
Nexus games

*WARNING* VERY SLOW UPDATES CAUSE I'M LAZY AND SWEARING! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK AND DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT UPDATES! There will be a plot but I might go off on a tangent from time to time. ... This story revolves around Luke and Quinn creating games that specially selected people get placed into. Put simply two guys will make games that are spread throughout the omniverse(bunch of multiverses; DC, Marvel, Anime, etc.) ... If you leave a review make sure it is somewhat original with details and explanation, thank you I will first publish a chapter and tag it "(incomplete)" and will continuously update it until it's done and then label it as "(complete)" Oh and I don't really care about power stones, so while it may not motivate me it's the thought that counts. I added the image because it looked nice. I don't own the image. Feel free to give suggestions for a synopsis once you've read a couple chapters as I suck at those. Oh and since I like using italics and don't want to get a contract, I'm gonna either use Wattpad or Royal road as my main publishing site. I will use the same name and still publish here though.

The_Second_ · ゲーム
6 Chs

When a beta meets an alpha (Complete)

4k words

I don't know what to say for author note.

Stay happy! And if you're not happy, be happy!


Cisco wasn't happy. In fact, he was downright miserable. With how smart he was, he had figured out that this was most definitely a horror game where he was the main character. He hated horror! What's worse, is that he couldn't use his powers, and this did not look like a game at all!

Cisco had finally gained control over Rebecca when entering the train, only to find the corpses of dead passengers.Ignoring the possible outcomes, he examined the corpses to identify what had happened. His jaw went slack and his face paled. There, on the passenger's shoulder, was a bite mark that dug several inches deep. Zombies. This was a zombie horror game. The moment the thought crossed his mind an announcement rang in his head, as the blue screen appeared.

<Congratulations player Wanderer for discovering the type of game>

<Reward: {Skill} | Basic game mechanics(passive)>

A stream of knowledge entered Cisco's mind occupying him for a solid second. Cisco had not time to be surprised as the corpse he was examining slowly stood up, using pure leg power. With his fight or flight instinct kicking in he ran to the back of the passenger cabin, only to find it locked. Now cornered by the zombie, he concentrated hard which resulted in a S.T.A.R.S. approved pistol to appear in his hand with a flash of blue light.

Letting out a shrill cry, he unloaded the whole magazine at the zombie even after it had collapsed on the floor. Looking at the dead zombie, he leaned against the door breathing hard. Not once had he faced something so utterly disgusting and scary.

After calming himself for a minute or two, he steeled himself for it to happen again. He'd get used to the zombies in the end. After all, they were probably the main enemy. Recalling that he had emptied the whole magazine, Cisco decided to check how many bullets he still had. Thirty. Thirty bullets left. "Damn!" Cisco immediately regretted going overboard, and emptying the whole pistol on one zombie. Alas time could not be rewound. He had to deal with it. Even if it meant beating those walking corpses with his fists.

Instinctively bringing back the notification, he selected the [Skill].

{Skill} | Basic game mechanics(passive)

<Whenever entering a game for the first time, knowledge about functions specific to the game entered will be implanted within your mind>

Focusing on his inventory once more, the blue screen materialized before him, showing six slots with only two being occupied. One being occupied by the outline of a pistol, and one by an ammo box containing 9mm parabellum rounds, with the number thirty hovering beside it. Selecting the ammo box, several options popped up.



Selecting examine, the same box of bullets within his inventory took shape on Cisco's hand. Information rushed into his mind once more, granting him knowledge. Deciding to test out his newfound knowledge, Cisco closed the screen and reached into one of the pouches by his hips. Taking out a magazine that he quickly loaded into his gun, moving as if he had plenty of practice handling weapons. Slowly getting used to the surreal experiences the game offered, he moved on. Though he was reluctant to treat this realistic experience as a game, he approached the door to the next cabin. He cautiously passed through the door.

Yet again, corpses rose from the ground in search of prey. This time however, Cisco was prepared. Quickly aiming his pistol at the zombies, he fired a couple rounds at the head of the zombie in front of him, causing it to sag down onto the floor. Not willing to waste any more ammo, he ran over the corpse without caring about the weird squishy texture of the dead, dead man. However, during his escapade, he was bitten on his ankle by another corpse. Running into the next carriage, the door shut behind him. As a figure emerged from behind, towering over Rebecca's short stature.

Taking aim, Cisco's gun was quickly slapped out of his hands by none other than Robbie himself! "Don't shoot! Calm down girlie!" Feeling insulted, Cisco retorted. "I'm not a girl!" Robbie, confused by the girl claiming not be a girl, suddenly realized she must have been transgender. "Sorry 'dude', it's kinda stressful to suddenly appear in a game that you know nothing about." Not expecting the girl who was not a girl to understand, Robbie opened the door to the nearest cabin and walked right in.

Not willing to be left behind, Cisco caught up with Robbie and asked "Wait, you're a player too?" Turning around in surprise, Robbie responded. "You're a player? Not saying that I doubt you, but I'm pretty that there weren't any players that looked like you." Looking at himself Cisco stopped mid sentence "Again with the looks! What ar- Ah. Right, I'm not in my body. Sorry man, I just forgot. I guess it's because I don't feel any different." To which, Robbie couldn't help but nod.

"Don't worry about it man, it happens." Smirking at the reply, Cisco found himself saying "Do guys usually get stuck in the body of a girl from where you're from?" Sighing, Robbie looked around the cabin for useful items, further ignoring Cisco. "Sweet! Ammo."

"Dude! You can't just do that! It's obvious we need to work together to complete the game. So we share the stuff we get. Got it?"

"Don't worry, sharing is caring. And I'm the most caring guy you'll ever meet." Winking at Cisco while handing him fifteen bullets that disappeared in the same blue light.

Tired of the semantics he walked off and into the next cabin, only to find some papers along with a typewriter and some ink ribbons. Picking up the papers, he scanned through them. "What the..."

He jolted in shock as he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hey." Turning around, he swung a hook squaring Robbie right in the jaw. "Geez! Paranoid much?" Squirming slightly, Cisco apologized, saying it wouldn't happen again. Rubbing his jaw, Robbie handed Cisco a torn diary. "Wanted to show you this before you, you know..."

Taking the diary, he scanned through them as well, before finishing and mumbling that they should be connected somehow. Bored, Robbie picked up the ink ribbons and tried to figure out how they were used on typewriters. In response, they were both teleported to a blank room with a big screen hovering before them.

<Would you like to save?>



{Save and exit}

"Well that was surprising. What do you think we should do?" Robbie turned to face his partner only to see him staring blankly into space. "Cisco?" Suddenly, Cisco selected the third option causing them to be dematerialised into fragments of blue light.


Fragments of blue light could be seen merging in the atrium of a grand hotel, as Cisco and Robbie materialised. Taking a moment to observe their surroundings, they noticed a receptionist behind their desk, and two others slowly approaching them.

Walking up to the pair, a tanned man in his late twenties greeted them in an enthusiastic tone. "Hey Ramon! Short time no see. How've you been buddy?" Still disorientated by the sudden change of scenery, Cisco replied with slight confusion. "I'm probably wrong, but... Am I hallucinating from being bitten earlier?" Krish smirked n return. "Funny as always Ramon. Anyhow, it was nice seeing you again but we gotta get back to the game. Wouldn't want to miss out on the infected trying to kill me."

A small voice echoed through the grand hall. "Gulati! Shouldn't we add them as friends?" Krish, turned around to face the 1.6m girl looking at him with a raised eyebrow. Appearing affronted by the assumption that he wouldn't do that, Krish spoke "I said you can call me Krish, plus, I was just about to do that." Sighing the girl approached Cisco, offering her hand. "I, 'Monkey Joe' would like to become friends with... sorry what's your username?"

Stepping in, Robbie blurted out "Speedy! It's Speedy!" Taking note of Robbie's odd actions, Krish nudged Cisco with a not so quiet whisper, "Looks like someone's got a crush." Causing Monkey Joe to groan with a slight blush, and Robbie to realize his mistake. "No! I didn't mean it like that! I was just excited to meet another player! She's not even my type!"

Ignoring nearly everything he said, Krish then asked "Oh reeaaaally? Then what is your type?" Belatedly understanding he shouldn't have said that, Robbie decided to shift the conversation to the friend system. "My type doesn't matter. I'm more interested in this whole friend thing. Would you mind explaining, Monkey Joe?"

Glad that Krish's plan to get her together with someone failed, Doreen explained that it allows you to contact one another and that there may be more features added to it later. "If you wanna know more bout the games and all you can just ask the receptionist, he's a bit slow but quite nice. And you can just call me Doreen."

"Thank you Doreen. I, Wanderer, would like to become friends with Monkey Joe." At his declaration a notification appeared before Doreen.

<Player Wanderer would like to become your friend>


{Yes} {No}

Accepting the friend request, Doreen sent one to Speedy, who readily accepted it. Lacking his previous vibrant energy, Krish did the same. "Now that that's all sorted we should really get going now. It was fun." Waving them goodbye, she started dragging Krish. With that they left through the entrance of the hotel and dematerialised.

"It was nice seeing people again." Giving a hum of agreement, Cisco strode towards the clerk.

The clerk was dressed in a formal suit that gave off an air of seriousness and authority, complementing the lofty and elegant attire adorning the clerk's lean frame. Upon noticing the two approaching him, the clerk smiled softly. His eyes, glimmered with anticipation.

"Hello and welcome, to the Nest. I am ecstatic to finally receive more new guests! How can I be of aid?" Bowing down as he said so. Robbie whistled appreciatively at the 'fancy butler'. "Jeeves, my butler! Mind telling me what you mean by the Nest?" Cisco let out a groan hearing the reference.

Watching their actions bemusedly, Luke calmly stated "I must apologize, but you must have mistaken myself for someone else. My name is Luke, and I am not a butler, I am the owner of this fine establishment. As for your question, I have named my hotel the Nest." At this, Robbie and Cisco were taken aback by his strange straightforward demeanor. Belatedly, they realized that they missed the most important part.

Simultaneously like a comic, Robbie and Cisco cried out "You're the owner?!" Staring with eyes wide in disbelief, they hastily composed themselves at Luke attempting to stifle a smile. Their faces burned with embarrassment, as they apologized.

With an innocent and almost childlike expression, Luke inquired "Pardon my rudeness, but why are the two of you apologizing? You have done nothing to put you at fault?" Their cheeks only rose in temperature at his remark. Before either of them could explain the principles of the natural order of things, the entrance swung wide open as the newcomer sighed loudly.

"Luke! How many times do I have to tell you, to not fuck with the players!" The man's voice boomed, as he strode across with a confident and overbearing gait. "Stop acting like an autistic bastard, and give them what they want!" The man came to halt before the group.

He was wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a Hawaiian shirt to go with it. Having the exact same features as Luke, and standing tall at a height of 1.91m he awaited Luke's answer.

"Once again I must apologize, I truly do not know what the guests want Quinn." Quinn could not help but sock Luke right in his jaw, sending him flying. A sickening crack was heard, as Luke's mangled corpse could be seen indented on the wall. Cisco and Robbie were stunned, their mouths agape, and eyes wide.

Getting over his initial shock, Robbie turned on Quinn and cried out "Jesus Christ! Why?! Why the hell would you do that, you sick bastard?!" Quinn spared them but a glance, only to look away, pointing at the corpse. It had disappeared. A loud clapping sound could be heard from the grand staircase at the middle of the atrium.

"You got me again brother." He spoke in a playful tone, as if a child was playing with his toy robot. "But did you have to punch me? That may have left a mark!" There was not a lick of satire as he spoke, yet he seemed to be oozing it in a mocking fashion. He descended the steps and bowed theatrically when he had arrived at the reception desk once more.

Eyeing them warily, Cisco decided he had enough. "Clearly, you guys have got something going on. I think that you should just tell us what we need to know, and then we'll be on our way." Making sure he spoke in a tone of finality, Cisco exaggerated his words for extra effect. "That way, you guys can start arguing all you want. Does that work?"

The two identical men looked at him with strange gazes, causing him goosebumps. "Alright. Until every player completes the first game, no one can leave. You currently do not age here, and time does not pass in the outside world. You also get Nexons depending on how well you did in the game. More stuff is gonna come, but this is all you get to know for now. Goodbye."

Blindsided by the sudden information overdose, the two dissipated in fragments of blue light yet again.


Seeing the two players so flustered earlier filled Luke with an almost... sadistic glee. That glee however, was short lived as Quinn felt the need to stop his teasing so savagely. "How many fucking times are you gonna do this shit?! Can't you for once act normal, for once not be a retard. We're supposed to be game developers. They should feel comfortable enough to talk about problems and whatnot."

He couldn't help but scoff inwardly at his brother's outburst. "Says the guy playing god. You watch them play, enjoy their struggles, boast about how good you are compared to them in a game THEY never played! I never took you for a hypocrite or a sadist. Guess I was wrong." His expression remained neutral throughout his small, exaggerated speech.

Seeing Quinn's disgruntled expression still felt foreign to him. He was used to simply feeling his expressions inside his body, but now that they were given each an identical body, things had changed. He was in control, whether he liked it or not. It felt different compared to when he was controlling Billy in the game. It felt much more real.

He didn't understand why they had to be separated from one another. Sure Quinn complained quite often about being stuck with him, but now it's as if he can't go on without him! He would constantly check on him and then make excuses like, 'Don't do something stupid' or 'Stop trying to eat the zombies!'. No matter how much Quinn denied it, he knew that Quinn couldn't live without him.

He snapped out of his inner thoughts as he was quite rudely interrupted by a hand on his shoulder. "Look man, can we just finish the game and then continue on project hero?" Slowly removing Quinn's clingy hand from his shoulder, he gave a curt nod in response. "Oh and don't forget to leave the system clone here to talk to the newbies normally. Okay?" Letting out a sigh at Quinn's twisted thoughts on what normal is, he opened up the system panel and created an avatar. As they vanished in a flash of golden light.


Some time later, the doors of a church swung wide open, as two people carrying a grenade launcher and shotgun respectively, walked in. "So what's gonna happen here?" The man with a shotgun asked aloud to his partner. "It's a goddamned boss fight alright. I just don't know what the trigger is though." The girl, who was actually a man trapped inside a girl's body, responded.

They searched the dilapidated church and came across a door. Entering the room, they found it to be occupied by a typewriter and ammunition. "Yup, definitely a boss fight." Taking out an ink ribbon Cisco proceeded to save his progress before picking up the ammunition. They walked out of the room and back into the church, only to find that they couldn't control their bodies. A cut scene had begun.

The two found themselves approaching the altar, looking upon its abandoned state. Remarking on the odd shaping and blood stained in the form of a misshapen P. With slight hesitation, Rebecca placed her hand upon the statue. Its coarse stone skin rubbed against her hand, the dust caked her hands, the material used to paint the P gave rise to goosebumps on her arm as she brushed it over.

Flashes. Blinding flashes of white enveloped the room with its unforgiving glare, basking the statue in a holy radiance. The dull ringing sounding in their ears was suddenly interrupted by the crumbling of stone, as a giant mutated bat crashed through the ceiling. Taking aim at the beast, the pair tensed, ready to fire at any moment. But that moment never came, for the beast lay still upon the cold floor as blood slowly seeped out the corpse. The sounds of bats crying out in the sky startled them, as they gazed upon the starry sky.

They hadn't noticed yet, but due to the sudden turn of events, the bat's claw rested upon the altar. And so the altar having received an offering, reciprocated in kind. The statue that was caked in dust not too long ago, had a slimy dark substance begin to flow out its eyes and onto the bat.This scene continued as Robbie and Cisco turned around, coming face to face with the statue attached to the forehead of the undead mutated bat.

The statue's mouth stretched to inhuman lengths before unleashing a shrilling scream. "Kreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Not wasting the opportunity, Cisco fired incendiary rounds directly at the statue only for them to have little to no effect on the vile beast. The monstrosity cried indignantly as it charged through the air, knocking Robbie down.

Robbie however, did not take this lying down as he blasted the beast's stomach point blank causing it to howl in agony. "That's how the New Warriors get it done!" An almost manic laugh covered Robbie's face. He didn't stop there though, for he continuously blasted the abomination of statue and bat. "Fuck you! Fuck your family! Fuck your dog! Fuck your whole goddamn ass!" He was in one word, mad. A wild dog that broke through their chains, relentlessly ripping apart the hand that fed them. All this happened because of one thing. Red herb.

He found one along the way and discovered that when it was combined with a green herb he would regenerate any and all injuries. He never really looked at its description though. So when they took a break in the room with the typewriter, he checked out its description.

{Item} | Red herb

<A herb native to the Arklay mountains. It can be combined with other herbs to increase their potency. It is not to be consumed separately as adverse effects may follow.>

"Since we've already saved I might as well try it out to see what happens." That was how the present situation came to be.

Robbie glared at the poor animal with bloodshot eyes as his shotgun clicked. "You think I'm done you sack of shit?" The frail creature could only cower as he pulled a knife from his inventory and licked its blade, covering it with his blood. "I'll gut you like the pig you are, I will take the heads of your family and shove them down your dog's throat! I will make you cry while eating your own shit!" Cisco could swear that he heard the thing whimper as it attempted to take flight and retreat through the hole it had made.

"Wooooow. Look at the big guy! Running away when shit gets serious! What's wrong? Is your squid girlfriend waiting at home? Man up! Fight me! Or are you too big of a pussy to fight a guy with a knife?" Jeff, as Cisco dubbed it, turned around and hovered midair. An air of true honor and sacrifice radiated off of Jeff. "Skreeeeeeeeee!" Jeff charged straight at the man despite him being a simple farm bat, with a simple bat family and a dog waiting for him at home. "Looks like the flying rat finally grew some balls! C'mon then, let me tear up your ass!" Hurt by the mean words, Jeff neared Robbie with tears in his eyes, as he came to terms with his inevitable demise.


A hole. Where Robbie's chest once was lay a gaping hole, formed by the statue that was fused atop Jeff's forehead. As the room slowly faded to whiteness, Robbie saw the strangest of things. Cisco was crying and hugging Jeff and kept on repeating, "You did it. You're free now Jeff, you're free." to which Jeff hugged back and sobbed, as everything faded into darkness.


Elsewhere, Quinn could be seen combating a man who had become one with the Queen Leech, namely Spencer. "Gotta say man, it's not looking good for you." He ran to the side of the warehouse, attempting to disengage a lock. "Graaaaah" The monster roared in pain from being shot at by a magnum wielded by none other than Luke. "I'm afraid he can't understand us in his current state Quinn." No longer bothered by the remarks of captain obvious, Quinn continued to unlock the last lock.

As the bolt finally slid out of place, the roof of the warehouse opened up to reveal the sun. The creature cried out in pain to the sudden appearance of the sun, as it was slowly scorched to death by the rays of light that descended from the heavens above.

Making snow(?) angels on its corpse, Luke chuckled softly as he stared at the morning sky with a wide smile. "Brother, I quite enjoyed this, could we do it again?" Quinn watched in disgust as the corpse of the monster became more and more disfigured. Resisting the non-existent urge to puke, he couldn't help but contemplate Luke's odd personality.

Luke seemed to be stuck between a retard and psycho as he could often 'feel' his sadistic delight through their connection, which Quinn refused to admit was brotherly. Just the other day he saw him treating the beta's like lost children, then decided to fuck with them by making them secretly drink a mix of his 'special' drink. Aka, garlic bread and reese's cups combined with lasagna and Pepsi, all grounded into dust to be used in tandem with camel milk.

He didn't focus on that too long though, as he realized two things. One being that this was far too dangerous and potentially traumatizing for normal people, thus not being an efficient way to mass harvest whatever they were harvesting (He was just having fun at this point, why bother caring why?). And second being that they had to do some major changes in terms of content and rewards, he was a people pleaser after all. The system had said it would help him out once he finished the game, so he just had to wait for the message...

<<Game cleared successfully>>

<<Unlocking functions>>

The golden screen shifted, to display something else.


[Developer mode]





"This is where the fun begins..."


In case you wondering, this will not be focused on the Resident Evil Franchise.

Also did you notice that if F and then I are put together the dot of the I disappears like so: "fight"

Same thought as the last one.

The_Second_creators' thoughts