
Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts

Nico goes to Hogwarts because Hecate and Hades asked him to help Harry Potter to destroy Voldemort. He finds many familiar faces along the way as well as some friends and enemies . How will the Ghost king endure this quest? PS: I promise not to abandon this story I will complete it and I post every four days. DISCLAIMER: I do not on the Harry Potter Universe nor I do the Percy Jackson Universe.

DiAngelo6002 · 書籍·文学
21 Chs

"Sorry, I'm Gay."

He could see the various jealous glares that the male population threw him. On the other hand, he saw most of the girls bat their eyelashes while others just rolled their eyes at seeing how their friends reacted. He just smirked amused at their actions (knowing he was gay and in a relationship).

"Since Nico is here part of Hogwarts he will be assigned a house," Dumbledore told the students in a loud voice. He saw Dumbledore signal him to sit in a stool with a hot on top of it. Nico neared it and put the hat on his head.

"Hello, there boy! Huh, son of Hades I haven't had that in more than a 100 years. Where should we put you?" A voice inside Nico's head said or is it thought? Nico didn't quite have a term for what he did. On instinct he put his walls up, remembering a book of legilimency that taught him how to protect your mind. "Oh, fear not boy. I am only here to sort you in a house."

Nico didn't let his walls down put he just projected to the hat the scene where his father and Hecate asked him to protect Harry Potter. "There, now please put me in Gryffindor." Nico thought.

"It doesn't work like that. Just show me one memory that's all I ask for and then I'll consider putting you in Gryffindor or not." The hat told him.

Nico then pulled out a memory of him fighting a monster. He for sure wasn't going to show him a Tartarus memory the hat will be scarred for life and probably scream which would draw unwanted attention to him. He could feel the awe that the hat had at watching Nico fight.

His movements were coordinated and his cuts to the monster were precise and experienced as if he had done it a hundred times before (which he had). His father wanted him to be the nest skilled swordsman out of the children of the Big Three so he had made Nico spent countless hours training with dead soldiers and had lessons by the best swordsmanship teachers. Nico had become one of the best demigods with a sword. Although, most times when he competed against Percy there usually tied since Percy drank a bit of water and it was like a recharge for him.

"Even though I think you can be a great fit for Slytherin since you are very cunning I admit that with your courage you could be a good addition to GRYFFINDOR!" The hat said in his mind shouting the last word. The entire table that was decorated by red and gold erupted into cheers while the other tables applauded politely. Nico took the hat off and left it on the stool. He approached the table and sat beside Neville.

"Good job, Nico," Neville said and patted Nico on the back knowing that he didn't like contact all that much. He nodded in acknowledgement.

"Hey, I'm Lavender." A girl that was beside him said. She had a lot of makeup. Don't him wrong he liked makeup and sometimes he would help the Aphrodite cabin put it on since after "Solangelo" sailed they hung out with him more and eventually he picked up how to use makeup. He personally didn't do it but he liked to lend a helping hand whenever needed. However, Lavender was not didn't seem pretty with her makeup, she didn't look graceful or elegant like the Aphrodite kids did when with makeup. She looked immature and it was smudged in many places.

"I'm Nico," said he said not looking at her but surveying the food on the table. He reached over and took some mashed potatoes with chicken. His appetite had improved a lot after the war. Will had practically forced him to eat healthy things and soon it became a habit. Although, he did eat a Happy Meal at McDonald's once a week.

"So, Nico whenever you like I can show you around," Lavender said in a what he supposed was a flirty voice and batting her eyelashes.

"No thanks. Neville can show me around." He replied in a monotone voice. "Right, Neville?" He nodded noticing how Lavender practically threw himself on Nico.

"So, Nico, are you single?"

"No, I'm in a very happy relationship."

"She doesn't have to know."

"He. It's a he. And I am very happy with my boyfriend, thank you very much. " Nico said already tired of talking with Lavender. The whole table gaped at him. He merely shrugged. "Yeah... sorry I'm gay."

Most of the girls seem disappointed while the boys seemed surprised and Ron was smiling widely. Lavender sat at her seat again with a huff. Hermione and Ginny though surprised they gave him friendly smiles. "So who is the lucky guy?" Ginny questioned him.

"His name is Will Solace and he and Nico are practically the most liked couple in camp, besides Percy and Annabeth," Neville said. At this Nico blushed faintly, it had been stated by the camp that (mainly the Aphrodite cabin) that he and will were OTP. Whatever that was. After 40 minutes or so Dumbledore stood up.

"All of you please go to your common rooms and prefects show the way to the first-year students." Dumbledore's voice rang loud in the room and all of the students left got up while the leftovers magically disappeared. You could hear the older students telling the younger ones to follow them. Nico didn't leave the Golden Trio's side, partly because they were the only ones in Gryffindor he knew besides Neville and partly because he had to make sure Harry didn't trip on his feet and die. He arrived at the common rooms soon after trailing behind Harry and Ron.

Harry turned to face him. "Follow us to your dorm," he said. "Oh, and welcome to Gryffindor."