
Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts

Nico goes to Hogwarts because Hecate and Hades asked him to help Harry Potter to destroy Voldemort. He finds many familiar faces along the way as well as some friends and enemies . How will the Ghost king endure this quest? PS: I promise not to abandon this story I will complete it and I post every four days. DISCLAIMER: I do not on the Harry Potter Universe nor I do the Percy Jackson Universe.

DiAngelo6002 · 書籍·文学
21 Chs

The Golden Trio

"Sorry about that I wasn't thinking where I was going," Nico said still flashing her a smile.

"It's ok me neither." She said in a forced tone. He frowned at this, thinking that maybe he had made her uncomfortable someway. Before Nico could say anything else a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Hermione, hey! We've been looking for you everywhere." Nico glanced behind her and looked at two teens that seemed about his age too. One was kind of scrawny and had shaggy hair with emerald eyes. The other was a bright redhead with blue eyes and freckles over his cheeks.

Hermione turned around and saw them approaching, she raised her hand indicating them to catch up to her. Once they neared them Nico noticed that the brunette boy had a small lightning-shaped scar in his forehead. Hermione broke the silence and said, "Hey, guys. Sorry for disappearing I just remembered this bookstore that I passed by and wanted to check it out."

"Who's this?" The redhead said in a rude voice jealousy evident in his tone. Instead of being fazed by this Nico just nodded to him introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Nico di Angelo. I suppose you're Miss Granger's friends?" The couple of guys nodded while Hermione was still flustered.

"I'm Ron Weasley." said the redhead with a serious voice giving Nico a glare. Hermione put a hand on his arm to calm him down. It seemed to do the effect and Ron calmed down and his cheeks turned a crimson color making them seem as red as his hair.

"I'm Harry Potter." Nico didn't show any sign of recognition in his face since he had been trained to show no emotion. His father always told him how it was crucial to not show his feelings to strangers.

"It's a pleasure," Nico said extending his hand which Harry which he took hesitantly in a surprised manner seeing as the Italian didn't fangirl over him.

"You seem a bit too old to be a first-year." Ron noticed suspiciously.

Nico chuckled darkly letting his mask fall for a second. "I'm not. I'm 17 and I just turned 17 a few weeks ago and I'll be going into the 6th year. My headmaster sent me here to learn more about how you educate yourself in London." Nico said without missing a beat and telling his cover story smoothly.

"Really?" Hermione said excitedly. "We are in 6th year too. Maybe we can show you around whenever you like."

"Yes, I would like that," Nico said smirking. Ron possessively put a hand around her shoulders. Nico couldn't help but be amused. He kind of enjoyed it when straight guys were jealous when he talked to their crush or girlfriend since Nico couldn't be gayer and taken. "Well, I have to go now see you at Hogwarts." Harry gave him a friendly smile, Ron kept his glare in place while Hermione waved at him.


Nico returned to his room at the Leaky Cauldron and found a package on his bed with his name on it. He carefully opened it and found a wand inside. It was as black as his eyes and light in his hand. Once he held it sparks shot out of it and he startled himself dropping it. He went over to a new duffel bag that lay in a corner of his room. He found various books of spells and instructions to potions.

He stayed up all night studying the information and in the books. Now that he didn't have dyslexia he was amazed at how the letters didn't play with his brain or looked strange. Nico fell asleep with a book in his arms waiting for the next day in which he would go to Hogwarts.


He groaned standing up. His onyx eyes analyzed the room and his mood instantly deepened by knowing that he wouldn't have breakfast with his Sunshine like every other morning at camp. He wouldn't have that cheerful voice telling him how he loved him and even though he didn't say it he loved Will's hugs. Nico looked at his phone that the whole Hephaestus cabin made which prevented monsters from finding him. He had 40 minutes to get ready.

Slowly and tiredly he went to the bathroom taking 15 minutes to shower. Nico's exhausted sigh resonated through the room as he picked out the clothes he would wear that day. He filled out over the years after the battle against Gaea. Will was a big part of it. He didn't want to eat after the war but his boyfriend made it his job to make sure he was fed every day. Since there wasn't anything more he could do than train at camp he practiced with the sword every day in the sun making his pale complexion to return to its natural olive tint, while muscles began forming.

Nico was already done, dressing in a simple black shirt, dark skinny jeans, and his black bomber jacket with white strips at the ends and collar since he didn't want to appear as dark as he actually was keeping in mind that for him to fit in he had to be a bit friendly. He didn't his aviator jacket anymore it brought up too many Tartarus memories.

He went over to his suitcase and held it in one hand and with the other, he had his duffel bag. He took out the notebook that he had found in the bag Hecate had given him. It had all of the important places of the wizarding world with their addresses so he could shadow travel there. He searched for the one that said "Hogwarts Express" and a second later he was gone. No trace that he had ever been in that room in the first place.

Thank you for reading! And please stay safe!

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