
Night Emperor

Demi-God Malice on the path towards becoming a God got betrayed and back-stabbed. Now, he starts a new journey as a royal prince where his uncle wants to kill him. How will he survive this, to become a God again?

Night_Fox_ · ファンタジー
16 Chs

New Life

The Ashwood Kingdom. The city of Ashwood has the atmosphere of a festival. Streets are flourishing with life and energy. Children are running all around the city, the young men and women are wearing fancy dresses, and the old are enjoying the happiness of their children and grandchildren.

The reason for the celebration, today is the first birthday of Prince Aren Ashwood. One and only Prince of the Ashwood Kingdom and the future King.

While everyone is celebrating and enjoying the moment, some people are planning their conspiracies.

"Have you mixed the poison in the birthday cake?"

"Yes, your highness."

Two people were talking with each other in a muffled voice while carrying the baby.

"Today, I will finally be able to kill my brother, and you will also get your revenge."

"Your highness, for me. You're becoming the King is the most important thing. Revenge is second."

By now, you would have already understood what is going on. My bastard uncle and my nanny are trying to kill my old man and me, and here I am lying on their lap, trying to act as a cute baby. Oh, I have not introduced myself. I am Aren Ashwood, formerly the demigod Malice.

But now you all should be thinking about how I survived the explosion. Well, I was never expecting the completion of Array in time, or that I will be able to complete it without any sacrifice. I used the soul stone left by the Old Gods to transfer my soul inside the stone and use the last remaining power of array to send me outside the Mavel Planet.

Who would have thought I will be teleported here by the array. After spending some time inside the soul stone, I reached here looking for a suitable body to take over. Exactly, one year ago. Aren Ashwood was born. On that day, I was passing by this place when I saw the child dying during its birth. The moment I saw this happening, I know I got the body I needed. The body of a royal prince.

But who would have thought in the past year? There will be so many attempts at my innocent life. Everyone will laugh at me if they know the mighty demi-god Malice was killed by a bunch of randoms. Why are all the people I meet named Albert are bunch a-holes?

This pair of traitorous' couple need to be killed for their crime. They have tried to kill me for the past year and always failed. This time, they finally got their opportunity to not just kill me, but also my dumb old man. He does not even know about it, this might be his last night. God bless poor man's soul.

But why am I talking to myself so much?

"How are you doing, Albert," King Merlin Ashwood asked.

"Great, your Majesty."

"How many times I have to tell you not to call me your Majesty when it is just two of us."

"But we are not alone, your Majesty," said Albert, pointing towards

Aren and Melina.

"Aren is just a child and even if grows up, he still is your nephew. As for Melina, she is also part of our family. Since Diana has bad health. Melina does all the caring in her place," said King Merlin. There was visible pain in King Merlin's eyes while talking about his wife, "Forget it, how's my precious son doing."

King Merlin moved to take Aren in his arms, caressing him slowly and then petting him.

I hate this old man when he does that. Why not let me have some personal space. Dumb! Dumb! Old man...

Who would think this is the same Demi-God Malice who is acting like a tsundere?

"How is my son doing?" asked King Merlin, hugging his son.

"I will take him to Diana. Both of you stay here."

Yes, Your Majesty. Both of them replied.

King Merlin took Aren to his wife, Queen Diana. He started walking towards the personal chamber of the royal consort. He opened the door and went in.

"How are you doing, my love," asked Merlin, holding Aren to his chest.

"Your Majesty, you could have called me. If you needed me," said Diana.

"Silly Diana, how many times I have to tell you, call me by name,"

Merlin moved towards Diana, kissing her on the lips.

No adult scene pls thought little Aren.

"Aren is present here, your majesty," replied Diana, blushing.

"It's okay. Aren is still a little child," Merlin said while continuing to hold her hands. Diana's cheeks were getting as red as a tomato.

"It's okay, Diana. We are married for the last six years. You do not need to be shy anymore," Merlin continues to tease her. Finally, taking back his hands, "You do know what today is?" asked Merlin.

"How could I forget that today is my sweet child's birthday," Diana said, getting emotional. Suddenly, she frowned.

"What happened, Diana?" asked Merlin.

"Today is my son's birthday, and here I am ill, lying on my bed even unable to attend his birthday," said Diana with tears in her eyes.

"It's okay, my love. Once you are well, we will celebrate his birthday together,"

If there is one problem that is frustrating for King Merlin was, it was her wife's condition. He was an expert ranked knight, while her wife was a novice healer. The difference in their power level made the birth of Aren almost impossible. Even though Aren survived, Diana got too ill to even stand up now.

King Merlin knows that they have to face this problem together in the future, but he never expected it to be this severe.

"You will get well, Diana! You will," Merlin assured Diana.

After spending the next 10 minutes with Diana, Merlin stood up and left Diana and Aren in the room.

Queen Diana was currently hugging Aren and continue to caressing his forehead.

"I am a bad mother, Aren. Even on this day, I will not be with you," said Queen Diana.

No, Mom! You do not need to be there. Your love for me is most important, Aren thought. To reassure his mom. Aren firmly held her mom's finger and said, "Mom, love."

Aren has already learned how to speak, but because he is only one year old. He only tries to speak few words to convey his meaning. To not give a shock to people. Just think of a one-year-old child speaking fluently.+

Even though Malice says he took over Aren's body because Aren was the eldest Prince. But, that is not true. When he can take the king's body, why would he try to take a child's body who cannot even defend himself?

The real reason he took over Aren's body was that he saw the past of him in Merlin and his wife in Diana. Back at Mavel Planet after Malice got married. He was living a happy life until tragedy hit. Their child during the pregnancy period. Because of the grief of losing the child and being unable to become a mother ever again. Malice's wife also died a few months later.

When he saw Merlin and Diana, the pain that he locked deep down in his memory once again came out to hunt him. He lost his wife and child, unable to protect any of them. This is why he decided to take Aren's body to not let the couple grief as he and his wife did.

"Aren, you are the most beautiful gift. This world has given me. On that day, I thought I almost lost you." Queen Diana said, reminiscing that day. "I thought I will lose everything if that happens."

Queen Diana took Aren from her side and started feeding him from her breast.

Mom, why do you have to do this. This is torture for both of us, thought little Aren.

"Sorry, Aren. Mom does not have enough milk to feed you. I am a bad mom. You must have hate Mom. If it is not because of Melina, I do not know what would have happened to us," Queen Diana mumbled while trying to feed Aren.

Even though I hate drinking milk, I have to do it right now. If not, Mom will get even more depressed.

Someone knocked on the door at the same time.

"Your Majesty, It's time for his highness prince Aren's birthday," said Melina.

"Wait a minute, Melina," replied Queen Diana. "Aren, happy birthday to you. I hope you achieve everything in your life and become a great king like your father." Queen Diana kissed Aren on his forehead and gave him one last look.

"Come take him, Melina," ordered Queen Diana.

Melina entered the room, "Yes, your majesty."

Bitch see your son for the last time. After today, you will lose both your son and your husband forever.

I know what you're thinking inside your scummy skull. My dear nanny thought Aren.

Melina took the Aren from Diana and held him in her arms.

See your mother for the last time, kid, because you will not get this chance again. Melina thought while handling Aren. Then, she left the room, moving towards the personal chamber of the king.

"Have a great birthday, my son." Said, Queen Diana.