
Night Eye

100 kids get sent to an island where they have to fight to the death who will be the last remaining?

Arkrham · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Always Behind

 A ship came up to the shore, inside a hundred kids were just innocently sleeping. They were all thrown in without any consent. One of these children was Fear, he was a tall brown boy with large eyes. 

 Slowly the kids started to wake up, suddenly a masked individual came out of the blue, she looked kinda like a supervillain from an old comic. She had a Raven mask with a scar down the face. 

 She came over there being carried by a big gorilla. The gorilla looked fairly strong, probably not going to fight that. She was slowly put down by it. She went over to fear and kicked his face. 

 "Wake up, little boy," she said with a chilling creepy voice, Fear slowly started to wake up. She had created a red spot on his forehead. The other kids were woken up by water or force. 

 Fears' eyes slowly started to reveal themselves, he had two big black eyes. He slowly started to shake his head, "Ah, where am I?" He questioned 

 The tall individual with the Raven mask looked down upon him, she smirked, "Eh, you are on the islands of NightEye!" She answered, Fear started to slowly look around, he saw two other kids also waking up. 

 He shook his head and looked up at the masked individual, "And," he stopped to breathe, "Who are you?" he started to breathe more heavily every time, he said something. 

 He held on his throat, the more he took in the air the more he lost, "Whaaa?" He fell down on the ground passed out. The masked individual smirked, she took his chin up by one finger, "It's game on," Fear looked her in the eyes as he was passing out. 

 The individual pointed at all the kids, "GET THEM OUT OF HERE!" She exclaimed. One of the gorillas asked, "Can't we just ask the mega bots to get here?" 

 The individual looked at the gorilla and nodded, "We shall bring the megabots, to clean our dirty work!"  She exclaimed, behind her thousands of little metallic bots came out. 

 "Remember not to lose even one," She held up 1 finger and she was yelling at the bots. They quickly took fear and two other girls and threw them to the gorillas, "Ehm, what about this fat one?" One of the mega bots said with a robotic voice. They were holding the fat kids' arm up, but couldn't move it. 

 The individual looked at the mega bots and smirked, "Eh, leave him what harm could it do, also chep cheap boys let's get out of here!" She exclaimed. 

 Out on the boat, a letter was laying. It gently flew away from the boat and landed on the fat kids face, he sneezed and woke up, "Eh" he said, he wiped his nose and looked at the gorilla's leaving, he jumped behind a rock and slowly poked is head up. 

Over with the kids, a gorilla accidentally woke up a pair of them, he looked down at his hands and saw the kids waking up. He nervously looked around at the other gorilla's. The looked at the kids waking up and nervously whispered to each other, "Dude that's your problem!" One of the gorilla's said while shaking. 

 He nervously threw the kids around in his hands, he looked in the air juggling the kids, "Guys!" he exclaimed. The individual heard the yelling and looked back, one of the gorilla's quickly jumped in front of the other and began smiling, "Nothing to see her individual," The gorilla said while smiling. 

 She sighed and continued to look forward, the gorilla's looked at each other again, one of the gorilla's decided to pinch the kid, "Right there," The gorilla said while pinching all the kids, right after that they fell asleep. 

 They made their way to what it seems like an island, "Patrol!" The individual exclaimed, suddenly a man with a Raven mask as the individual came down from a mountain behind them, "Yes individual, have you brought the kids?" 

 She nodded and gave him all the kids, "This is the first trial the patrol remember to scold them good okay?" The patrol nodded, he took some of the kids and placed them in small cars, "That should do," one of the gorilla's said. 

 The cars were launchpad into an open-world area, all the kids immediately woke up, "Wait what is happening?" one of them said, the others started to talk and question their presence in the area. 

 Fear looked in the sky clearly remembering the kick he got in the face, suddenly a speaker came down and a chilling voice out of it, "Hello peasants, we here at night eye are going to challenge your teamwork, agility and least but 100% most, your head,"

 Fear touched his forehead but was meet with clearing pain, "Ahh!" he exclaimed. The speaker started to explain to the kids what their presence meant, "This is a competition of pure strength, intelligence and strength, wait did I say that, fuck it!" The individual exclaimed. 

 One of the kids started to yell, she was a blonde girl with fearsome sight, "What should we follow you guys, you look like dorks!" She exclaimed the speaker started to speak again, "Because of the actions made by this boy,". "Hey,  I'm a girl!" 

 "We mean girl, the competition will start with no set advantages so bye!" The kids looked in the sky waiting for something to come up, suddenly a man with a raven mask jumped down and started to take kids, "Oh sorry this is hidden and seek, find the secret passage and do not get taken!" The speaker lastly said. 

 Fear quickly ran behind a rock hearing many kids just getting put down, he started to shake. He slowly poked his head up from the rock, he accidentally saw the raven and had eye to eye with him. 

 He went down again feared of his life, suddenly a kid came to his rescue, he was a male approximately the same age as Fear. He jumped and thought the Raven, "Ehm run dude!" The kid exclaimed. 

 Fear ran not even caring enough to look back, he ended up in a forest nearby, "Oh, my God I don't need that anymore," He said as he was trying to catch his breath 

 The following days, he would encounter seekers, Fear was running away from some metallic bots. He opened his backpack and pulled out a bat, "Okay, crash!" He exclaimed while beating the bots down. 

 Fear smashed one of the bots, he looked

upon it and wondered if he should keep a part of it, "Eh, it will do," He thought to himself as he took the broken part up. While he was leaving he held the broken head on its side, its eyes started to glow red. 

 Fear went out and started to cry, he slowly slides down the wall and hugged himself, "It's been an entire month, why can't I find the secret passage," He got himself up and walked out of the scene, he took the head and put a bomb of some sorts and threw it in the warehouse he had come out of. 

 Behind him a chubby kid crawled, fear looked behind him and sighed "Oh Tom, not you again," Fear looked down at Tom crawling, "You know Fear we could really use you in the fighting group," Fear stopped him, "The only thing you do I there is fighting each other, and that's what the individual wants!" Fear explained. 

 Tom got up and wiped the dirt off him, "No, this time it's huge, but it's an escape," Fear quickly took him up, "You found the secret passage," he said desperately, Tom nodded. 

 "Okay maybe this time, I can come with you," Tom nodded anxiously, "Yes, but you need to change your outfit," Fear looked insulted at Tom, "What's wrong with my outfit?" He questioned. Fear was wearing a ripped hoodie and broken headset, he looked down at himself, "I see your point," 

Fear was escorted to the headquarters of the survivors, here only 40 kids managed to survive. Fear walked in and saw injured children, dead children in the corner. He looked up and saw aa nurses"Hello, and who are you?" She questioned right in Fears'' face. 

"Ehm, I'm Fear," He said slightly smiling, "Okay what service do you pledge to give?" Fear looked at Tom confused, "Ehm Emma, this is Fear the warrior I told you about," Tom explained, Emma looked embarrassed at Fear and Tom, "Sorry for the confusion sir will not happen again," Emma said running. 

 Tom laughed a bit, he took Fear by the waist and escorted him down to the base of importance, this was where all the important weapons and project were.

He showed him to the reactor, Fear pointed at it, "And what's this?" Tom laughed a bit, "This is the reactor, it shoots a massive blow down the earth's surface and uses X-ray, so we found the escape it's on the other side of the island right here. You have to go through the imperial dessert, behind the king of kings and besides the wall of independence,"

 Tom handed Fear the map, "Take some people and help them win this thing," Suddenly the alarm went off everything was red, "WHAT IS HAPPENING!" Fear ran around in fear and accidentally bumped into Emma and another girl. 

 In front of him in the darkness, Patrol was there, he slowly slipped his sword on the surface causing Fear to have a headache, "Who is that guy?" The girl questioned Fear remembered the massacre he witnessed, "Not something or someone to mess with," 

 He took the two girls and hid behind a rock, it was the same scenario as the last time but no one to save him this time, Fear looked at the girls scared of their lives. His tears slowly started to disappear, he took out his bat, "Just breathe Fear," he said to himself, he slowly waited for Patrol to come next to the stone, right as he did Fear jumped up and smashed the beak off his Raven mask. 

 His bat broke in the process but it was worth it, a side of his bat was left on the ground. When fear took up the map he accidentally ripped it, "Oh shit!" he exclaimed. 

 The patrol managed to take the other part of it, "Fear we need to go the base is falling to the ground!" Emma exclaimed. Fear looked at patrol as he was being dragged away, "I'm going to come after you!" he thought. 

 The HQ was falling to the lowest of ground, it's walls smashed into each other to the surprise of many injured children. All of them managed to get out but for what cost? 

 Fear and Emma and the other girl managed to get out as well, Fear looked at the building as it fell to the ground, "It was nice while it lasted," He thought. Emma took the map out of fears hand, "It seems like you got the first part of, wait what is the map called," 

 Fear read it and said, "The island of Night Patrol," 

 Inside the building, Tom was desperately trying to get up, he accidentally fell but was saved by the Patrol, "Why did you save him?" he asked, the patrol didn't talk but pointed at a picture of Fear. They said one word, "KILL!" the patrol had an chilling deep voice as he spoke. 

 Over with Fear, he and the other girl were flirting with each other, "So what's your name?" Fear questioned, the girl chuckled, "My names Alexander silly I just told," Fear blushed, "GUYS STOP THAT, I THINK I JUST FOUND WHAT WE LOOKED FOR, The imperial desert it's just up ahead," 

They looked in front of them and saw a huge desert, it had Scorpios walking out of it, "I heard our second HQ was there so let's try to look for that," Emma said while looking down at her map. 

 "I guess we are going for adventures," Fear said, "Going for something unordinary," Alexander followed up with, "Eh do I have to," Fear and Alexander nodded, "Eh going for something unreachable," They all smiled and laughed.