
Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts

Nico goes to Hogwarts because Hecate and Hades asked him to help Harry Potter to destroy Voldemort. He finds many familiar faces along the way as well as some friends and enemies . How will the Ghost king endure this quest? PS: I promise not to abandon this story I will complete it and I post every four days. DISCLAIMER: I do not on the Harry Potter Universe nor I do the Percy Jackson Universe.

DiAngelo6002 · 書籍·文学
21 Chs

Time-Turners and Voldy being Cinderella

"You have got to be kidding me," Nico seethed in between his teeth. He took Will's hand and ran up to Dumbledore.

"Nico, there's no time to talk so I'll get to the point," Dumbledore said in a rush. "You have to go to Miss Granger and tell her to use her necklace, it's a Time-Turner, and take Harry Potter with you! I believe in you, Nico. Now go save us all."

Without hesitating the Italian jogged to Hermione's direction pleased to see that she was already talking to Potter so he didn't have to waste time looking for him too. Harry looked scared but determined with his wand in his hand and Hermione had taken out her wand as well muttering a spell and changing her outfit to sneakers, a simple black shirt, and sneakers. She then turned to Harry muttering the same spell turning his clothes to a similar outfit except for changing his shirt to a dark blue color unlike hers.

"Hermione we have to use your necklace to go back in time, now. And Harry you're coming with," Nico said.

Hermione had a questioning look on her face but thank god she took her necklace from under her shirt and turned the hands of the clock without sparring him another glance identifying the panic on Nico's voice and understanding that this situation was serious.

"We will totally talk about this later when we aren't facing mortal danger, Nico," she said clearly confused but too stressed right now that she didn't bother to interrogate him. She's smarter than Nico gave her credit for he'll give her that.

"How do we know if we can trust you?" Harry said not as understanding as Hermione was with the situation.

"You can ask Dumbledore but that would only waste our time," Nico replied not wanting to explain things to Harry at this very moment. "And believe me time is a factor that we are battling with right now."

"God, I hate this!" Harry exclaimed. "Let's just go before I change my mind."

Hermione seemed to be done with the Time-Turner and looked at the group of guys. "Let's go," she said. "Hold on to my hands and touch the necklace."

They as they were told and could see the events around them turn back time in a series of flashes. Suddenly it stopped and they were standing on the Great Hall again. But it was empty this time and dark. It seemed midnight the ceiling in the room was bright with the stars and it was completely dark.

Harry took a few steps towards Nico and the Italian felt the same energy he always got whenever Potter was near him. He felt the two souls inside him and instantaneously he got and idea.

"Harry, can I see something?" Nico asked approaching him. The teen looked warily at the son of Hades but nodded since he was curious as to what he would do.

Without any warning, Nico placed his hand against Harry's forehead and the other one hovering over his chest, not quite touching him but enough so that he could fell the human warmth.

"Yes!" Nico said excitedly. "Just as I thought!"

Will and Hermione looked at him waiting for him to explain while Harry just looked creeped out.

"The energy that I felt from Harry's other soul is the same I felt from the diadem in the Room of Requirement," Nico said. "And that means that Harry here is a Horcrux so we can use him to call on the other Horcruxes. This makes it so much easier!"

"Say what now?" Harry asked perplexed. "I have two souls inside of me! And one of them is Voldemorts's! Get it out!"

"Okay, okay," Nico said calmly trying to make Harry relax. "There's no use in freaking out. I'll get the soul that doesn't belong to you out in a second. But let's go to a more private place first."

"I know where," Hermione spoke up for the first time since they arrived. "Follow me."

Without saying another word she walked quickly to the doors of the Great Hall turning at various pints and hallways. "Where are we going?" Will whispered loudly enough for Hermione to hear.

"The Room of Requirement, it is the only place we can go to." She answered in a murmur.

"Take my hands," Nico said and Harry and Hermione turned to look at him confused. "Trust me just take my hands."

Without a bit of hesitation, they both took his hands while Will already knowing what was gonna happen grabbed his arm.

"Gods, I hate it when you do this," the son of Apollo said.

Harry turned to Will and started saying, "Wait, what is he-"

His sentence was cut mid short by a flash of black and a sudden temperature change. They could hear the murmurs of those in the Underworld but it was done almost as fast as it began and the group stood in front of a blank wall that they were all too familiar with, except Will since he had never met such a place. Harry and Hermione stood there shocked and speechless trying to process what had just happened.

Nico neared the wall and started pacing back and forth alongside it. 'I need a place where no one can hear us, I need a place where no one can find us, I need a place where no one besides us can enter and exit.' he repeated this thought three times until a black door appeared seemingly out of thin air.

"Well come one," Nico said a bit annoyed he wanted this to be over with. "Don't just stand there, come in."

With still dazed expressions Harry and Hermione entered the room with Will trailing behind looking amused at their reactions. Once inside they noticed that it was quite large. The walls were pure white as almost everything inside with the exception of the burgundy bed, the mahogany armchairs around a fireplace, and a black table beside the bed.

"Harry, I'm going to need you to lay down on the bed and Will and Hermione you can go and sit in the chairs," Nico said while Harry gave him a suspicious look.

"What are you gonna do? How are you gonna do it? And what was that transportation spell earlier? Because I'm sure it isn't apparating." Harry asked.

"Look Harry we do not have the time to do this even if we traveled to the past we still have a lot of things to do so could you maybe question me after defeating your mortal enemy?" Nico said irritated that he had to deal with this interrogation since he was about to save this guy's ass.

Harry still looked suspicious but laid down on the bed without complaint which the Italian appreciated. Nico gave him a warning that it may hurt what he was about to do which made the boy-who-just-won't-die eyes widen to a comical level.

The son of Hades hovered his hands on Harry's scar trying to find the wisp of a soul that was left inside of him and called upon other similar souls inside objects. After a few minutes a locket, a golden cup and a ring with a black jewel in the center appeared on top of the table. Soon after Nico struggles to keep his weight up and stumbles almost falling due to all of the energy he used summoning the Horcruxes. In an instant, Will was at his side and took out a cube of ambrosia feeding it to Nico. The Italian stood up having most of his energy restored by eating a few cubes of ambrosia.

"What are those?" Hermione asked pointing to the objects on the table.

"Those are Hocruxes, things with a part of Voldemort's soul in it so in order to destroy him we have to destroy those," Nico explained. Without saying anything else he twisted his skull ring and it transformed into his sword. "Let me do the honors."

In a flash, he swung it forward breaking the cup while a wisp of black was absorbed into his sword doing to same to the other couple of objects.

"So can we go now?" Harry asked his voice wavering.

"Of course just let me do this," Nico said approaching Harry and touching his scar while taking out a wisp of black with his hand as he had done with the sword. As if the wisp was an object he threw it in the air and swung his sword forward making it touch the soul and absorbing it sending it to the underworld. "Done, let's go."

Harry gaped quite literally with his jaw open and eyed looking surprised at Nico. "I-I was an H-Horcrux?"

"Yes, you kind of were, sorry," Nico said shrugging clearly not sorry but just wanted to get this done with. Without announcing it he took Harry's and Hermione's hands while Will grabbed his arm knowing that Nico was going to do this and he shadow traveled away to the Great Hall thanking that no one was there since it was still dark but not wanted to press his luck he asked Hermione to go back to the "present".

Nico was glad that she was pretty understanding of all of this and decided to act now and ask later. She was clearly the smart one. All three boys grabbed onto her and she turned the hands of the Time-Turner forward to where they were before, or after, well you get it.

They appeared in the Great Hall and at that same time they heard an explosion conforming that Voldemort and his followers were indeed inside Hogwarts. A bald guy with slits for a nose entered the door with a dramatic walk that Nico could swear was in slow motion.

"Hey Tommy," Nico said loudly catching the wizard's attention. "Crashing a Ball, Voldy? What are you? Cinderella?"