

"I'm going to save them." Nova exclaimed to protect everyone around. The story is about a teen named Nova Carnegie whose life changed within one night. Nova after finishing his exams, returned home only to unlock his true potential. After gaining powers. He becomes a become of hope to protect the world from criers. But will he be able to defeat all the criers and put an end to the tyrant devil king crier?

Sh1svi6 · アクション
22 Chs

Time is irrevelant

Annie Glaydus.

"Otto, how strong do you think I am compared to Nova??"

Annie asked Otto while sparring against him.

"I feel you are now more powerful. But I believe he will rapidly surpass you."

Otto responded to Annie. He slashed through the air with his short swords, aiming for Annie's stomach. Annie used one of her blades to block the attack.

"What makes you believe Nova will surpass me?"

Annie spoke again as she sprang backwards.

"It's because he'll be going Synthex. I'll send you there when you finish your training with me."

Otto replied to her as he put his blades back in their place.

"Oh, are we done for now?"

Annie asked him as she also put her swords back in their place.

"Yes, I'd like to discuss something with you. It's about you going to Synthex."

"Huh, for what joy?"

Annie walked over towards Otto and sat down on the ground.

"Well, you need real experience. This is the reason you're falling behind them. After all, they're going to be trained by Viktor."

Otto answered Annie as he sat down as well.

"Who's Viktor?"

Annie asked him as she scratched her head.

"Viktor is the strongest nexus guard."

"Viktor is the strongest nexus guard? What about you? I thought you were the strongest."

Annie replied to Otto with a perplexed complexion.

"I'm powerful, but the key phrase here is that I'm no longer a nexus guard."

"I get what you mean. Yet, if you guys ever fight, would you win?"

"Let's see. If we battled tactically, I'm not sure if I win, but if we went full out, which is unavoidable, I would lose."

Otto explained as he got up.

"I see, So he's that strong. Would he win against Kikei?"

Annie asked him as she got us as well.

"If Kikei regains his full strength, he will give Viktor problems, but Kikei will still win." I'm still not sure if Viktor has become more powerful or not. Viktor has a chance of winning."

"So you're telling me that this man is going to train Aaron and Nova?"


When he moved over to the pitch, Otto signaled Annie to follow him.

"Now I'll teach you a sword fighting style. After you master this move, I'll send you to Synthex."

Otto prepared himself by drawing both of his short swords.

"This location serves as a hyperbolic time chamber. Therefore don't be concerned about the time."

Otto spoke out as he watched Annie get ready.

"I'll be gone once I've mastered this style. I want to go to Synthex as well."

"Yes, I'll make arrangements for you. I'll personally call Viktor and ask him to accept you as a pupil."

Otto responded with a solemn face.

"All right, let's get started."

Annie shouted, a smile on her face.

"That is not as simple as you believe. This sword style took me years to perfect. So don't expect things to be simple."

"Please Sir, don't underestimate me."

Annie answered as she approached him.

"Just have faith in me."

Otto lifted his index finger, concentrating all of his soul emanation on the tip of his finger. He placed his finger on Annie's brow and emitted part of his soul emanation.

"What exactly did you do?"

Annie felt a flood of information enter her thoughts before she could speak.

"Is this the style?"

When she glanced at him, she questioned him.

"Yes, all you have to do now is mimic what I do. I'll let you go once you've mastered the final, most difficult step. I'll let you go when you do."

"The final one? why not the first one?"

Annie asked him as she backed up a bit.

"Because that's the only complex move in this sword style. All of the other ones can be mastered by you. And also the fact that this move should only be used as a last option."

"Ok, let's get to it."

Annie happily got ready to train. 

"Before we do, Let me explain the sword style. The name of the style is called Stormwrath style.  Gale Thrust, Tempest Guard, Cyclone's Grasp, Zephyr Retreat, Whirlwind Strike and  Cataclysmic Tempest."

Otto began explaining the move to Annie as she listened to him.


After Otto had explained what to do verbally he got into an attack stance.

"Concentrate all of your soul emanation into both of your blades. The goal here is to make use of Soul emanation. After you're done with that, I just strike both swords diagonally to each other forcing the swords to the fury of a storm into a single, devastating strike. With a powerful spin, they release a tornado-like wave of energy, tearing through everything in its path, leaving nothing behind. This move requires incredible focus and energy, making it a last resort but capable of incredible destruction. Let me demonstrate."

Otto executed the motion flawlessly. It was a move that ripped everything apart and left nothing behind. There was a massive crater in the earth.

"What the hell was that? Woah!"

Annie gasped with delight when she noticed the movement.

"May I give it a shot? I know I won't be able to do it, but I'm convinced Lyra will be able to assist me."

"Yes, but you only have around three days if you want to meet up with your brother and Nova."

"Ok, I trust my abilities."

"So do I."

Otto praised Annie as he looked at her from the sidelines.


"I finally did it. After 5 days."

The entire region was ruined and the earth was riddled with holes.

"Shit, I'm exhausted." I can't even stand up right now. But I got it done, Otto."

Annie yelled as she collapsed to the ground.

"It's very interesting." I didn't think you'd be able to master it in 5 days. I expected you to take longer."

"I warned you not to doubt me. I told you I was going to do it."

"Haha, but what surprises me the most is that your attack was able to tear the space around us apart. Annie, I commend you. Today I can state with certainty that you are stronger than Nova and Aaron."

Otto praised Annie as he sat down.

"Now, do I get to go to Synthex?"

"Yes, But you're a bit late."

"Late for what."

"Late for joining the Astral Nexus Academy."

Otto explained to Annie about what Aaron and Nova were doing.

"Does it mean I can't join the School now?"

Annie inquired, her gaze fixed on Otto.

"You will attend school, but you will be absent for a few days." And the enrollment is already completed. I asked Viktor ahead of time, so all you have to do now is meet your parents and then depart."


"Are you ready to leave?"

Otto asked Annie as he looked at her.

Crack- crack-

A portal opened up and both Annie and Otto stared at it.

A figure walked out of the portal. A nexus guard walked and nodded at Otto.

"Mr. Lee, you can take her with you now. I presume you know what to do."

"Yes Sir."

The man answered as looked at Annie.

"Will you not accompany us?"

Annie inquired, her gaze fixed on Otto. She was depressed. She'd spent over two months practising with him in the time chamber. Even though it had only been three weeks outside, it had been long enough for her. 

"No, I left there a long time ago. Don't worry, I'll be back one day. Now proceed."

"Alright. See ya."

Annie walked through the portal. But she returned her gaze to Otto for one last time. His grin appeared crooked.


She spoke as she turned and faced forward.

"All right, Mr. Lee, let's go."


Aaron Glaydus.

"Are you ready, competitors?"

When he glanced at Aaron and his opponent, the referee stated.


Aaron talked casually while looking serious. He took a peek at his opponent. He was moderately large.

"Let's go, kid. Prepare to lose."

  "You're using the same language as a mediocre villain. Hence, be certain that you can back up your remarks."

Aaron spoke as he locked his gaze on his opponent. He poured the emanation of his soul into his hand. A purple glow radiated throughout the surroundings. He was dressed for combat and ready to go.

"Fight Ready..."

The referee yelled. The opponent charged towards Aaron with his long sword. Aaron drew both of his firearms and opened fire on his opponent.

A barrage of bullets was shot towards him. The fight was over before it even began. The smoke slowly began to dissipate away. 

"Give me my money."

Aaron looked at the referee.

"Fight over."

The referee announced Aaron's victory and handed him the money pouch.

  "Thank you. I'll take my leave now."

Aaron greeted the referee and left. The crowd was speechless. Nobody said anything.


"How boring. You should have at least taught him a lesson."

Nova spoke to Aaron as the both of them walked back to the apartment. 

"I got the money, so nothing matters. Did you win?"

"I won."

Nova answered Aaron as they kept walking towards the apartment.

"Oh, by the way, let's go to the bank real quick."

Nova recommended.

"OK, sure. Are we going to save the money?"


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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