this guy because his parents went out for the evening, leaving no dinner for him at home"

"I'm buying some for myself as well and eat it at the nearby park, wanna join?" I asked as I started choosing as well.

Agreeing to my suggestion Furuichi and Anna nodded while Oga just gave a sound as an agreement while raising a thumbs up.

Anna was about to start arguing with Furuichi again about the last eel bento and wanted him to hand it over but as I spoke first addressing her to just choose something else since Furuichi already chose it first.

"Hmph" a little dissatisfied of the outcome she didn't comment anymore and went to my side and started choosing from the selection of bento to eat.

Seeing this Furuichi couldn't help as his lips twitched from the sudden 180 degree change in attitude.

'You were arguing with me for that bento for about 30 minutes and a single word from Mikoto-san and you just give up just like that? come on you couldn't be more obvious'

As Anna and I were done choosing we were about to leave and head to the counter but saw Oga still mulling over what to pick within the two cheapest priced ones.

"Just choose Oga I'll treat you" 

Dropping the two cheapest priced bentos' Oga hurriedly chose the most expensive one after hearing that it was my treat.

"Good I'm done, thanks Mikoto"

Anna and Furuichi couldn't help but twitch there lips at how fast Oga's response was to my words, all I did was laugh as we made our way to the counter